
0.1.9 • Public • Published

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minimalweb (A Model-View-Controller Framework)

A simple web framework with node.js which has provision to support rest api and http request. The framework will only support request/response handling. The Model and Service related implementation will be needed to be done by user. The view can be attached in Configuration or can be injected from Controller.

It is integrated with Travis CI and Codeship for Continuous Building and Code Coverage Report can be found in Coveralls.

$ npm install minimalweb

Framework access

var minimalweb = require('minimalweb')

Framework Feature Support

  • Get Method Handling
  • Post Method Handling
  • Post Method Handling with Upload
  • Limited set of REST Support (Upto Now)
  • Request Parameter Handling
  • Session Handling
  • Custom Middleware support at Request Processing Level
  • Central Request Interceptor Support
  • After Response Interceptor Support at Controller Level
  • Minimum caching support for static file serving
  • Routing configuration through JSON Array

The First Project (Get Plain Text as response)

Create a Controller -

File - PlainTextController.js

var controller = require('minimalweb').abstractController;
var selfController = function () {
selfController.__proto__ = controller;
selfController.processRequest = function(req,res) {
    selfController.setString("This is controller text");
        logger.log('content -'+content);
Create a Route Collection -

File - routeCollection.js

var routeCollection =
function collection() {
    this.routeCollection = routeCollection;
var getRouteCollection = function() {
    return new collection();
module.exports.getRouteCollection = getRouteCollection;
Create the start point of the Server -

File - startpoint.js

var minimalweb = require('minimalweb');
// Need for routing functionality
var route = minimalweb.route;
 * routing collection is aquired and send to route for request processing 
var routeCollection = require('./routeCollection').getRouteCollection().routeCollection;
 * Last step - start the server

Sample Project

Sample project is given with features in minimalweb-test folder in project root.

Controllers are with functionalities -

  • PlainTextController - featured with plain text handling
  • PlainRequestController - featured with Request Parameter handling
  • PlainRestController - featured with Rest API handling
  • PlainHtmlController - featured with plain text handling
  • PlainXmlController - featured with xml handling
  • PlainJsonController - featured with json handling
  • methodController - featured with method handling in Controller
  • StaticFileController - featured with static file handling
  • DynamicFileController - featured with dynamic file handling i.e. render with server side variable values.
  • PostController - featured with post handling with/without upload


Tests are done wih mocha. Main test file is test.js in project root.

Code Coverage

Code coverage is done with istanbul. Report can be found in Coveralls.


Some features where commuity libraries are used -

  • Session Handling through express-session
  • Post Variables Handling through formidable
  • Javascript template handling with ejs
  • Application Access log implementation with morgan (Process Request)
  • Application log implementation with bunyan
Thanks to all of the contributors in npm registry, whose libray are used to build the current framework

Left works and good-to-have features listing

  • Left Errors handling
  • All REST Pattern Handling
  • Provision for generic javascript template engine handling
  • Inclusion of Authentication framework

Known Issues

  • Provision of root path - "/" - redirect mechanism
  • Provision for get and post on same route
  • unit testing of all of the above features
  • load testing (Partially done).
Version 0.1.8 Changes
  • Static file handling optimisation
  • Static file handling through methods in controller
  • Dynamic file handling through methods in controller
  • remove current cache
  • implement cache of ejs
  • implement cache of node-static



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    • piyasde