
0.0.4 • Public • Published

CrOss Language Domain generator

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JSON defines ALL @.@

COLD-CLI is a Javascript tool for CrOss Language Domain Generation from a single JSON file. The lib help simplify the process when creating entity classes for different language. The single JSON file definition also help make the domain definition more consistent.

Currently supports: Java, JavaScript, Mongoose(Js)

Note: the project is still under constant development!

Table of content


  • Install the CLI tool globally
npm i -g cold-cli

Start CLI

  • Type coldx in the command line after installation of the cli package

Sample Project Structure

Here is a sample project structure for using the CLI tool. (ref:

+-- coldConfig.json
+-- definition
|   +-- config
    |   +-- java.json
    |   +-- javascript.json
    |   +-- typescript.json
|   +-- entities
    |   +-- domain.json


The CLI will look for a config file coldConfig.json upon initialization. You have to input the config file location. You may leave it blank if the coldConfig.json is your current directory.

# ? COLD-CLI config [coldConfig.json] directory (blank for current directory): <input the coldConfig.json path>

Config variables

variable description example
libVer generated lib version. Linked to pom and package.json 0.0.1
target.baseDir the base directory of the generated domain files ./
target.javaDir output directory of Java domain files cold-common-lib-java
target.jsDir output directory of Javascript domain files cold-common-lib-js
target.mongooseDir output directory of Mongoose domain files cold-common-lib-mongoose
target.javaRefreshDir Java directory to be cleared per code generation src/main
target.jsRefreshDir Javascript directory to be cleared per code generation src/domain
target.mongooseRefreshDir Mongoose directory to be cleared per code generation src/domain
definition.baseDir the directory containing the config files ./example/definition
definition.domain the config file defining the domain entities ./example/definition the Java config file config/java.json
definition.javascript the Javascript config file config/javascript.json
definition.typescript the Mongoose config file config/typescript.json
commentBlockMaxCharPerLine the max. character per line of comment 80
indentation the number of space as indentation 4
logEnabled indicate if log is enabled true/false
logDir indicate log directory,
enables log automatically if logEnabled is not set

Sample coldConfig.json

    "libVer": "0.0.1",
    "target": {
        "baseDir": "../",
        "javaDir": "cold-common-lib",
        "javaRefreshDir": "src/main/java/com/cold/common/coldcommonlib/domain",
        "mongooseDir": "cold-common-lib-mongoose",
        "mongooseRefreshDir": "src/domain",
        "jsDir": "cold-common-lib-js",
        "jsRefreshDir": "src/domain"
    "definition": {
        "baseDir": "./example/definition",
        "domain": "entities/domain.json",
        "java": "config/java.json",
        "javascript": "config/javascript.json",
        "typescript": "config/typescript.json"
    "commentBlockMaxCharPerLine": 80,
    "indentation": 4,
    "logEnabled": true,
    "logDir": "logs"

Language based config

The CLI requires 3 language based config: java, javascript, and typescript.

Java config

The java config is mapped in

Here are the key components of the java config.

key desc
maven the definition for generating pom.xml
dependencyMap dependency mapping for java import
annotateDefaultVal default values of annotations

Java config - maven

  • Defines how the pom.xml will be generated.

  • Definition:

    "maven": {
        "project": {
            "@attribute": {
                "xmlns": "",
                "xmlns:xsi": "",
                "xsi:schemaLocation": ""
            "modelVersion": "4.0.0",
            "parent": {
                "groupId": "org.springframework.boot",
                "artifactId": "spring-boot-starter-parent",
                "version": "2.3.0.RELEASE"
            "groupId": "com.cold.common",
            "artifactId": "cold-common-lib",
            "version": "${libVer}",
            "name": "cold-common-lib",
            "description": "Cold Common Domain Java Lib Example"
  • Generated:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <description>Cold Common Domain Java Lib Example</description>
  • The xml generation is based on the xmlbuilder package.
  • Any ${} (e.g. ${libVer}) in the json template will be replaced by the same config in coldConfig.json.

Java config - dependencyMap

  • Stores the dependency mapping for generated the required import ... string in java class.
  • For any annotation dependency @ will be the key-prefix. E.g. @Data
  • Example:
    "dependencyMap": {
        "@Data": "lombok.Data",
        "Set": "java.util.Set"
  • Generated:
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Set;
public class ... {
    private Set<String> ...

Java config - annotateDefaultVal

  • Defines the default value for each annotation if any.
  • Example:
    "annotateDefaultVal": {
        "EqualsAndHashCode": { "callSuper": true },
        "ToString": { "callSuper": true, "includeFieldNames": true },
        "JsonInclude": "JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL"
  • Generated:
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true, includeFieldNames = true)
public class ...

Javascript config

The javascript config is mapped in coldConfig.json.definition.javascript.

Here are the key components of the javascript config.

key desc
packageJavascript the definition for generating javascript package.json
packageMongoose the definition for generating mongoose package.json
javascriptTypeMap mapping for javascript type conversion
mongooseTypeMap mapping for mongoose type conversion
dependencyMap define dependency needed for specific type

Javascript config - packageJavascript / packageMongoose

  • Same as package.json

Javascript config - javascriptTypeMap / mongooseTypeMap

  • Type conversion mapping
  • Mapping example:
    "javascriptTypeMap": {
        "string": ["String", "ObjectId"]
    "mongooseTypeMap": {
        "Schema.Types.ObjectId": "ObjectId"
  • Generated
// javascript
export interface ... {
    id?: string;

// mongoose
... new Schema ({
    id: Schema.Types.ObjectId,

Javascript config - dependencyMap

  • Defines the import dependency for specific type
  • Example:
    "dependencyMap": {
        "Moment": "moment"
  • Generated:
import { Moment } from 'moment';
export interface ... {
    lastUpdatedDate?: Moment;

Typescript config

The typescript config is mapped in coldConfig.json.definition.typescript.

Here are the key components of the typescript config.

key desc
tsconfig the definition for generating javascript tsconfig.json

Typescript config - tsconfig

  • Same as the tsconfig.json generated

Domain Definition

  • The domain definition is mapped in coldConfig.json.definition.domain.
  • The definition object types are mainly based on Java.

Class Definition

  • A class is defined as an object with "type": "obj". Object without this property will be treated as a directory / package.
  • Here are the 3 main components of a class:
key desc
type indicate the object is a class by "type": "obj"
attributes defines the attributes of the class
properties defines the class properties e.g. annotations and extension
  • Example:
    "packageA" : {
        "ClassA": {
            "type": "obj",
            "attributes": {
                "classAField": { "type": "boolean" }
            "properties": {
                "annotate" : "Data"

  • Generated java:
package com.cold.common.coldcommonlib.domain.packagea;

import lombok.Data;

public class ClassA {

    private boolean classAField;

    public ClassA classAField(boolean classAField) {
        this.classAField = classAField;
        return this;

  • Generated javascript:
export interface IClassA {
    classAField?: boolean;

export class ClassA implements IClassA {
        public classAField?: boolean,
  • Generated Mongoose:
import { Schema } from "mongoose";

const ClassASchema = new Schema ({
    classAField: Boolean,

export { ClassASchema };

Class Definition - attributes

  • The attributes key indicates the object storing the class attributes.
  • Here are the main components of an attribute object:
key desc example
type type of attribute "type": "String"
injection type of class for injecting into the attribute type "injection": "String"
annotate annotation of the attribute "annotate": "NotNull"
desc description of the attribute "desc": "A short desc."

attributes obj - type
  • Java: directly write the same value
  • Javascript: base on the javascriptTypeMap
  • Mongoose: base on the mongooseTypeMap

attributes obj - injection
  • Inject the defined class into the attribute type.
  • Can be a string or an array
  • Example:
"ClassA": {
    "type": "obj",
    "attributes": {
        "classAField1": { "type": "List", "injection" : "String" },
        "classAField2": { "type": "Map", "injection" : [ "String", "String"] }
    "properties": { "annotate" : "Data" }
  • Java:
public class ClassA {
    private List<String> classAField1;
    private Map<String,String> classAField2;
  • Javascript:
export interface IClassA {
    classAField1?: string[];
    classAField2?: Map<string,string>;

export class ClassA implements IClassA {
        public classAField1?: string[],
        public classAField2?: Map<string,string>,
  • Mongoose:
const ClassASchema = new Schema ({
    classAField1: [ String ],
    classAField2: Map,

attributes obj - annotate
  • Annotation is mainly for java code generation.
  • It can be a string / an object / a array.
  • Example:
"attributes": {
    "classAField1": { "type": "String", "annotate" : "NotNull" },
    "classAField2": { "type": "String", "annotate": [
        { "NotNull" : { "message" : "custAcctId cannot be null" }},
        { "Length" : { "min" : 15, "max" : 15, "message" : "Invalid custAcctId" } }
  • Generated Java:
private String classAField1;

@NotNull(message = "custAcctId cannot be null")
@Length(min = 15, max = 15, message = "Invalid custAcctId")
private String classAField2;

attributes obj - desc
  • Defines the comment of the attribute
  • Can be a string or an array of string
"classAField1": { "type": "String", "desc" : "a desc" },
"classAField2": { "type": "String", "desc": [ "desc line 1", "desc line 2" ]}
  • Generated desc:
/** a desc */
private String classAField1;

 * desc line 1
 * desc line 2
private String classAField2;

Class Definition - properties

  • The properties key indicates the object storing the class properties.
  • Here are the main components of an properties object:
key desc example
classType specific type of class "classType": "ABSTRACT_CLASS"
extends class extended "extends": "ClassB"
injection type of class for injecting into the class "injection": "String"
annotate annotation of the attribute "annotate": "Data"
dependencies specific dependencies for import (java) "dependencies": "ToStringSerializer"
desc description of the attribute "desc": "A short desc."

properties obj - classType
  • The classType is mainly for defining special class e.g. enumeration / java abstract class
classType class
ABSTRACT_CLASS public abstract class
ENUM public enum

properties obj - extends
  • Defines the class to be extended
  • Example:
"extends" : "ClassB",
  • Generated java:
public class ClassA extends ClassB {...}
  • Generated javascript:
export interface IClassA extends IClassB {...}
  • Generated mongoose:
const ClassASchema = new Schema ({})

properties obj - injection
  • Defines the class to be injected
  • Example
"properties" : { "injection": "T" }
  • Generated java:
public class ClassA<T>
  • Generated javascript
export interface IClassA<T> {...}
  • Generated mongoose
const ClassASchema = new Schema ({...})

properties obj - annotate
  • Annotation is mainly for java code generation
  • Example:
"annotate" : [
    { "Sharded" : "shardKey = { \"classAId\" }" },
    { "Document" : { "collection" : "collection_a" } },
    { "TypeName" : "\"ClassA\"" }
  • Generated Java:
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true, includeFieldNames = true)
@Sharded(shardKey = { "classAId" })
@Document(collection = "collection_a")
public class ClassA extends ClassB {...}

properties obj - dependencies
  • Add specific import dependencies needed for the class
    • Will search the dependencyMap for the predefined import
  • Mainly for java code generation
  • Example:
"dependencies" : [ "ToStringSerializer" ]
  • Generated Java:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.ToStringSerializer;

properties obj - desc
  • Same as the desc in the class attributes

Dependencies (13)

Dev Dependencies (1)

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  • hongckh