
1.0.1 • Public • Published

API Reference

Amounts of Bitcoin are given and expected in satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) unless noted otherwise.

Multipliers are given and expected in integer format, e.g. 1920 for 19.20x unless noted otherwise.


calculateElapsed(multiplier) -> Number

Calculate the amount of time in milliseconds that must pass for multiplier to be reached.

calculateMultiplier(elapsed) -> Number

Calculate the current multiplier of a game after a given amount of time in milliseconds has passed.

getCookie(options) -> Promise

Acquire a new session cookie and return a Bluebird Promise.

options must be an Object that must have the fields username and password, which will be used to obtain a new session cookie.

options may also contain a loginURI String field, which will override the default login URI of

getToken(options) -> Promise

Acquire a new one-time token and return a Bluebird Promise.

options must be an Object that must have a cookie field, which will be used to obtain the one-time token.

options may also contain a tokenURI String field, which will override the default one-time token URI of

formatBTC(amount, [unit]) -> String

Return a string representation of amount satoshi using unit, which must be one of the following:

  • BTC
  • mBTC
  • bit or µBTC or uBTC
  • satoshi

If unit is omitted, an appropriate one is chosen automatically.

losingOdds(target, [start]) -> Number

Calculate the probability of a game crashing before target is reached rounded to six decimals.

start is the multiplier which has already been reached at the time of the calculation. If it is omitted, the game is assumed to have not yet started.

winningOdds(target, [start]) -> Number

Calculate the probability of a game crashing after target is reached rounded to six decimals.

start is the multiplier which has already been reached at the time of the calculation. If it is omitted, the game is assumed to have not yet started.


  id: Number,
  players: [ Player ],
  multiplier: Number,
  state: String,
  maxWin: Number

new Game([players]) -> Game

Return a new Game.

players is optional and must be an Array of Player objects. players is not required to be sorted.

addPlayer(player, [wager, [multiplier]])

Add a new Player to the game's players array in the correct location.

player must be either a Player object, in which case wager and multiplier are ignored, or a String, in which case a new Player is created.

wager and multiplier default to 0 if omitted.

bonus([player]) -> Number or Object

Calculate the boni of the current game.

player must be a Player or a String, in which case a Number indicating the player's bonus for this game is returned. If it is a Player, it is matched to the player in players by its name field, not by reference.

If player is omitted, a map of player names to their respective bonus is returned instead.

changeMultiplier(player, multiplier)

Change a player's multiplier while keeping the sorting order of players intact.

player must be a Player or a String. If it is a Player, it is matched to the player in players by its name field, not by reference.

changeWager(player, wager)

Change a player's wager while keeping the sorting order of players intact.

player must be a Player or a String. If it is a Player, it is matched to the player in players by its name field, not by reference.

clone() -> Object

Create a deep copy of the Game, retaining the standard fields.

contains(player) -> Boolean

Return true if the game contains player and false otherwise.

player must be a Player or a String. If it is a Player, it is matched to the player in players by its name field, not by reference.

isSorted() -> Boolean

Returns true if the game's players array is correctly sorted and false otherwise.


  name: String,
  wager: Number,
  multiplier: Number,

new Player(name, [wager, [multiplier]]) -> Player

Create a new Player.

wager and multiplier both default to 0 when omitted.


  username: String,
  balance: Number,
  game: Game

new Session(options) -> Promise

Open a new connection to MoneyPot and return a Bluebird Promise that resolves with an array containing the Session and the results from the join process as soon as the join process is completed.

options must be an Object that may have a token field, which is a one-time token as returned by MoneyPot.getToken in String from. If no token field is provided, an unauthenticated session is created.

options may also contain a socketURI String field, which will override the default game server URI of wss://

cashOut([multiplier]) -> Promise

Cash the player out and return a Bluebird Promise.

If multiplier is given, the player is attempted to be cashed out at that multiplier or immediately if the multiplier has already passed.

If multiplier is omitted, the cash-out is attempted immediately.


Close the underlying socket.

submitWager(wager, [multiplier]) -> Promise

Make a new bet with an optional auto cash-out multiplier and return a Bluebird Promise.

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