
5.0.2 • Public • Published


Star, unstar, or check if you starred a repository or the repositories associated with NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file dependencies on GitHub



npm i -g github-star


githubstar [options]

-h, --help            output usage information
-V, --version         output the version number
-s, --repostar        star a GitHub repository
-u, --repounstar      unstar a GitHub repository
-i, --repoisstarred   check if a GitHub repository is starred
-S, --depsstar        star dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file on GitHub
-U, --depsunstar      unstar dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file on GitHub
-A, --depsarestarred  check if dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file are starred on GitHub
-d, --skipdeps        skip dependencies (has no effect when --package is supplied, or when --depspath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file)
-D, --skipdevdeps     skip devDependencies (has no effect when --package is supplied, or when --depspath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file)
-z, --skipself        skip repos belonging to --username (or the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable) when supplying --depsstar, --depsunstar, or --depsarestarred
-x, --skipauthor <x>  an author to skip when supplying --depsstar, --depsunstar, or --depsarestarred (repeatable)
-X, --skiprepo <X>    a repo to skip when supplying --depsstar, --depsunstar, or --depsarestarred (repeatable)
-P, --package <P>     an NPM, Bower, or Atmosphere dependency (repeatable; must be supplied when not using --depspath)
-n, --username <n>    a GitHub username (may be ommitted if the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable is set)
-t, --token <t>       a GitHub personal access token or password belonging to --username (may be ommitted if GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is set)
-p, --password <p>    a GitHub password or personal access token belonging to --username (may be ommitted if GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is set)
-a, --author <a>      a GitHub author (must be supplied when providing --repostar, --repounstar, or --repoisstarred)
-r, --repo <r>        a repository belonging to --author (must be supplied when providing --repostar, --repounstar, or --repoisstarred)
-j, --depspath <j>    a path to an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file (must be supplied when not providing --package)
-T, --type <T>        the package manager associated with --depspath or --package: NPM, Bower, or Atmosphere (case-insensitive; must be supplied for NPM or Bower dependencies when providing --package; must be supplied for Bower dependencies when providing --depspath, unless the file name is "bower.json")


Manually supply a username / password and star a single repo:

githubstar -u user -p password -s -a sindresorhus -r package-json

Authenticate using environment variables and star all of the dependencies in a package.json file, skipping repositories that belong to the specified author:

githubstar --depsstar --depspath package.json --skipauthor npm

Authenticate using environment variables and check if multiple Bower packages are starred:

githubstar --depsarestarred -P angular -P angular-material -T bower


gitHubStar.repository methods are supported in RequireJS, CommonJS, and global environments. gitHubStar.dependencies methods are only supported in CommonJS environments.

GitHubStar(username, tokenOrPassword)

Instantiate github-star

  • string [username] - A GitHub username (may be omitted if the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable is set)
  • string [tokenOrPassword] - A GitHub personal access token (recommended) or password belonging to username (may be omitted if the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is set)

Example (CommonJS)

var GitHubStar = require('github-star'),
    gitHubStar = GitHubStar('username', 'token');, repo, cb)

Star a GitHub repository

  • string author - A GitHub author
  • string repo - A repository belonging to author
  • function(null | object err) cb - A function to be executed after the repository is starred

Example'mjhasbach', 'github-star', function(err){
    if (err) { console.error(err); }

gitHubStar.repository.unstar(author, repo, cb)

Unstar a GitHub repository

  • string author - A GitHub author
  • string repo - A repository belonging to author
  • function(null | object err) cb - A function to be executed after the repository is unstarred


gitHubStar.repository.unstar('lodash', 'lodash', function(err){
    if (err) { console.error(err); }

gitHubStar.repository.isStarred(author, repo, cb)

Check if a GitHub repository is starred

  • string author - A GitHub author
  • string repo - A repository belonging to author
  • function(null | object err, boolean isStarred) cb - A function to be executed after the repository is checked


gitHubStar.repository.isStarred('gulpjs', 'gulp', function(err, isStarred){
    if (err) { console.error(err); }
});, cb)

Star dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file on GitHub.

  • object opt - An options object
    • string [depsPath] - A path to an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file. Must be supplied if depsList is not supplied.
    • array{string} [depsList] - An array containing NPM, Bower, or Meteor package names. Must be supplied if depsPath is not supplied.
    • boolean [dependencies] - If false, dependencies will not be starred. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • boolean [devDependencies] - If false, devDependencies will not be starred. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • string [type] - The package manager associated with depsPath or depsList: "NPM", "Bower", or "Atmosphere" (case-insensitive). Must be supplied for NPM or Bower dependencies when providing depsList. Must be supplied for Bower dependencies when providing depsPath, unless the file name is "bower.json".
    • boolean [skipSelf] - Skip repos belonging to username if true
    • array{string} [skippedAuthors] - Authors to skip
    • array{string} [skippedRepos] - Repos to skip
  • function(null | object err, object{boolean} wereStarred) cb - A function to be executed after the dependencies are starred. Errors for individual dependencies (e.g. not found on package manager) will be Error objects in the wereStarred object.


// Using depsPath{
    depsPath: './some_file.json',
    dependencies: true,
    devDependencies: false,
    type: "Bower",
    skipSelf: true,
    skippedAuthors: ['angular', 'jquery'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash', 'backbone']
}, function(err, wereStarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(wereStarred, function(wasStarred, dependency) {
        if (wasStarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' was ' + (wasStarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'starred');

// Using depsList{
    depsList: [
    type: "Atmosphere",
    skippedAuthors: ['flemay'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash']
}, function(err, wereStarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(wereStarred, function(wasStarred, dependency) {
        if (wasStarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' was ' + (wasStarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'starred');

gitHubStar.dependencies.unstar(opt, cb)

Unstar dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file on GitHub.

  • object opt - An options object
    • string [depsPath] - A path to an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file. Must be supplied if depsList is not supplied.
    • array{string} [depsList] - An array containing NPM, Bower, or Meteor package names. Must be supplied if depsPath is not supplied.
    • boolean [dependencies] - If false, dependencies will not be unstarred. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • boolean [devDependencies] - If false, devDependencies will not be unstarred. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • string [type] - The package manager associated with depsPath or depsList: "NPM", "Bower", or "Atmosphere" (case-insensitive). Must be supplied for NPM or Bower dependencies when providing depsList. Must be supplied for Bower dependencies when providing depsPath, unless the file name is "bower.json".
    • boolean [skipSelf] - Skip repos belonging to username if true
    • array{string} [skippedAuthors] - Authors to skip
    • array{string} [skippedRepos] - Repos to skip
  • function(null | object err, object{boolean} wereUnstarred) cb - A function to be executed after the dependencies are unstarred. Errors for individual dependencies (e.g. not found on package manager) will be Error objects in the wereUnstarred object.


// Using depsPath

    depsPath: './some_file.json',
    dependencies: true,
    devDependencies: false,
    type: "Bower",
    skipSelf: true,
    skippedAuthors: ['angular', 'jquery'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash', 'backbone']
}, function(err, wereUnstarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(wereUnstarred, function(wasUnstarred, dependency) {
        if (wasUnstarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' was ' + (wasUnstarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'unstarred');

// Using depsList
    depsList: [
    type: "Atmosphere",
    skippedAuthors: ['flemay'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash']
}, function(err, wereUnstarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(wereUnstarred, function(wasUnstarred, dependency) {
        if (wasUnstarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' was ' + (wasUnstarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'unstarred');

gitHubStar.dependencies.areStarred(opt, cb)

Check if dependencies in an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file are starred on GitHub.

  • object opt - An options object
    • string [depsPath] - A path to an NPM, Bower, or Meteor package file. Must be supplied if depsList is not supplied.
    • array{string} [depsList] - An array containing NPM, Bower, or Meteor package names. Must be supplied if depsPath is not supplied.
    • boolean [dependencies] - If false, dependencies will not be checked. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • boolean [devDependencies] - If false, devDependencies will not be checked. Has no effect when depsList is supplied, or when depsPath is supplied and it is a Meteor package file.
    • string [type] - The package manager associated with depsPath or depsList: "NPM", "Bower", or "Atmosphere" (case-insensitive). Must be supplied for NPM or Bower dependencies when providing depsList. Must be supplied for Bower dependencies when providing depsPath, unless the file name is "bower.json".
    • boolean [skipSelf] - Skip repos belonging to username if true
    • array{string} [skippedAuthors] - Authors to skip
    • array{string} [skippedRepos] - Repos to skip
  • function(null | object err, object{boolean} areStarred) cb - A function to be executed after the dependencies are checked. Errors for individual dependencies (e.g. not found on package manager) will be Error objects in the areStarred object.


// Using depsPath
    depsPath: './some_file.json',
    dependencies: true,
    devDependencies: false,
    type: "Bower",
    skipSelf: true,
    skippedAuthors: ['angular', 'jquery'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash', 'backbone']
}, function(err, areStarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(areStarred, function(isStarred, dependency) {
        if (isStarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' is ' + (isStarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'starred');

// Using depsList
    depsList: [
    type: "Atmosphere",
    skippedAuthors: ['flemay'],
    skippedRepos: ['lodash']
}, function(err, areStarred){
    if (err) {

    _.each(areStarred, function(isStarred, dependency) {
        if (isStarred instanceof Error) {
        console.log(dependency + ' is ' + (isStarred ? '' : 'not ') + 'starred');



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  • mjhasbach