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Browserify transform for CJSX (CoffeeScript equivalent of JSX used in React library by Facebook)
React JSX support for Coffeescript
Coffeescript compiler wrapper adding coffee-react-transform CJSX support
Transparently require() cjsx from node
'Coffee-react module for GulpJs'
Aui is Semantic-UI + React
- react
- semantic-ui
- semantic ui
- semantic
- ui
- reactjs
- react.js
- react-component
- react component
- jsx
- cjsx
- coffee
- coffee-script
- component
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API and examples documentation generator that probably won't work with your code :)
Transpile files in parallel using all available CPUs
RF: a React/Flux webapp generator with webpack, dialects and some good stuffs
Generate React elements with CoffeeScript functions
Generate React elements without JSX
React JSX support for Coffeescript
Coffeescript loader for webpack adding coffee-react-transform CJSX support
Fork of Paul Miller's coffee-script-brunch@1.8.1 to add cjsx support.
coffeescript version of htmlx module
Coffeescript compiler wrapper adding coffee-react-transform CJSX support
Adds React.js-in-Coffeescript support to brunch.
Lint your CoffeeScript/CJSX using gulp and CoffeeLint
Browserify transform for CJSX (CoffeeScript equivalent of JSX used in React library by Facebook)
CoffeeScript React component view engine for Express