
5.1.1 • Public • Published


TREX is TRES internet's internal build- and development tool.


TREX can be used to build the Design System, used for development and presentation purposes. This tool executes the following build-steps:

  • assets
  • clean
  • html
  • icons
  • library
  • mail
  • optimize
  • pin
  • scripts
  • styles

The purpose of each step is described below.


Copy all assets to the corresponding folder. Generate *.webp-files for all images.


Clear all previously generated files


Parse all Nunjunck-templates and save them as *.html


Copy all icons to the corresponding folder


Copy all Design System files to the corresponding folder


Parse all *.mjml-templates and save them as *.html


Optimize all images and SVG-files


Generate a pincode.config-file that prevents unauthorized access to the deployed Design System


Depending on the scripts.useModernJs-property, the following steps are executed:

Modern JavaScript

Compile all *.js- and *.ts-files and run them through Webpack for TypeScript and ES6 support.

Legacy JavaScript

Minify all *.js files and run them trough Babel for ES6 support. Uses the include()-plugin to import javascript files from within other javascript files.


Parse all *.scss-files, compile them, run them trough PostCSS, generate sourcemaps and save them as *.css


This tool is also used to deploy the assets to a server. It omits a few steps from the build-task, and executes the following steps:

  • assets
  • clean
  • html
  • icons
  • scripts
  • styles


TREX can also be used to serve the Design System locally. It watches for changes in the source files and automatically rebuilds the Design System. Changes in the Design System are automatically reloaded in the browser using BrowserSync.

The following scripts are executed when a file is changed:

  • assets
  • html
  • icons
  • library
  • mail
  • optimize
  • scripts
  • styles

The directories that are watched for changes can be configured in the config-object, as described below.



pnpm i @tresinternet/trex

Run dev-server

npx gulp serve

The Design System should be build at least once for the dev-server to work.

Build Design System

npx gulp build

Build for Production

npx gulp deploy


v3.x.x to v5.x.x

The following configuration keys are required in the config-object:

  • config.scripts - Script configuration

Example values:

config: {
	scripts: {
		useModernJs: true,
		minify: { "builtIns": false, "mangle": true }

The following configuration keys are optional in the config-object:

  • config.paths.assets.webp - WebP input paths. Make sure the input paths only contain images.

Example values:

config: {
	paths: {
		assets: {
			webp: [
				path.posix.join(base.dest, "assets", "images", "**", "*.jpg"),
				path.posix.join(base.dest, "assets", "images", "**", "*.jpeg"),
				path.posix.join(base.dest, "assets", "images", "**", "*.png")


TREX can be configured by adding a gulpfile.js-file to the root of your project.


The gulpfile.js-file should init the TREX-package. This function takes the gulp-task and a config-object as parameters.

const gulp = require('gulp');
const trex = require('@tresinternet/trex');

const config = {
  // Config

trex.init(gulp, config);


The config-object has the following properties:

Property Description
src The base path of the source directory
dest The base path of the destination directory
paths An object containing the paths of the source, destination and watch directories. Accepts additional properties for certain tasks
njk An object containing the options for the Nunjucks-parser
postcss An object containing the options for the PostCSS-parser
scripts An object containing the options for the Javascript-parser
pin The pincode used to prevent unauthorized access to the deployed Design System


The paths-property contains the paths of the source, destination and watch directories. It accepts additional properties for certain tasks.

All paths are defined as glob-patterns and accept an array of globs. See https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html for more information. Also, the path.posix.join-function is used to join the paths. See https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_posix_join_paths for more information.

Path property Description Used by tasks
input The glob that is used as the entry point for the specific tasks All
output The output directory of the assets generated for this task All
watch The glob that is used to watch for changes All
path The path of the source directory. Necessary for the Nunjucks-parser html
index The path of the index file. Used as entry-point for the Design System library
serve The path of the directory that is served by the dev-server library
webp The path of the images that should be converted to webP-images. Make sure you only pass images assets
callback The callback-function that is executed after the task is finished optimize

An example of the paths-property:

paths: {
 clean: {
	input: [
		path.posix.join(base.dest, '**', '*'),
 styles: {
	input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'stylesheets', '*.scss'),
	output: [path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets/stylesheets')],
	watch: [
		// In addition to the `*.scss`-files, the `tailwind.config.js`-file is also watched for changes.
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'stylesheets', '**', '*.scss'),
 html: {
	input: [
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.njk'),
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'html'),
	path: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.njk')
 mail: {
	input: [path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.mjml')],
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'html'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.mjml')
 assets: {
	input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', '**', '*'),
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', '**', '*')
 library: {
	input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'library', '**', '*'),
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'library'),
	serve: path.posix.join(base.dest),
	index: path.posix.join('library', 'index.html'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'library', 'library.json')
 scripts: {
	input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'scripts', '*.js'),
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets/scripts'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'scripts', '**', '*.js')
 optimize: {
	input: [
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', 'images', '**', '*'),
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')
	// The output-directory is omitted, because the optimize-task optimizes the images and icons in-place.
	watch: [
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', 'images', '**', '*'),
		path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')
	callback: function() {
	// Inject the icons into the Nunjucks-parser
	config.njk.data.icons = dirTree('./src/html/icons', {
		attributes: ['type', 'extension']
 icons: {
	input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*'),
	output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'icons'),
	watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')

In order to use base.dest and base.src in the paths-property, the base-object is defined as follows:

const base = {
  src: './src',
  dest: './dist'


To configure the Nunjucks-parser, the njk-property is used. All properties are nested in a data-object. The following properties should be defined:

Property Description
base The base path of the Design System. Should be an empty string when served locally, or the URL of the base path when served online
client The name of the client. Used to display the title of the Design System
tailwind The path of the tailwind.config-configuration file. Used to extract some data for the Design System
icons The path of the icons-directory, wrapped in a dirTree-function. Used to display the icons

An example of the njk-property:

njk: {
 data: {
  base: process.argv.find(arg => arg === 'serve' || arg === 'build' || arg === 'html') ? '' : 'https://example.com',
  client: 'TRES internet',
  tailwind: require('./tailwind.config'),
  icons: dirTree('./src/html/icons', {
   attributes: ['type', 'extension']


To configure the Postcss-parser, the postcss-property is used. The following properties should be defined:

Property Description
plugins An array of Postcss-plugins

For more information about the plugins, see the PostCss documentation at https://postcss.org/.

An example of the postcss-property:

postcss: {
 // Only use PurgeCSS when building or deploying the Design System, or when running the styles-task directly
 plugins: process.argv.find(arg => arg === 'styles' || arg === 'build' || arg === 'deploy') ? [
   // ...
   content: [
    path.posix.join(base.src, '/**/*.njk'),
    path.posix.join(base.dest, '/**/*.html')
   defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
 ] : [
   // ...


To configure the Javascript-parser, the scripts-property is used. The following properties can be defined:

Property Description
minify The babel-minify options - https://babeljs.io/docs/gulp-babel-minify#minifyoptions. Set to false to disable minification


To configure the BrowserSync-server, the browserSync-property is used. See the BrowserSync documentation for more information.

An example of the browserSync-property:

browserSync: {
 ghostMode: false,


To protect the Design System from being accessed by unauthorized users, the pin-property is used. This is a simple 5-digit pin.

Full example

/* global require process */

const dirTree = require('directory-tree');
const gulp = require('gulp');
const path = require('path');
const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env');
const trex = require('@tresinternet/trex');

const base = {
 src: './src',
 dest: './dist'

const config = {
 src: base.src,
 dest: base.dest,
 paths: {
  clean: {
   input: [
    path.posix.join(base.dest, '**', '*'),
  styles: {
   input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'stylesheets', '*.scss'),
   output: [
    path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets/stylesheets'),
   watch: [
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'stylesheets', '**', '*.scss'),
  html: {
   input: [
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.njk'),
    path.posix.join('!', base.src, 'html', '**', '_macros', '*.njk')
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'html'),
   path: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.njk')
  mail: {
   input: [path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.mjml')],
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'html'),
   path: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', '**', '*.mjml')
  assets: {
   input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', '**', '*'),
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', '**', '*')
  library: {
   input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'library', '**', '*'),
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'library'),
   serve: path.posix.join(base.dest),
   index: path.posix.join('library', 'index.html'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'library', 'library.json')
  scripts: {
   input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'scripts', '*.js'),
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'assets/scripts'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'scripts', '**', '*.js')
  optimize: {
   input: [
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', 'images', '**', '*'),
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')
   watch: [
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'assets', 'images', '**', '*'),
    path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')
   callback: function() {
    config.njk.data.icons = dirTree('./src/html/icons', {
     attributes: ['type', 'extension']
  icons: {
   input: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*'),
   output: path.posix.join(base.dest, 'icons'),
   watch: path.posix.join(base.src, 'html', 'icons', '**', '*')
 njk: {
  data: {
   base: '',
   client: 'TRES internet',
   tailwind: require('./tailwind.config'),
   icons: dirTree('./src/html/icons', {
    attributes: ['type', 'extension']
 postcss: {
  plugins: process.argv.find(arg => arg === 'styles' || arg === 'build') ? [
    content: [
     path.posix.join(base.src, '/**/*.njk'),
     path.posix.join(base.dest, '/**/*.html')
    defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
  ] : [
 browserSync: {
  ghostMode: false,
 pin: 12345

trex.init(gulp, config);

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  • jeroensmink
  • rolandvanommeren
  • robintres
  • tjittedevries
  • jeroenk
  • richardvandermeer