Search results
6000 packages found
node.js basic auth parser
A bcrypt library for NodeJS.
Node.js Google Authentication Service Account Tokens
OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP, Client) implementation for Node.js runtime, supports passportjs
- auth
- authentication
- basic
- certified
- client
- connect
- dynamic
- electron
- hybrid
- identity
- implicit
- oauth
- oauth2
- oidc
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Basic IP rate-limiting middleware for Express. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
- express-rate-limit
- express
- rate
- limit
- ratelimit
- rate-limit
- middleware
- ip
- auth
- authorization
- security
- brute
- force
- bruteforce
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Optimized bcrypt in plain JavaScript with zero dependencies. Compatible to 'bcrypt'.
Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
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- less mixins
- concatMap
- stdlib
- look-up
- helpers
- Observables
- stable
- WebSockets
- watcher
- jwt
- time
- ES5
- bundling
- sort
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The Okta Auth SDK
[![NPM version](]( [![Downloads](](
- WeakMap
- chrome
- dotenv
- length
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- deep
- Array.prototype.includes
- internal slot
- storagegateway
- get
- deterministic
- Float64Array
- status
- configurable
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Getting, setting and removing cookies on both client and server with next.js
One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno, Bun and browsers
- otp
- hotp
- totp
- one time password
- 2fa
- 2 factor
- two factor
- two-factor
- 2step
- 2 step
- two step
- two-step
- auth
- authenticator
Official client library for Supabase Auth
>This repository is part of the [Pelias]( >project. Pelias is an open-source, open-data geocoder originally sponsored by >[Mapzen]( Our official user documentation is >[here](
- ECMAScript 6
- less.js
- buffers
- cloudfront
- extra
- validation
- 0
- bundling
- cloudwatch
- writable
- has-own
- redux
- promise
- delete
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- amazon
- input
- serialization
- fastify
- elm
- buffers
- styling
- settings
- look-up
- Int8Array
- in
- sameValueZero
- Float64Array
- which
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Easily validate Okta access tokens
![Main CI]( [![npm](]( [![downloads](
- guid
- packages
- structuredClone
- look-up
- Array.prototype.findLast
- console
- ts
- request
- iterate
- airbnb
- form
- debug
- redux
- matches
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Generate TOTP tokens from key
- totp
- time-based one-time password
- generator
- password
- auth
- authentication
- google authenticator
- oath
- 2-factor
- two-factor
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- rds
- cloudfront
- text
- tape
- bdd
- tostringtag
- obj
- regular expression
- fast-deep-copy
- groupBy
- Observables
- eslintconfig
- define
- descriptors
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<span align="center">
- shell
- arraybuffer
- util
- styling
- figlet
- flat
- password
- ECMAScript 3
- dependencies
- es2018
- internal
- readablestream
- protocol-buffers
- curl
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