Search results
110 packages found
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!
A collection of useful utility functions with associated TypeScript types. All functions have been unit tested.
- TypeScript
- isNullOrUndefined
- isEmpty
- isEqual
- isNumber
- randomNumberBetweenRange
- random number between range
- asyncForEach
- async for each
- delay
- convertTimeUnits
- convert time units
- getToday
- setEndOfDay
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- merge
- each
- runer
- iList2Array
- iPickNumber
- iSplit
- isFunction
- isNil
- isSimplyType
- isElement
- isArray
- isString
- isNodeList
- isEmpty
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- position
- isSimplyType
- isString
- isArray
- change
- reset
- array2Json
- each
- merge
- runer
- picker
- format
- split
- length
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Encode and decode a string using the "look between X and Y on your keyboard" meme format
`@akcybex/jstr` is a JavaScript library inspired by [Laravel 'Strings']( offering a chainable API for streamlined string manipulation and facilitating common string operations in javascript with enhanced expressivenes
- after
- afterLast
- ascii
- before
- beforeLast
- between
- betweenFirst
- camel
- charAt
- contains
- containsAll
- endsWith
- excerpt
- finish
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Clamp a value between two other values
unist utility to find the nodes between two nodes
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!
Get all of the dates between two given dates
字符串格式化: format(`query:?-?-?-?-{[0]>+1,1,2}`, +new Date, 1 > 2) => query:1711361589087-false-false-false-2
Utility to replace nodes between all instances of two nodes
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!
A lightweight library that provides a simple and expressive way to write conditional expressions with return values in JavaScript.
- when
- conditional expressions
- return values
- javaScript
- typescript
- library
- swtich
- If
- Is
- case
- kotlin
- conditions
- conditional functions
- In
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Clamp a number
Test if a value is between two values.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- comparison
- compare
- order
- interval
- closed
- open
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Test if a value is an array-like object where every element is between two values.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- comparison
- compare
- order
- interval
- closed
- open
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Draw S-curved arrows between points or shapes
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!