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AcronymMaker in JavaScript

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AcronymMaker creates awesome acronyms for your projects. Let us briefly describe how it works with some vocabulary.

A token is a set of words from which one word must appear in the acronym built by AcronymMaker. Said differently, there must be a letter in common between a word from the set and the built acronym. This letter may be either the first letter of a word in the token or any letter, depending on the letter selection strategy that is given to AcronymMaker.

Additionally, tokens may be optional. In this case, AcronymMaker will try to match a letter from the words in the optional token to a letter in the acronym, but the acronym will still be accepted if it fails to do so.

To find an acronym for a given sequence of tokens, AcronymMaker uses a dictionary, i.e., a set of known words, in which it looks for acronyms. A word in the dictionary is said to be explained (as an acronym) by the sequence of tokens if there is a letter in the word for at least one word in each (non-optional) token. In this case, we say that the letter is explained by the corresponding word.

Moreover, there are two ways to explain a word as an acronym: either by following the order of the tokens in the specified sequence, or without considering this order. AcronymMaker supports both of them (independently).

Finally, note that there may be unexplained letters in the acronym. Their number may be limited, by limiting both the number of consecutive unused letters and the number of overall unused letters in a word. If one of these limits is exceeded, then the word will not be considered as explained.


This project provides a JavaScript implementation of AcronymMaker. You may run it on your computer using Node.js.

You may install AcronymMaker on your computer along with all its dependencies thanks to npm, with the following command line:

npm install acronymmaker

How to use AcronymMaker

There are two ways to use the JavaScript implementation of AcronymMaker. This section describes both of them.

Command-Line Interface

AcronymMaker comes with a command-line interface that has the following usage:

acronymmaker.js [-l {all,first}] [-m {ordered,ordered-greedy,unordered}] [-c <nb>] [-u <nb>] -d <dict> [<dict> ...]

Let us now describe the parameters of the command line above.

  • The parameter -l (--select-letters) allows specifying whether only the first letter or all the letters of a word from a token may be used to explain a letter of the acronym.

  • The parameter -m (--matching-strategy) allows specifying whether the tokens must be considered ordered or unordered. The strategy ordered-greedy also considers the tokens in order, but using a more efficient algorithm that may however miss matching acronyms which would have been found by the ordered strategy.

  • The parameters -c (--max-consecutive-unused) and -u (--max-total-unused) allow specifying the maximum numbers of unused letters in the acronym, by limiting the number of consecutive and overall unexplained letters, respectively.

  • The parameter -d (--dictionary) allows specifying the path to the dictionary file(s) from which AcronymMaker will look for acronyms. You may find such dictionaries here. This is the only required parameter.

Once the command-line application has started, a prompt asks you to enter your tokens, separated by blank spaces. Each token defines a set of words separated with slashes (/), and may end with a question mark (?) to specify that the token is optional. When you press Enter, the matching acronyms are displayed in the console. You may then enter new sequences of tokens if you wish to find other acronyms, or you may exit the application by typing either !exit or !quit.

JavaScript API

You may also want to directly interact with the JavaScript API of AcronymMaker, for example by requiring AcronymMaker in your own Node.js modules. We also provide a browser-friendly bundle of the library, which you can download here, if you need AcronymMaker in your website, for instance.

In the case you write a Node.js module, you first need to require AcronymMaker as shown below.


If you use the browserified version of AcronymMaker, then you only need to make sure that it is properly loaded (all important functions are made globally available by AcronymMaker).

You can now instantiate an AcronymMaker to look for acronyms. To this end, you first need to specify how acronyms should be retrieved, using an object specifying all the settings of AcronymMaker.

const settings = {
    'select-letters': 'first',
    'matching-strategy': 'ordered',
    'max-consecutive-unused': 3,
    'max-total-unused': 5,
    'dictionary': [
        ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
        ['tata', 'titi', 'toto', 'tutu'],

These settings correspond exactly to those of the command line described in the previous section. Note that dictionary is an array of arrays, which allows using words from different sources, for instance if you want to consider different languages when looking for acronyms.

Then, to create an instance of AcronymMaker, you must specify what to do with the found acronyms. In the following example, acronyms will be collected in the array myAcronyms.

const myAcronyms = [];
const maker = createAcronymMaker(settings, (acronym) => myAcronyms.push(acronym));

The maker initialized above will append to myAcronyms all the acronyms it will identify. You may of course provide any callback function as second parameter of createAcronymMaker(), for instance to print the found acronym on the console or to display it in your webpage.

Then, you can find acronyms for a sequence of tokens either by passing a string representing these tokens (with the same syntax as in the command-line interface) or with an array of objects representing the tokens. For instance, you may look for acronyms using

maker.findAcronymsForString('foo/bar? baz');

or, equivalently, using

    { words: ['foo', 'bar'], optional : true },
    { words: ['baz'], optional : false }

These methods will try to explain each word of the dictionary, and will invoke the callback function specified when calling createAcronymMaker() each time it successfully explains a word with the corresponding Acronym instance. To deal with the instances of Acronym that are produced by this method and stored in the list myAcronyms (in this example), you may be particularly interested in the following methods:

  • getWord() gives the word that is explained as an acronym, with each explained letter upper-cased.

  • getExplanations() gives the array of explanations of the acronym, i.e., all the possible combinations of words in the tokens that explain the word as an acronym. Moreover, each letter corresponding to an explained letter of the acronym are upper-cased.

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  • romainwallon