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5127 packages found
Convert markdown to JSX with ease for React and React-like projects. Super lightweight and highly configurable.
A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders.
React for CLI
hast utility to transform to preact, react, solid, svelte, vue, etc
Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)
Webpack loader for MDX
A React component which can parse JSX and output rendered React Components
Spinner component for Ink
Text input component for Ink
Babel plugin that adds React import declaration if file contains JSX tags.
React components style guide generator
Rollup plugin for MDX
Atomico is a small library for the creation of interfaces based on web-components, only using functions and hooks.
React component to render collection of items separated by space or another separator
React binding to canvas element via Konva framework
React ART is a JavaScript library for drawing vector graphics using React. It provides declarative and reactive bindings to the ART library. Using the same declarative API you can render the output to either Canvas, SVG or VML (IE8).
A React component which can parse JSX and output rendered React Components
esbuild plugin for MDX
The base jsx eslint config for web JavaScript at Uber