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0.5.0 • Public • Published


Library to access Innoxel Master 3 SOAP API.

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build Code Climate maintainability Code Climate issues Code Climate technical debt

The current version has been tested against firmware, but most parts already worked against firmware and too.


npm install innoxel-soap


yarn add innoxel-soap


Getting started

import { InnoxelApi } from "innoxel-soap";

const api = new InnoxelApi({
  user: "username",
  password: "***",
  ip: "",
const [bootId, stateId] = await api.getBootAndStateIds();



The main export ist the InnoxelApi class. It provides the main functionality to send messages to innoxel master, and some convenience methods to retrieve/update certain data.


The constructor of the InnoxelApi class acccepts the following configuration object:

  user: "<user name>", // username for accessing innoxel master
  password: "<password>", // required, password of the user
  ip: "<ip address>", // required, ip address of innoxel master
  port: 5001, // optional, defaults to 5001


Methods of the InnoxelApi class:

method description parameters
postMessage<T>(message: SoapMessage): Promise<T> helper method for posting messages to innoxel master and parsing the returned xml (see SoapMessage below) message: soap message object
returns the parsed soap answer
getBootAndStateIdXml(): Promise<string> get current boot and state id response xml
getBootAndStateIds(xml?: string): Promise<[bootId: string, stateId: string]> get boot and state id, either by retrieving them from innoxel master, or by parsing the given xml xml (optional) xml message to parse ids from
getDeviceState(): Promise<IDeviceStatusResponse> get current device state of innoxel master (requires administrator privileges)
getIdentities(): Promise<ModuleIdentityType[]> get identity information for all modules
getWeather(): Promise<IModuleWeather> get weather module data
getRoomClimate(moduleIds: number[]): Promise<IModuleRoomClimate[]> get room climate data moduleIds: array of module ids to query, or [-1] for all modules
getModuleStates(): Promise<IModuleBase[]> get module state data
triggerPushButton(moduleIndex: number, channel: number, event: ModuleInEvent = "autoImpulse"): Promise<void> trigger a push button moduleIndex: module index of the module
channel: channel to trigger
event: how to "push" the button
triggerOutModule(moduleIndex: number, channel: number, event: ModuleOutEvent = "toggle"): Promise<void> trigger an Out module moduleIndex: module index of the module
channel: channel to trigger
event: how to trigger the channel
setDimValue(moduleIndex: number, channel: number, dimValue: number, dimSpeed = 0): Promise<void> set the value of a dimmer moduleIndex: module index of the module
channel: dimmer channel
dimValue: value to set (0-100, 0: off)
dimSpeed: dimming speed (0-15)
setRoomClimate(moduleIndex: number, type: ModuleRoomClimateSetType, temperature: number) set the temperature of a room climate module moduleIndex: module index of the module
type: type of temperature to set
temperature: temperature to set


Class for building the soap message sent to innoxel master.


  • The library was designed to fit my needs for an ioBroker adapter. If additional functionality is required please open an issue.
  • Innoxel Master needs to be polled to retrieve updates, there is no pushing or callback mechanism.
    • Whenever the state of i.e. a switch or dimmer changes, the state id changes too. So for performance reasons, consider using getBootAndStateIds() or getBootAndStateIdXml(), and only if this changes actually load the desired state data.
  • Switches can only be toggled, not set. So you can't set a switch off, but you can have it switch it's state from on=>off or off=>on.


Running tests

npm test

There are two types of tests. Tests with mocks, and tests against an actual Innoxel Master, which are skipped by default. In order to run tests against Innoxel Master, copy .env.template as .env and adjust the required settings.

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  • matthsc