
1.0.13 • Public • Published


Angular 7 library for generating forms dynamically using JSON.

See Demo


Install following npm dependencies by reading documentation.

  • Install bootstrap.
  • Install ngx-bootstrap(For standard webpack, angular-cli and tsc builds).
  • Install ngx-quill (For standard webpack, angular-cli and tsc builds). Do not forget to install quill.

Install following npm dependencies.

npm install lodash --save
npm install @ng-select/ng-select --save
npm install ngx-custom-validators --save
npm install rxjs --save

Now install package

npm install json-form-generator --save

Supported field types.

  • Text
  • Number
  • Hidden
  • Password
  • Anchor (Link)
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox
  • Text Area
  • Single Select Dropdown
  • Multiselect Dropdown
  • Server Side Autocomplete Single Select Dropdown
  • Server Side Autocomplete Multiselect Dropdown
  • Button
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Datepicker
  • Monthpicker
  • Date Time picker
  • Timepicker
  • Fieldset (For grouping fields)
  • Blank (For whitespace in the form.)


import SimpleFormGeneratorModule in app.module.ts.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { SimpleFormGeneratorModule } from 'json-form-generator';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { MyFormComponent } from './components/my-form/app.component';
    imports: [BrowserModule,  SimpleFormGeneratorModule],
    declarations: [AppComponent, MyFormComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

With dedicated component for each form.

  • Create form level component which will provide more flexibility to modify UI.


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    selector: 'my-form',
    templateUrl: './my-form.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./my-form.component.css']
export class MyFormComponent implements OnInit {
    pageComponent: any; // Page level Componente instance which has this form. 
    public instance;
    public schema: any;
    public form: any; // always define this property to access the instance of the form.
    public formData: any; // Data to be populated just after generating form.
    constructor(protected _schemaService: SchemaService) {}
    ngOnInit() {
    protected _init() {
        try {
            this.instance = this;
            this.formData = {
                'my-text-field1': 'Field Value',
                'my-number-field2': 123,
               // ...
            this.schema = this._schemaService_.getFormSchema(this.code); // schema json definition is explained below.
        } catch (error) {
    public afterInitForm(simpleFormComponentInstance) {}
    public onFormGenrated(simpleFormComponentInstance) {} 
    get code() {
        return 'my-form';


<simple-form [schema]="schema" [pageComponent]="pageComponent" [formData]="formData" [formComponent]="instance"
(afterInit)="afterInitForm($event)" (afterGenerateForm)="onFormGenrated($event)"></simple-form> <!-- [formData] is optional input.-->
  • Consumer component of my-form.component.ts which is called page comoponent. Page component can have multiple forms.


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    public instance;
    public forms = {}; // Always define this property because in this property `simple-form` component instance will be set for each form.
        this.instance = this; 


<my-form [pageComponent]="instance"> </my-form>
<!-- ... <another-form [pageComponent]="instance"> </another-form> -->

Without dedicated component for each form.

  • Directely use simple-form in app.component.ts which is called page comoponent. Page component can have multiple forms.


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    public instance;
    public schema1: any;
    public schema2: any;
    public formData1: any; // Data to be populated just after generating form.
    public forms = {}; // Always define this property because in this property `simple-form` component instance will be set for each form.
    constructor(protected _schemaService: SchemaService) {}
    ngOnInit() {
    protected _init() {
        try {
            this.instance = this;
            this.formData1 = {
                'my-text-field1': 'Field Value',
                'my-number-field2': 123,
               // ...
            this.schema1 = this._schemaService_.getFormSchema('form1-code'); 
            this.schema2 = this._schemaService_.getFormSchema('form2-code');2
        } catch (error) {
    public afterInitForm(simpleFormComponentInstance: any) {}
    public onFormGenrated(simpleFormComponentInstance: any) {} 


<simple-form [schema]="schema1" [pageComponent]="instance" [formData]="formData"
(afterInit)="afterInitForm($event)" (afterGenerateForm)="onFormGenrated($event)"></simple-form> <!-- [formData] and [formComponent] are optional input.-->
<simple-form [schema]="schema2" [pageComponent]="instance"
(afterInit)="afterInitForm($event)" (afterGenerateForm)="onFormGenrated($event)"></simple-form> <!-- [formData] and [formComponent] are optional input.-->

schema structure.

Form level properties.

  "code": "my-form-code",
  "label": "My Form Label",
  "name": "my_form",
  "type": "simple", // Not in use now
  "hideLabel": false, //Hide form label.
  "hidden": false, 
  "helpText": [ //Instructions for filling the form.
      "Help text 1.",
      "Help text 2.",
  "collapse": false, // Whether form is collapsible or not.
  "columns": 2, // Form field column supported 1, 2 and 3. Default 2.
  "order": 1, // If there are multiple forms with same schema on a single page then give different order value for each form.
  "fieldsDefaultProps": { // Common for all fields.
    "disabled": false, // If true then all fields will be disabled.
    "labelPosition": "left", // Supported left, right, bottom and top. Default: top 
    "labelAlignment": "right" // Supported right, left and center. Default left.
  "onParentFieldValueChange": { // Define this property if there is parent child relationship in the fields.
    "name": "onParentValueChange", /* any method name defined in "handlerFnOwner".
    Arguments: (...your arguments, formCode: string, parentFieldName: string, childFieldsNameArr: string[], changeValue: SimpleChange)
    "arguments": ["any", "argument", "..."],
    "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object" /*Default: 'P'. There are three possible values:
           First-> 'P' - Page Component, It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of page component (which is        passed as  [pageComponent] input in simple-form). 
           Second-> 'F'  - Form Component, It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of form component (which is      passed as [formComponent] input in simple-form).
           Third -> object : It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of passed object.*/
  "fields": [
          //...field1 or fieldset1 definition. Structure explained below.
          //...field2 or fieldset2 definition. Structure explained below.
  "buttons": [
          //...button1 definition. Structure explained below.
          //...button2 definition. Structure explained below.

Field schema.fields[i] structure - Each field structure.

Before understanding JSON structure, understand following points first:

Field type alias.

Field Type Type Alias
Text TXT
Number NUM
Password PWD
Hidden HID
Anchor (Link) ANC
Radio Button RAD
Checkbox CHK
Text Area TXA
Dropdown SEL
Dropdown (Multiple Select) MSL
Autocomplete (Server) ACS
Button BTN
Rick Text Editor HTML
Datepicker DAT
Monthpicker MONTH
Date Time picker DATETIME
Timepicker TIME
Fieldset FST
Blank BLK

External plugins:

  • Plugin for SEL, MSL, ACS is @ng-select/ng-select. So validations and events supported by this plugin are supported.
  • Plugin for HTML is ngx-quill.So validations and events supported by this plugin are supported.
  • Plugin for DAT, DATETIME is ngx-bootstrap datepicker. So validations and events supported by this plugin are supported.
  • Plugin for TIME is ngx-bootstrap timepicker. So validations and events supported by this plugin are supported.
  • Plugin for validations for all fields, is ngx-custom-validators. So the validations supported by used external plugin or ngx-custom-validators are supported.
  • Icon library: Material Design.

Field Definition JSON common properties (Not for fieldset (FST));

    "code": "FIELD1", // Unique for each field
    "type": "TXT", // Field type aliase
    "label": "First Name",
    "name": "first_name", // Unique for each field
    "defaultValue": "", // Initiale value.
    "placeholder": "",
    "helpText": "", // Any help for this field.
    "hidden": false,
    "disabled": false,
    "validations": [  // Validations supported by field plugin or 'ngx-custom-validators'
          "name": "maxlength",
          "value": 50
          "name": "minlength",
          "value": 5
          "name": "required",
          "value": ""
    "events": [ // Events supported by field plugin or javascript plugin.
        "name": "change", // Javascript event. Example: for button event will be 'click'. For most of the fields Javacript Events will work, but for some such as Datepicker event will be dependant on plugin..
        "callbacks": [{ // array of callbacks
          "name": "onNameChange",
          "arguments": ["argument1", "argument2", 22, "...argument4"],
          "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object" /*There are three possible values:
           First-> 'P' - Page Component, It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of page component (which is        passed as  [pageComponent] input in simple-form). 
           Second-> 'F'  - Form Component, It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of form component (which is      passed as [formComponent] input in simple-form).
           Third -> object : It means event handler 'onNameChange' is the method of passed object.*/
      "isParent": true, // boolean, if there are some fields whose value/options depend on this field value then this field will be parent field. In this case this property will be true otherwise false.
      "children": ['child_field1_name', 'child_field2_name'], // Children fields names.
    "order": 1// Recommended incremental number.

Specific properties for TXT, NUM

    prefix: '$', // For example: for currency  you may want to show currency sign. This will not affect value.
    suffix: '@', // For example: for email type field you may want to show '@'. This will not affect value.

Specific Properties for SEL, MSL, RAD, ACS

// Witnout grouping options
    "options" : [
          "label": "Option1 Label",
          "value": "value1"
          "label": "Option2 Label",
          "value": "value2"
          "label": "Option3 Label",
          "value": "value2",
          "disabled": true // If you want to disable this option.
// With grouped options.
    "options": [
            "label": "Group 1",
            "options" : [
                "label": "Option1 Label",
                "value": "value1"
                "label": "Option2 Label",
                "value": "value2"
                "label": "Option3 Label",
                "value": "value2",
                "disabled": true // If you want to disable this option.
            "label": "Group 2",
            "options" : [
                "label": "Option4 Label",
                "value": "value4"
                "label": "Option5 Label",
                "value": "value5"
                "label": "Option6 Label",
                "value": "value6"
        // ...

Note: Do not use group and non-grouped options together.

Specific properties for Autocomplete Server: ACS

    "searchData": {
        "url": "http://yourserver.domain/uri/", /* This url will be hit when user types something in the field.
        Request params:
            searchTerm: string,
            fieldCode: string
        Desired response: 
            options: [
                //...array of options (explained in previous point)
        "methodType": "GET | POST", // When server is hit then what method will be user. Default 'GET'
        "fetchFn": { /* If this is given then instead of hiting "url" , this method will be called for fetching options.
        Arguments: (...your arguments, searchTerm: string, fieldCode: string) 
        Desired return type: 
            options: [
                //...array of options (explained in previous point)
            "name": "fetchACSOptions", // any name defined in "handlerFnOwner"
            "arguments": ['from', 'fetch-acs', 'search'], // array of any type of values whill be passed as Arguments in method.
            "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object " // Explained above.
        "beforeFetchFn": { /* callback which will be called before fetching options. 
        Arguments: (...your arguments, searchTerm: string, fieldCode: string) 
        Desired Return type: boolean, if false is returned then options will not be fetched.*/
          "name": "preFetchACS", // any name defined in "handlerFnOwner"
          "arguments": ['any', 'argume', 'here'],
          "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object"
        "afterFetchFn": { /* callback which will be called after fetching options. 
        Arguments: (...your arguments, {
                        searchTerm: string,
                        fieldCode: string,
                        formCode: string,
                        response: any (response from server or returned data from 'fetchFn') 
        Desired Return type: 
            options:[...array of options (explained in previous point.)]
          "name": "postFetchACS", // any name defined in "handlerFnOwner"
          "arguments": ['from', 'post-acs', 'search'],
          "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object"
    "multiple": true // Whether multiple selection will be allowed or not

Specific properties for Anchor Field: ANC

    defaultValue: "https://your.redirect.link.com/...."

Specific properties for Button: BTN

    theme: "", // Bootstrap theme class. Example1: theme: 'primary' . Example2: theme: 'info
    events: [ // always bind click event.
        "name": "click",
        "callbacks": [
                "name": "onFormSubmit",
                "arguments": [],
                "handlerFnOwner": "'F' | 'P' | object"
    icon: "material desgin icon content", // Internally material design icon library is being used. So icon content will be passed here.

Specific perperties for Rich Text Editor: 'HTML'

    quillConfig: null // By default default quill config is applied. But if you want to customize it then define here. Default value is null.

Properties for Fieldset (FST)

This is for grouping fields inside a form. For example address, for address there will be multiple fields, you definitely want to group them for better UI/UX. This will also be in the array of fields.

    "code": "MYFST1",
    "type": "FST", // Always give it 'FST'
    "label": "My Fieldset",
    "collapse": true, // boolean. Collapsable or not.
    "hideLabel": false, // If you want to hide label then pass it true.
    "fields": [
        //... fields/fieldsets same as in schema.fields[i]
    "order": 12 // Incremental number


You can access simple-form component instance which gives you control on the form. As emphasized that define forms property in app.component.ts and form property in my-form.component.ts so that instances can be set in this property.

How to access instance of simple-form component form.

In AppComponent.forms , AppComponent.forms['MyFORMCODE'] will be an instance of simple-form for the form with code 'MyFormCode'.'

In MyFormComponent.form will be an instance of simple-form component.

Important public properties of SimpleFormComponent and FieldComponent

class SimpleFormComponent {
    public formGoup: FormGroup; // This is the most important property for manipulating fields.
    public fieldsComponent: any; /* This contains instances of all fields component.
        'field-name': FieldComponent
   public readonly code: string;
   public readonly  label: string;
   public readonly valid: boolean;
   public value: any; // Getter and Setter for group value.
   public readonly formRef: HTMLElement;
   public enable: boolean; //Setter
   public disable: boolean; //Setter
   public hidden: boolean; // Getter Setter
class FieldComponent {
    public readonly  code: string;
    public readonly label: string;
    public readonly valid: boolean;
    public value: any; // Getter and Setter for group value.
    public readonly fieldRef: HTMLElement;
    public enable: boolean; //Setter
    public disable: boolean; //Setter
    public hidden: boolean; // Getter Setter
    public readonly control: FormControl;
    public readonly inputContainerRef: HTMLElement;
    public readonly labelRef: HTMLElement;
    public hideLabel: boolean; // Getter Setter
    public options: boolean; // Getter Setter for setting options of ACS, SEL and MSL


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