
0.1.57 • Public • Published


Is a web application framework inspired by SailsJS.


Install helicopter via npm.

npm install helicopter

To have nice cli binary you can also install helicpoter-cli.

npm install helicopter-cli -g

Initialize project

Initialize project with init command:

helicopter init [dir]

This command create new project with basic structure. To create project from template use create command which will download template from github or npm:

helicopter create helicopterjs/basic .

Start server

Application should be started with up command:

helicopter up [port]


Name Desc
v,verbose Make output verbose.
e,env Specify environment name.
d,debug Turn debug mode on.

Run application in development environment example.

helicopter up -e development

Run custom command

Helicopter has cli interface to provide application's api which could be called from terminal:

helicopter exec <command> -- [...args]

Arguments are parsed automatically with simplified argv parser. It uses full name arguments only like --name[=value]. Example:

helicopter exec dump -- --mongo-db=test --dir=./test/ --overwrite


Name Desc
v,verbose Make output verbose.
e,env Specify environment name.
d,debug Turn debug mode on.


Commands are specified with commands method of main app class stored in app.js. This method should return dictionary of commands where key is a command name in camel case and value is object descriptor of command. This method should contains several keys: params, description and action.

  commands() {
    return {
      print: {
        params: '[text]',
        description: 'Print console arguments',
        action: (text) => {

Filesystem layout

Default layout has 3 separated folders to separate code on levels api, config and modules. Basic example:

|-- api
|   |-- controllers
|   |   `-- main-controller.js
|   |-- events
|   |   `-- main-events.js
|   |-- models
|   `-- services
|   |   `-- print-service.js
|-- config
|   |-- app.js
|   |-- development
|   |   `-- app.js
|   |-- events.js
|   |-- http.js
|   |-- production
|   `-- routes.js
|-- modules
|-- app.js
`-- package.json

But you can choose your own layout system with overwriting core modules configuration.


Usually controllers stored in api/controllers directory in files with postfix -controller.js. Each controller file should export an object which methods will be used as http methods. Routes could be configured manually in config/routes.js file and could differ for different environments.

Controller example.

// config/routes.js
exports.routes = {
  'GET /hello' : {
    method: 'test.hello'
// api/controllers/test.js
module.exports = {
  hello(req, res) {
    res.end('Hello world');

Controller method also could be a generator thus it will be wrapped with co. Web controller could return promise and it's result will be used as http output. Each return result will be wrapped with customization responses (sendData and sendError).


HTTP-interface supports custom response system to provide wide functionality. There is two ways of using responses: manual in the code res.notFound() or automatically by router which will run methods res.sendError if controllers method returns instance of error and res.sendData when method returns an object.

Response file exports factory which returns new method. Example:

// responses/not-found.js
module.exports = function(req, res) {
  return function (message) {
      .end(message || 'Nothing found');

NOTE! Responses shares scope with whole api directory. See wide scope.

Wide scope

Helicopter use it's own require mechanism which share scope of all files from api directory and allows to avoid mess of requires or other tricks with using initialized modules. This way controllers could access to services by it's name.


// services/print-service.js
module.exports = function () {
  return {
    print: function (msg) {

Using of print service in controller:

// controllers/print-controller.js
module.exports = {
  print (req, res) {


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  • rumkin