
0.4.0 • Public • Published


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Flashy is a 0 dependancy, lightweight flash messages library built using vanilla web components.


Demo Page



Simply include Flashy in your HTML using UNPKG

<script src="https://unpkg.com/flashy-js@latest/dist/flashy.min.js"></script>


<script src="./lib/flashy.min.js"></script>


Coming soon...


To Do

  • Create core functionality
  • Allow for custom styles to be passed
  • Allow for custom emojis to be passed to the flash message
  • Allow for other icons (svg, fa etc.) to be passed to the flash message
  • Allow for custom flash message types


<flash-messages data-max-messages="5"></flash-messages>

To start with inject the flash-messages element into your HTML. This acts as a container to all the messages.

Attribute Type Required Default Description
data-max-messages int false 10 The maximum amount of messages to store in the queue. When the maximum is reached, the oldest message will be removed.

Importing the package exposes the global variable Flashy, which is a function.


Flashy(querySelector, options)

The Flashy function creates a new flash message to display to the user. The Flashy functions accepts two paramaters, querySelector and options.

Parameter Type Required Description
querySelector string true The query selector to the element
options object true Flash message config, see below table.

The acceptable values in the options object.

Key Type Required Allowable Values Description
type string true error / warning / info / success The type of the flash message
title string false N/A The title of the flash message
message string false N/A The message displayede
expiry string false N/A (defaults to 0) Time in MS until message will expire and disappear
globalClose boolean false true / false Adds a close button to the flash message
styles object false N/A CSS styles to customise the flash message. See below for the style definition
Key Type Required Allowable Values Description
text string true N/A Text to be shown on the button
action function false N/A Function to be run when the button is clicked
closesFlash boolean false true / false If set to true, clicking the button will remove the flash message
Key Type Required Allowable Values Description
flashColor CSS Color false N/A Background color of the flash message
titleTextColor CSS Color false N/A Color of the flash message title
titleTextFont CSS Font Family false N/A Font family attribute of the flash message title
msgTextColor CSS Color false N/A Color of the flash message content
msgTextFont CSS Font Family false N/A Font family attribute of the flash message content
linkTextColor CSS Color false N/A Color of the flash message buttons/links
linkTextFont CSS Font Family false N/A Font family attribute of the flash message buttons/links
icon object false N/A Object specifying the icon to be displayed with the message. See below for the icon definition
iconBackgroundColor CSS Color false N/A Background color behind the icon
Key Type Required Allowable Values Description
type string true unicode Type of the icon (more to be added soon)
val any true N/A Value of the icon. For unicode, character literal.
Generic flash message
            type: 'success',
            title: 'It worked',
            message: 'Lets rejoice',
Expiring flash message
            type: 'info',
            title: 'Act quick',
            message: 'This will be gone in 5 seconds!',
            expiry: 5000,
            globalClose: false,
Action required
            type: 'warning',
            title: 'Action required',
            message: 'Something happened and you need to click the button below or this will stay here',
            globalClose: false,
            buttons: [
                    text: 'OK',
                    action: myCoolFunction,
                    closesFlash: true,
                    text: 'Cancel',
                    action: myBoringFunction,
                    closesFlash: false,
Custom styling
    Flashy('flash-messages', {
        type: 'error',
        title: 'Custom styled',
        message: 'This is really ugly, so it will only last for 5 seconds',
        expiry: 5000,
        buttons: [
                text: 'Close it now!',
                closesFlash: true,
        globalClose: true,
        styles: {
            flashColor: '#fff',
            titleTextColor: '#000',
            titleTextFont: '\'Arial\' sans-serif',
            msgTextColor: 'pink',
            msgTextFont: '\'Arial\' sans-serif',
            linkTextColor: 'black',
            linkTextFont: '\'Arial\' sans-serif',
            icon: {
                type: 'unicode',
                val: '🤑',
            iconBackgroundColor: 'grey',

Check out the website for project website https://alex-zissis.github.io/flashy

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