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19 packages found
Standalone test runner for UI5
Find a predecessor value of the array that should be chosen when a given array index is deleted
Prepare for writing a file to the given path – create ancestor directories and verify no directory exists in the path
Easy auditing tool
simplified client action reservations for socketeer
Fast, reliable cuckoo hash table for Node.js
- array
- associative
- binary
- bloom
- buffer
- bucket
- bucketized
- cache
- clock
- container
- cuckoo
- element
- filter
- flood
- View more
Javascript wrapper for FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) API
detect reserve words use as property names in javascript files
A thin wrapper around portscanner to reserve multiple ports
function Reservator for Node.js
Making the world safer one CVE at a time, since 2017. Tool for creating Security Advisories and CVE ID information. With customizable plugins it can be used for tracking anything that can be expressed with a JSON-Schema. plugins are available for tracking
Allocate and deallocate numbers (one per name) on the command line.