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88 packages found
Sets various security related headers
- https
- security
- headers
- express
- connect
- x-xss-protection
- x-frame-options
- x-powered-by
- content-security-policy
- x-download-options
- x-content-type-options
- powered-by
- xss
- frame
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Read basic info (subject, altnames, expiresAt, issuedAt) from a cert.pem / x509 certificate (tls / ssl / https)
- cert.pem
- cert
- certificate
- x509
- subject
- altnames
- notBefore
- notAfter
- issuedAt
- expiresAt
- expired
- expires
- issued
- asn1
Check TLS/SSL certificate expiration
Async generate a RSA PEM key pair and self-signed cert (X.509) from pure JS (slower) or compiled (faster)
Express middleware for Certbot manual cert generation
Serves HTTPS using TLS (SSL) certs for - great for testing and development.
🔑 Generate self-signed certificates, keys and Root CA for use in HTTPS servers.
Generate a root certificate.
Make a Development Cert
- ca
- cert
- certificates
- client certificates
- crt
- crypto
- cryptography
- development
- encryption
- https
- keypair
- keys
- localhost
- madcert
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🔐 Install, check and delete trusted root certificates.
Extracts the certificate and the private key from a p12/ pkcs12 file
A Gulp plugin which scans your source files and tries to detect files which should not be uploaded to source control e.g. TLS private keys, AWS credentials etc.
Use Let's Encrypt and other RFC 8555 providers natively and securely on Azure
- acme
- azure
- cert
- certificate
- greenlock
- http-01
- key vault
- keyvault
- lets encrypt
- letsencrypt
- pki
- rfc8555
- rfc 8555
- ssl
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Module to load certfr from the CERT FR
Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Protocol
command line interface tools for ca and certs management
dead simple cert composition for custom http(s) agents