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A cursor based custom pagination library for Mongoose with customizable labels.

If you are looking for aggregate query pagination, use this one mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2


Why This Plugin

mongoose-paginate-v2 is a cursor based pagination library having a page wrapper. The plugin can be used as both page as well as cursor based pagination. The main usage of the plugin is you can alter the return value keys directly in the query itself so that you don't need any extra code for transformation. The initial idea of this plugin is loosely based on mongoose-paginate package by github.com/edwardhotchkiss/. So this can be considered as an upgraded version of mongoose-paginate with much more options.

The below documentation is not perfect. Feel free to contribute. :)


npm install mongoose-paginate-v2


Add plugin to a schema and then use model paginate method:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate-v2');

const mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  /* your schema definition */


const myModel = mongoose.model('SampleModel', mySchema);

myModel.paginate().then({}); // Usage

Model.paginate([query], [options], [callback])

Returns promise


  • [query] {Object} - Query criteria. Documentation
  • [options] {Object}
    • [select] {Object | String} - Fields to return (by default returns all fields). Documentation
    • [collation] {Object} - Specify the collation Documentation
    • [sort] {Object | String} - Sort order. Documentation
    • [populate] {Array | Object | String} - Paths which should be populated with other documents. Documentation
    • [projection] {String | Object} - Get/set the query projection. Documentation
    • [lean=false] {Boolean} - Should return plain javascript objects instead of Mongoose documents? Documentation
    • [leanWithId=true] {Boolean} - If lean and leanWithId are true, adds id field with string representation of _id to every document
    • [offset=0] {Number} - Use offset or page to set skip position
    • [page=1] {Number}
    • [limit=10] {Number}
    • [customLabels] {Object} - Developers can provide custom labels for manipulating the response data.
    • [pagination] {Boolean} - If pagination is set to false, it will return all docs without adding limit condition. (Default: True)
    • [useEstimatedCount] - Enable estimatedDocumentCount for larger datasets. Does not count based on given query, so the count will match entire collection size. (Default: False)
    • [useCustomCountFn] - Enable custom function for count datasets. (Default: False)
    • [forceCountFn] {Boolean} - Set this to true, if you need to support $geo queries. (Default: False)
    • [read] {Object} - Determines the MongoDB nodes from which to read. Below are the available options.
      • [pref]: One of the listed preference options or aliases.
      • [tags]: Optional tags for this query. (Must be used with [pref])
    • [options] {Object} - Options passed to Mongoose's find() function. Documentation
  • [callback(err, result)] - If specified, the callback is called once pagination results are retrieved or when an error has occurred

Return value

Promise fulfilled with object having properties:

  • docs {Array} - Array of documents
  • totalDocs {Number} - Total number of documents in collection that match a query
  • limit {Number} - Limit that was used
  • hasPrevPage {Bool} - Availability of prev page.
  • hasNextPage {Bool} - Availability of next page.
  • page {Number} - Current page number
  • totalPages {Number} - Total number of pages.
  • offset {Number} - Only if specified or default page/offset values were used
  • prevPage {Number} - Previous page number if available or NULL
  • nextPage {Number} - Next page number if available or NULL
  • pagingCounter {Number} - The starting index/serial/chronological number of first document in current page. (Eg: if page=2 and limit=10, then pagingCounter will be 11)
  • meta {Object} - Object of pagination meta data (Default false).

Please note that the above properties can be renamed by setting customLabels attribute.

Sample Usage

Return first 10 documents from 100

const options = {
  page: 1,
  limit: 10,
  collation: {
    locale: 'en',

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // result.docs
  // result.totalDocs = 100
  // result.limit = 10
  // result.page = 1
  // result.totalPages = 10
  // result.hasNextPage = true
  // result.nextPage = 2
  // result.hasPrevPage = false
  // result.prevPage = null
  // result.pagingCounter = 1

With custom return labels

Now developers can specify the return field names if they want. Below are the list of attributes whose name can be changed.

  • totalDocs
  • docs
  • limit
  • page
  • nextPage
  • prevPage
  • hasNextPage
  • hasPrevPage
  • totalPages
  • pagingCounter
  • meta

You should pass the names of the properties you wish to changes using customLabels object in options. Set the property to false to remove it from the result. Same query with custom labels

const myCustomLabels = {
  totalDocs: 'itemCount',
  docs: 'itemsList',
  limit: 'perPage',
  page: 'currentPage',
  nextPage: 'next',
  prevPage: 'prev',
  totalPages: 'pageCount',
  pagingCounter: 'slNo',
  meta: 'paginator',

const options = {
  page: 1,
  limit: 10,
  customLabels: myCustomLabels,

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // result.itemsList [here docs become itemsList]
  // result.paginator.itemCount = 100 [here totalDocs becomes itemCount]
  // result.paginator.perPage = 10 [here limit becomes perPage]
  // result.paginator.currentPage = 1 [here page becomes currentPage]
  // result.paginator.pageCount = 10 [here totalPages becomes pageCount]
  // result.paginator.next = 2 [here nextPage becomes next]
  // result.paginator.prev = null [here prevPage becomes prev]
  // result.paginator.slNo = 1 [here pagingCounter becomes slNo]
  // result.paginator.hasNextPage = true
  // result.paginator.hasPrevPage = false

Other Examples

Using offset and limit:

Model.paginate({}, { offset: 30, limit: 10 }, function (err, result) {
  // result.docs
  // result.totalPages
  // result.limit - 10
  // result.offset - 30

With promise:

Model.paginate({}, { offset: 30, limit: 10 }).then(function (result) {
  // ...

More advanced example

var query = {};
var options = {
  select: 'title date author',
  sort: { date: -1 },
  populate: 'author',
  lean: true,
  offset: 20,
  limit: 10,

Book.paginate(query, options).then(function (result) {
  // ...

Zero limit

You can use limit=0 to get only metadata:

Model.paginate({}, { limit: 0 }).then(function (result) {
  // result.docs - empty array
  // result.totalDocs
  // result.limit - 0

Set custom default options for all queries


var mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate-v2');

mongoosePaginate.paginate.options = {
  lean: true,
  limit: 20,


Model.paginate().then(function (result) {
  // result.docs - array of plain javascript objects
  // result.limit - 20

Fetch all docs without pagination.

If you need to fetch all the documents in the collection without applying a limit. Then set pagination as false,

const options = {
  pagination: false,

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // result.docs
  // result.totalDocs = 100
  // result.limit = 100
  // result.page = 1
  // result.totalPages = 1
  // result.hasNextPage = false
  // result.nextPage = null
  // result.hasPrevPage = false
  // result.prevPage = null
  // result.pagingCounter = 1

Using custom count function

If you need to use your own custom count function, then set useCustomCountFn as your custom count function. Make sure the function is returning count as a promise.

const options = {
  useCustomCountFn: function () {
    return Promise.resolve(100);

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // result.docs

Setting read preference.

Determines the MongoDB nodes from which to read.

const options = {
  lean: true,
  limit: 10,
  page: 1,
  read: {
    pref: 'secondary',
    tags: [
        region: 'South',

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // Result

Below are some references to understand more about preferences,


There are few operators that this plugin does not support natively, below are the list and suggested replacements,

  • $where: $expr
  • $near: $geoWithin with $center
  • $nearSphere: $geoWithin with $centerSphere

But we have added another option. So if you need to use $near and $nearSphere please set forceCountFn as true and try running the query.

const options = {
  lean: true,
  limit: 10,
  page: 1,
  forceCountFn: true,

Model.paginate({}, options, function (err, result) {
  // Result


  • Ensure all tests pass before you commit by running npm run test
  • There are pre-commit hooks that run to ensure the files you've changed are formatted correctly.
  • Optionally you can manually run npm run lint && npm run prettier to lint and format every relevant file
  • If using VS Code, install eslint and prettier for easy editor integration.


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