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a small utility for converting between duration units.
- duration
- period
- time
- humanize
- hours
- minutes
- seconds
- days
- years
- months
- decades
- milleniums
- milliseconds
- nanoseconds
Convert Unix time to a relative time string e.g., "4 hours ago".
Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: `1337000000` → `15d 11h 23m 20s`
- pretty
- prettify
- human
- humanize
- humanized
- readable
- time
- ms
- milliseconds
- duration
- period
- range
- text
- string
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A tiny library that converts milliseconds to and from CSS time.
Convert milliseconds to something easier on the eyes
Tiny module that converts milliseconds to an h:mm:ss string
- h:mm:ss
- hh:mm:ss
- ms
- milliseconds
- seconds
- minutes
- hours
- time
- format
- zero dependencies
- no dependencies
- dependency free
- small
- tiny
Similiar to console.time() but returns readable elapsed time e.g Label: 1 hour 20 minutes 10.3 seconds
- time
- timer
- elapsed
- span
- readable
- timing
- perf
- performance
- bench
- benchmark
- profiling
- measure
- seconds
- milliseconds
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Number of milliseconds in an hour.
A powerful tool to convert milliseconds to colon Notation and color Notation to milliseconds
Number of milliseconds in a second.
Prettify milliseconds with customizable format
Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 1337000000 → 15d 11h 23m 20s
- cli-app
- cli
- pretty
- prettify
- human
- humanize
- humanized
- readable
- time
- ms
- milliseconds
- duration
- period
- range
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A collection of useful utility functions with associated TypeScript types. All functions have been unit tested.
- TypeScript
- isNullOrUndefined
- isEmpty
- isEqual
- isNumber
- randomNumberBetweenRange
- random number between range
- asyncForEach
- async for each
- delay
- convertTimeUnits
- convert time units
- getToday
- setEndOfDay
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Number of milliseconds in a minute.
Number of milliseconds in a day.
Number of milliseconds in a week.
A tiny and dependency-free datetime library with a chainable and immutable API
Returns the amount of seconds passed since Unix epoch (1970 UTC).
Converts CSS-style durations to milliseconds.
simple hooks for timer