
  • A simple and customizable Gantt chart component for Vue.js

    published 0.11.0 3 years ago
  • A vue table tree plugin.

    published 2.4.8 2 years ago
  • Vue.js tab components, based on Vue Router

    published 1.4.6 a year ago
  • Detect device type and render content based on device type

    published 1.0.0 a year ago
  • A CLI tool to help enabling IntelliSense on your Vue components

    published 1.0.3 a year ago
  • published 1.0.3 a year ago
  • With more than 85 components, over 45 available plugins, several directives, and 1000+ icons, BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of the Bootstrap v4 component and grid system available for Vue.js v2.6, complete with extens

    published 2.23.2 a year ago
  • [![Version](]( [![License](](

    published 0.3.0 10 months ago
  • native websocket implemantation for vuejs and vuex

    published 2.1.0 a year ago
  • Everything you wish the HTML <select> element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component.

    published 3.20.0 a year ago
  • A Datepicker Component For Vue2

    published 3.11.1 a year ago
  • A simple and customizable Gantt chart component for Vue.js based on Vue-Ganttastic

    published 0.3.2 a year ago
  • A Vue.js tree component.

    published 0.3.0 10 months ago