TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.21.0 • Public • Published


A collection of useful utility functions with associated TypeScript types.

GitHub release Tests codecov Quality Gate Status Reliability Rating Vulnerabilities Bugs Security Rating Maintainability Rating


You can install via npm or yarn.


npm install --save @qntm-code/utils


yarn add @qntm-code/utils


This documentation is written in TypeScript, however this library works fine in vanilla JavaScript too.

Type Predicates


Determines whether a given value is null or undefined.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isNullOrUndefined } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isNullOrUndefined(value)) {
  // Do something


Checks if a given value is a boolean.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isBoolean } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getBoolean();

if (isBoolean(value)) {
  // Do something


Checks if a given value is a Date object.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isDate } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getDate();

if (isDate(value)) {
  // Do something


Checks if a given value is empty.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value string, Array, object false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isEmpty } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value: string = getName();

if (isEmpty(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a NaN instance

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isNaNStrict } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isNaNStrict(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a number

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isNumber } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isNumber(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is an object

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isObject } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isObject(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a string

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isString } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isString(value)) {
  // Do something


Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are equivalent.

Note: This method supports comparing nulls, undefineds, booleans, numbers, strings, Dates, objects, Functions, Arrays, RegExs, Maps, Sets, Typed Arrays, and Moments.

Object objects are compared by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties.

Functions and DOM nodes are compared by strict equality, i.e. ===.

The order of the array items must be the same for the arrays to be equal.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
a EqualityType false The first value to compare
b EqualityType false The second value to compare

Return type: boolean


import { isEqual } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const a: Array<number> = getSensorAReadings();
const b: Array<number> = getSensorBReadings();

if (isEqual(a, b)) {
  // Do a thing
isEqual performance comparison

The following benchmarks go through the isEqual test suite and were run on a 2023 Macbook Pro with a M2 Pro chip and 32GB of RAM.

Package Operations per second
@qntm-code/utils.isEqual 218781
fast-deep-equal 192329
underscore.isEqual 65518
util.isDeepStrictEqual 39740
lodash.isEqual 18842
ramda.equals 10231
assert.deepStrictEqual 215

To run the benchmarks yourself, clone the repo, install the dependencies and run yarn benchmark.


An EqualityType can be an IndividualEqualityType or an array of mixed IndividualEqualityTypes


The equality types allowed are:

  • null
  • undefined
  • boolean
  • number
  • string
  • Date
  • object
  • Function


Determines whether a given value is a regular expression

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isRegExp } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isRegExp(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is an arguments object

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isArguments } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isArguments(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a buffer

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isBuffer } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isBuffer(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is an error

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isError } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isError(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a generator object

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isGeneratorObject } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isGeneratorObject(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a plain object

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isPlainObject } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isPlainObject(value)) {
  // Do something


Determines whether a given value is a React element

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: boolean


import { isReactElement } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (isReactElement(value)) {
  // Do something


Returns the type of a given value

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to check

Return type: ValueType | string


import { typeOf, ValueType } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = getTheValue();

if (typeOf(value) === ValueType.string) {
  // Do something


Recursively (deep) clones native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date, Map, Set, Symbol, Error, moment as well as primitives.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to clone
instanceClone ((value: T) => T) or boolean true See description below

Return type: T


This paramater specifies whether or not to clone instances (objects that are from a custom class or are not created by the Object constructor. This value may be true or the function use for cloning instances.

When an instanceClone function is provided, it will be invoked to clone objects that are not "plain" objects (as defined by isPlainObject). If instanceClone is not specified, the function will not attempt to clone non-plain objects, and will simply copy the object reference.


import { clone } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
const clonedValues = clone(value);

clone performance comparison

The following benchmarks were run on a 2023 Macbook Pro with a M2 Pro chip and 32GB of RAM.

Package Operations per second
@qntm-code/utils.clone 127338
clone-deep 115475
lodash.cloneDeep 73027


Merges two objects x and y deeply, returning a new merged object with the elements from both x and y.

If an element at the same key is present for both x and y, the value from y will appear in the result.

Merging creates a new object, so that neither x or y is modified.

Note: By default, arrays are merged by concatenating them.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
x any false The first object to merge
y any false The second object to merge
options any true See description below

merge options


There are multiple ways to merge two arrays, below are a few examples but you can also create your own custom function.

Your arrayMerge function will be called with three arguments: a target array, the source array, and an options object with these properties:

  • isMergeableObject(value)
  • cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(value, options)

example: overwrite target array:

Overwrites the existing array values completely rather than concatenating them:

import { merge } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const overwriteMerge = (destinationArray, sourceArray, options) => sourceArray;

merge([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1], { arrayMerge: overwriteMerge }); // => [3, 2, 1]

example: combine arrays:

Combines objects at the same index in the two arrays.

import { merge } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const combineMerge = (target, source, options) => {
  const destination = target.slice();

  source.forEach((item, index) => {
    if (typeof destination[index] === 'undefined') {
      destination[index] = options.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(item, options);
    } else if (options.isMergeableObject(item)) {
      destination[index] = merge(target[index], item, options);
    } else if (target.indexOf(item) === -1) {
  return destination;

merge([{ a: true }], [{ b: true }, 'ah yup'], { arrayMerge: combineMerge }); // => [{ a: true, b: true }, 'ah yup']

By default, merge clones every property from almost every kind of object.

You may not want this, if your objects are of special types, and you want to copy the whole object instead of just copying its properties.

You can accomplish this by passing in a function for the isMergeableObject option.

If you only want to clone properties of plain objects, and ignore all "special" kinds of instantiated objects, you probably want to drop in isPlainObject.

import { merge, isPlainObject } from '@qntm-code/utils';

function SuperSpecial() {
  this.special = 'oh yeah man totally';

const instantiatedSpecialObject = new SuperSpecial();

const target = {
  someProperty: {
    cool: 'oh for sure',

const source = {
  someProperty: instantiatedSpecialObject,

const defaultOutput = merge(target, source);

defaultOutput.someProperty.cool; // => 'oh for sure'
defaultOutput.someProperty.special; // => 'oh yeah man totally'
defaultOutput.someProperty instanceof SuperSpecial; // => false

const customMergeOutput = merge(target, source, {
  isMergeableObject: isPlainObject,

customMergeOutput.someProperty.cool; // => undefined
customMergeOutput.someProperty.special; // => 'oh yeah man totally'
customMergeOutput.someProperty instanceof SuperSpecial; // => true

Specifies a function which can be used to override the default merge behaviour for a property, based on the property name.

The customMerge function will be passed the key for each property, and should return the function which should be used to merge the values for that property.

It may also return undefined, in which case the default merge behaviour will be used.

const alex = {
  name: {
    first: 'Alex',
    last: 'Alexson',
  pets: ['Cat', 'Parrot'],

const tony = {
  name: {
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Tonison',
  pets: ['Dog'],

const mergeNames = (nameA, nameB) => `${nameA.first} and ${nameB.first}`;

const options = {
  customMerge: key => {
    if (key === 'name') {
      return mergeNames;

const result = merge(alex, tony, options);

result.name; // => 'Alex and Tony'
result.pets; // => ['Cat', 'Parrot', 'Dog']

Merge performance comparison

The following benchmarks go through the merge test suite and were run on a 2023 Macbook Pro with a M2 Pro chip and 32GB of RAM.

Package Operations per second
@qntm-code/utils.merge 28332
deepmerge 23497



Capitalises the characters of a provided string between the given start and end indexes.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value string false The string to capitalise
options Partial<CapitaliseOptions> true The options to use for capitalising

Return type: string


import { capitalise } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = 'hello world';

const capitalised = capitalise(value, { start: 0, end: 5 });

// capitalised = 'HELL0 world'
Parameter Type Default Description
start number 0 The start index to capitalise from
end number length of string The end index to capitalise to


Capitalises the first n characters of a string.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value string false The string to capitalise
number number false The number of characters to capitalise

Return type: string


import { capitaliseFirst } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = 'hello world';

const capitalised = capitaliseFirst(value, 2);

// capitalised = 'HEllo world'


Capitalises the last n characters of a string.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value string false The string to capitalise
number number false The number of characters to capitalise

Return type: string


import { capitaliseLast } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = 'hello world';

const capitalised = capitaliseLast(value, 2);

// capitalised = 'hello worLD'


Converts a kebab-case word to PascalCase.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value string false The string to convert

Return type: string


import { kebabToPascal } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const value = 'hello-world';

const pascal = kebabToPascal(value);

// pascal = 'HelloWorld'


Creates an array of array values not included in the other given array using isEqual for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are determined by the first array.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
array Array false The array to check
values Array false The array to check against

Return type: Array<any>


import { difference } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const diff = difference([1, 2], [2, 3]);
// returns [1]


Formats a given time to a human readable string.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
time number false The time to format
options FormatTimeOptions true The options to use for formatting

Return type: string


import { formatTime } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const formattedTime = formatTime(71000, {
  hourSuffix: ' HOURS',
  minuteSuffix: ' MINUTES',
  secondSuffix: ' SECONDS',

// formattedTime = '00 HOUR 01 MINUTE 11 SECONDS'


Parameter Type Default Description
forceAllUnits boolean true Whether to force all units to be displayed
timeUnit TimeUnit TimeUnit.Milliseconds The time unit that is being provided
secondsDecimalPlaces number 0 The number of decimal places to display for seconds
padDecimals boolean false Whether to pad decimals with 0s to match the number provided for secondsDecimalPlaces
hourSuffix string h The suffix to use for hours
minuteSuffix string m The suffix to use for minutes
secondSuffix string s The suffix to use for seconds


Inserts a string value at a given index in a source string.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
source string false The source string
value string false The value to insert
index number false The index to insert at

Return type: string

import { insertAtIndex } from '@qntm-code/utils';

insertAtIndex('<strong>', '/', 1);

// returns '</strong>'



Calculates the sum of an array of numbers.

Parameter Type Optional Description
values Array false The array of numbers to sum

Return type: number


import { sum } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const values: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const total: number = sum(values);


Returns a random whole number between a given range

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
min number false The minimum number the function can return
max number false The maximum number the function can return

Return type: number


import { randomNumberBetweenRange } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const random = randomNumberBetweenRange(2, 10);

Async helpers


Allows you to run Array.every() with an async predicate function and await the result.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
items Array false The items to iterate over
predicate Function false A predicate function to run for each item

Callback arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
item T true The current item from the loop
index number true The index of the given in the array
array Array true The array provided

Return type:



import { asyncEvery } from '@qntm-code/utils';

async function doAThing(): Promise<void> {
  // Array of items to iterate over
  const items: Array<string> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

  const result = await asyncEvery(items, async item => await someAsynchronousOperation(item));



Allows you to run Array.filter() with an async predicate function and await the result.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
items Array false The items to iterate over
predicate Function false A predicate function to run for each item

Callback arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
item T true The current item from the loop
index number true The index of the given in the array
array Array true The array provided

Return type:



import { asyncFilter } from '@qntm-code/utils';

async function doAThing(): Promise<void> {
  // Array of items to iterate over
  const items: Array<string> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

  const results = await asyncFilter(items, async item => await someAsynchronousOperation(item));



Allows you to iterate over an array asynchronously.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
items Array false The items to iterate over
callback Function false A callback function to run for each item

Callback arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
item T true The current item from the loop
index number true The index of the given in the array
array Array true The array provided

Return type:



import { asyncForEach } from '@qntm-code/utils';

async function doAThing(): Promise<void> {
  // Array of items to iterate over
  const items: Array<string> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

  await asyncForEach(items, async item => await someAsynchronousOperation(item));



Allows you to run Array.some() with an async predicate function and await the result.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
items Array false The items to iterate over
predicate Function false A predicate function to run for each item

Callback arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
item T true The current item from the loop
index number true The index of the given in the array
array Array true The array provided

Return type:



import { asyncSome } from '@qntm-code/utils';

async function doAThing(): Promise<void> {
  // Array of items to iterate over
  const items: Array<string> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

  const result = await asyncSome(items, async item => await someAsynchronousOperation(item));



Delays an async function using await given an optionally provided duration.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
duration number true The number of milliseconds to delay by

Return type:



import { delay } from '@qntm-code/utils';

async function doAThing(): Promise<void> {
  const value = calculateAThing();

  await delay(200);


Date helpers


Converts a value of a given TimeUnit into another TimeUnit.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value number false The value to convert
sourceUnit TimeUnit (Excluding Month/Months and Year/Years) false The time unit the provided value is in
resultUnit TimeUnit (Excluding Month/Months and Year/Years) false The time unit you wish to convert your value to

Return type: number


import { convertTimeUnit, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const weeks: number = 24;
const minutes: number = convertTimeUnit(weeks, TimeUnit.Weeks, TimeUnit.Minutes);

Vanilla JS Example:

import { convertTimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const weeks = 24;
const minutes = convertTimeUnit(weeks, 'weeks', 'minutes');


Converts milliseconds into a TimeUnit.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value number false The value in milliseconds
unit TimeUnit (Excluding Month/Months and Year/Years) false The time unit you wish to convert your value to

Return type: number


import { msToUnit, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const milliseconds: number = 4567876;
const hours: number = msToUnit(milliseconds, TimeUnit.Hours);


import { msToUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const milliseconds = 4567876;
const hours = msToUnit(milliseconds, 'hours');


Converts a TimeUnit into milliseconds.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
value number false The value to convert
unit TimeUnit (Excluding Month/Months and Year/Years) false The time unit of the value you provided

Return type: number


import { unitToMs, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const days: number = 10;
const milliseconds: number = unitToMs(days, TimeUnit.Days);


import { unitToMs } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const days = 10;
const milliseconds = unitToMs(days, 'days');


Determines if date a is before/before or same/same/after or same/or after to date b. If you want to limit the granularity to a unit other than milliseconds, pass it as the second parameter.

When including a second parameter, it will match all units equal or larger. For example, if passing in month will check month and year, or if passing in day will check day, month, and year.

Parameter Type Optional Description
a Date false The first date to compare
comparator DateComparator false The comparator to use for the comparison
b Date false The second date to compare
unit TimeUnit true The time unit to limit the comparison to.
Defaults to milliseconds if omitted

Return type: boolean


import { compareDates, DateComparator, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const a: Date = new Date(2023, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0);
const b: Date = new Date(2023, 0, 1, 9, 0, 1, 12);

compareDates(a, DateComparator.Before, b, TimeUnit.Year); // false
compareDates(a, DateComparator.BeforeOrSame, b, TimeUnit.Day); // true
compareDates(a, DateComparator.Same, b, TimeUnit.Month); // true
compareDates(a, DateComparator.AfterOrSame, b, TimeUnit.Hour); // true
compareDates(a, DateComparator.After, b, TimeUnit.Minute); // false


A TypeScript enum of available options to provide to date comparison functions. For vanilla JS just use the string values from the value column.

Enum Key Value
Before <
BeforeOrSame <=
Same ===
AfterOrSame >=
After >


A TypeScript enum of available options to provide to time unit conversion functions. For vanilla JS just use the string values from the value column.

Enum Key Value
Millisecond millisecond
Milliseconds milliseconds
Second second
Seconds seconds
Minute minute
Minutes minutes
Hour hour
Hours hours
Day day
Days days
Week week
Weeks weeks
Month month
Months months
Year year
Years years


Determines if two dates are the same. If you want to limit the granularity to a unit other than milliseconds, pass it as the second parameter.

When including a second parameter, it will match all units equal or larger. For example, if passing in month will check month and year, or if passing in day will check day, month, and year.

Method arguments:

Parameter Type Optional Description
a Date false The first date to compare
b Date false The second date to compare
unit TimeUnit true The time unit to limit the comparison to. Defaults to milliseconds if omitted

Return type: boolean


import { isSameDate, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const a: Date = new Date(2023, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0);
const b: Date = new Date(2023, 0, 1, 9, 0, 1, 12);
const c: Date = new Date(2023, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

if (isSameDate(a, b)) {
  // This will not run as the dates are not the same

if (isSameDate(a, b, TimeUnit.Day)) {
  // This will run as the dates are the same day

if (isSameDate(a, b, TimeUnit.Hour)) {
  // This will not run as the dates are not the same hour

if (isSameDate(a, c, TimeUnit.Day)) {
  // This will not run because even though the dates are the same day, the months are not the same


Returns a new date object with a given amount of a given TimeUnit added to it.

Parameter Type Description
date Date The date to add to
amount any The amount to add
unit TimeUnit The unit to add


import { addToDate, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const date: Date = new Date();

const thisTimeTomorrow: Date = addToDate(date, 1 TimeUnit.Day);
Special considerations for months and years

If the day of the month on the original date is greater than the number of days in the final month, the day of the month will change to the last day in the final month.

import { addToDate, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const date: Date = new Date('2023-01-31'); // 31 January

const nextMonth: Date = addToDate(date, 1, TimeUnit.Month); // 28 February

There are also special considerations to keep in mind when adding time that crosses over daylight saving time. If you are adding years, months, weeks, or days, the original hour will always match the added hour.

Adding a month will add the specified number of months to the date.

const date = new Date('2023-02-28'); // February 28
const newDate = addToDate(date, 1, TimeUnit.Month); // March 28
const date = new Date('2023-03-25T06:00:00.000Z'); // The day before BST in the UK
date.getHours(); // 6
const newDate = addToDate(date, 1, TimeUnit.Day).getHours(); // 6

If you are adding hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds, the assumption is that you want precision to the hour, and will result in a different hour.

const date = new Date('2023-03-25T06:00:00.000Z'); // The day before BST in the UK
date.getHours(); // 6
const newDate = addToDate(date, 24, TimeUnit.Hours).getHours(); // 7


Returns a new date object with a given amount of a given TimeUnit subracted from it.

This is exactly the same as moment#add, only instead of addToDate, it subtracts time.

Parameter Type Description
date Date The date to subtract from
amount any The amount to subtract
unit TimeUnit The unit to subtract


import { subtractFrom, TimeUnit } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const date: Date = new Date();

const thisTimeTomorrow: Date = subtractFrom(date, 1 TimeUnit.Day);


Gets a Date for the start of the given day.

Return type: Date


import { getToday } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const today: Date = getToday();


Gets the week number of the year for the given date. It will use today's date if no date is provided.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: number


import { getWeekOfYear } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const weekNumber: number = getWeekOfYear(new Date('2023-12-30')); // 52


Gets the month names for the provided locale.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
options GetMonthNamesOptions { locale: navigator.language, format: 'long' } The options to use when getting the month names

Return type: Array<string>


import { getMonthNames, GetMonthNamesOptions } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const options: GetMonthNamesOptions = {
  locale: 'en-GB',
  format: 'short',

const monthNames: Array<string> = getMonthNames(options); // ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', Dec']
Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
locale string true navigator.language The locale to use when getting the month names
format string true long The format to use when getting the month names. Options are numeric, 2-digit, long, short, or narrow


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current day.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfDay } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentDay: Date = getEndOfDay();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current hour.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfHour } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentHour: Date = getEndOfHour();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current minute.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfMinute } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentMinute: Date = getEndOfMinute();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current month.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfMonth } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentMonth: Date = getEndOfMonth();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current second.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfSecond } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentSecond: Date = getEndOfSecond();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current week.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfWeek } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentWeek: Date = getEndOfWeek();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the end of the given/current year.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getEndOfYear } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const endOfCurrentYear: Date = getEndOfYear();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current day.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfDay } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentDay: Date = getStartOfDay();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current hour.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfHour } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentHour: Date = getStartOfHour();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current minute.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfMinute } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentMinute: Date = getStartOfMinute();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current month.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfMonth } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentMonth: Date = getStartOfMonth();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current second.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfSecond } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentSecond: Date = getStartOfSecond();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current week.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfWeek } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentWeek: Date = getStartOfWeek();


Takes an optional date and returns a new Date object set to the start of the given/current year.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
date Date true new Date() The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { getStartOfYear } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const startOfCurrentYear: Date = getStartOfYear();


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given day.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfDay } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentDay: Date = setEndOfDay(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given hour.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfHour } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentHour: Date = setEndOfHour(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given minute.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfMinute } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentMinute: Date = setEndOfMinute(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given month.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfMonth } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentMonth: Date = setEndOfMonth(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given second.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfSecond } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentSecond: Date = setEndOfSecond(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given week.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfWeek } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentWeek: Date = setEndOfWeek(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the end of the given year.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setEndOfYear } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const endOfCurrentYear: Date = setEndOfYear(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given day.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfDay } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentDay: Date = setStartOfDay(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given hour.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfHour } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentHour: Date = setStartOfHour(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given minute.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfMinute } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentMinute: Date = setStartOfMinute(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given month.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfMonth } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentMonth: Date = setStartOfMonth(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given second.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfSecond } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentSecond: Date = setStartOfSecond(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given week.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfWeek } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentWeek: Date = setStartOfWeek(now);


Takes a given date and mutates it to the start of the given year.

Parameter Type Optional Description
date Date false The date to modify

Return type: Date


import { setStartOfYear } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const now: Date = new Date();
const startOfCurrentYear: Date = setStartOfYear(now);

DOM helpers


Gets the computed style of an element as a number.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to get the style for
property string false The CSS property you want to get the value for

Return type: number


import { getComputedStyleAsNumber } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('my-element');

const width: number = getComputedStyleAsNumber(element, 'width');


Gets the height of an element, including padding and border, but not margin.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to get the height for

Return type: number


import { getElementHeight } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('my-element');

const height: number = getElementHeight(element);


Gets the width of an element, including padding and border, but not margin.

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to get the width for

Return type: number


import { getElementWidth } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('my-element');

const width: number = getElementWidth(element);


Gets all the elements that a given element is nested within

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to find the ancestors for


import { getAncestors } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const ancestors: HTMLElement[] = getAncestors(document.getElementById('my-element'));


Gets the first parent of an element that isn't display: inline. Returns null if no matching element

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to non display: inline parent for


import { getNonInlineParent } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const nonInlineParent: HTMLElement | null = getNonInlineParent(document.getElementById('my-element'));


Gets the first parent element with a relative or absolute position

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to find the ancestors for


import { getPositionedParent } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const ancestors: HTMLElement = getPositionedParent(document.getElementById('my-element'));


Gets the scrollable parent element of a given element

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to find the scroll parent for
x boolean true true Whether to check if the element can scroll on the x axis
y boolean true true Whether to check if the element can scroll on the y axis


import { getScrollParent } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const scrollParent: HTMLElement | null = getScrollParent(document.getElementById('my-element'));


Return whether an element is display: inline

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to check for display: inline


import { isDisplayInline } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const inline: boolean = isDisplayInline(document.getElementById('my-element'));


Return whether an element is practically visible, considering things like dimensions of 0, opacity, visibility: hidden and overflow: hidden, and whether the item is scrolled off screen

Parameter Type Optional Default value Description
element HTMLElement false The HTML element you want to check for visibility


import { isVisible } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const visible: boolean = isVisible(document.getElementById('my-element'));



Reusable dictionary type for typed maps


import { Dictionary } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const dictionary: Dictionary<string> = {
  a: 'yes',
  b: 'no',



A boolean value that is true if the current environment is jsdom.


import { isJsdom } from '@qntm-code/utils';

if (isJsdom) {
  console.log('Running in jsdom');



Checks the provided value is an array and if not returns the value within an array.

Parameter Type Optional Description
value any false The value to convert

Return type: Array<any>


import { toArray } from '@qntm-code/utils';

const array: Array<any> = toArray('hello');

console.log(array); // ['hello']


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