
0.1.2 • Public • Published


english version of swagger-jsblade. more options are added.


Jsblade is a tool kit for Front-End developers who use Swagger as their API definition. These are the main it solved.

  • Boilerplate
  • Auto generate API based built-in templates and custom template
  • Auto mock API and custom mock response

For complete information about Swagger™, you can check the Swagger Specification project. It contains general information and the actual Swagger specification.


npm i swagger-jsblade-en -g

Boilerplate Example

blade create myProject -f vue
Command Options Description
-f, —-framework 'angular1' , 'vue' Built-in Angular 1.5.x and Vue 1.x project bolierplate

Detail Usage

blade create -h
 Usage: create [options] [name]

  create a folder which has a frontend project


    -h, --help                   output usage information
    -f, --framework <framework>  angular1|vue  one of them

API Generation Example

blade api DataApi ./input/swagger.json ./output/service dataApi
Command Options Description
-a, —-ajax n, s generated API type : n for angular's $http; s for NodeJS or browser's superagent
-s, —-surround 1,2,3,4 API Module: 1 for UMD; 2 for AMD; 3 for CommonJS; 4 for JavaScript closure
-w, —-withCredentials Enable CORS
-t, —-tags Swagger definition's tagName Only generate API based on tagName: @tagOne -> generate tagOne. @tagOne@tagTwo -> generate both tagOne and tageTwo
-p, —-promise Enable Promise

Detail Usage

blade api -h

  Usage: api [options] <apiName> <swaggerFile> <toPath> [outFileName]

    create api interface
      -a, --ajax <type>       request type (don'work by -c), n: type $http, s: type superagent, f: type fetch, a: type axios, b: type superbridge, c: type config,only generate configuration
      -s, --surround <mode>   surround mode(don'work by -c)), add generated codes in UMD-1 AMD-2 CommonJS-3 4 and ES6-5
      -c, --custom <tplPath>  custom template(Has priority over -a and -s)
      -w, --withCredentials   support transport cookie over domain
      -t, --tags <tagName>    generate files by tag group,(@) generate all tags, (@aaa@bbb)generate aaa and bbb
      -p, --promise           inject Promise dependence, off by default
      -V, --version           output the version number
      -h, --help              output usage information

Using API

Simple Usage

import API from '../api/dataApi';

let api = new API('http://xxx.com');
// This will send an AJAX to http://xxx.com/xxx
api.xxxx(param).then(res => {
    console.log('get respone:' + res)

Superagent/Superbridge/Fetch Interceptor Enhanced like Angular's $http , we add an interceptor to superagent/superbridge/fetch type API, angular/axios has interceptor yet. you can use it like this:

import API from '../api/dataApi';

    request: function (config) {
        return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

    requestError: function (err) {
        return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

    response: function (response) {
        return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

    responseError: function (err) {
        return (new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

let api = new API('http://xxx.com');

if generate cofig, use like following demo

import ApiUtil from '@/common/services/ApiUtil';    // import util
import ApiConfig from '@/common/services/config';   // import config
import axios from 'axios';

axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
    return config;
}, function (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
    return response;
}, function (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

export const Apis = new ApiUtil(ApiConfig, {
    domain: ''

export default Apis;

generate ApiUtil dev tool via blade util

###generate ApiUtil

blade util -h

  Usage: util [options] <toPath> [outFileName]

  Create an api dev tool
    -a, --ajax <type>      request type, a: axios, currently support only axios
    -s, --surround <mode>  surround mode(don'work by -c)), add generated codes in UMD-1 AMD-2 CommonJS-3 4 and ES6-5
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -h, --help             output usage information

Mock Example

Mock data generation

blade mock ./input/swagger.json 

The mock data will generate in the mock folder (or the folder which is defined in mock.config.js)

if your original swagger file has defined some example,will remain the same otherwhise random generate.

Mock server

blade mock ./input/swagger.json -k -s 8001 
Command Options Description
-f, —-file file path generate swagger mock file which definition's example is filled with random mock data
-s, —-server port number mock server's port ,default is 8000
-c, —-config config file path mock 2.0(v0.2.0) added: custom config file,default config will prompt whether generate at your project root dir, named with 'mock.config.js'
-l, —-lite disable mock 2.0 default prompt

Detail Usage

blade mock -h

 Usage: mock [options] <swaggerFile>

create the mock data according to swagger file and start mock server

  -f, --file <filePath>    create a mock file
  -s, --server [portNum]   run mock server with port number,default is 8000
  -c, --config <filePath>  mock config file
  -l, --lite               not recognise config file automatically
  -k, --skip               skip generate mock data step
  -h, --help               output usage information



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