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Ensure a function is only called once
Robustly `.call.bind()` a function
Robust call-bound JavaScript intrinsics, using `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`.
Reduce function calls in a string, using a callback
Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)
A tool for writing better scripts
Create fancy log entries for errors and function call sites.
Create fancy log entries for errors and function call sites.
Wrap a function without changing its name and other properties
Callback exception guard
A lightweight drop-in replacement for request
Call a module's exported functions directly from the command line, with arguments.
ES6 Promise Shim
Tencent Cloud RTC SDK for Web
- webrtc
- rtc
- call
- video call
- audio call
- javascript
- video
- audio
- camera
- microphone
- live streaming
- real-time communication
⚡🕰️ Drop-in solution to batch smart contract RPC calls in a single RPC query via Multicall!
A lightweight, zero-dependency drop-in replacement for request
Ensure a function is only called once. This is a fork of sindresorhus/onetime, but with CommonJS support.
Creates super long stack traces
check that expected function calls are actually made
memoize the last result, in async way