
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Cross-platform development is now an essential aspect of software development. Node Packet Manager, the online repository is a go to site for React Programmers. This is MetaSys' contribution based on challenges we had while developing a single application for both Android and iOS. We offer a flexible NPM package, for UI form field widgets which will work on both Android and iOS platforms. The package is based on React hooks and typescript, which provides an error-free field. It also gives you a clean and consistent look and feel on iOS and Android devices with high performance.

This React Native package has the basic form fields such as Radio Button, CheckBox, Dropdown List and different types of Text Fields. The code takes care of most use cases for the different fields. Developers can pass the required properties and get the results easily and very quickly. The documentation below will help you to easily integrate with your React Native projects. This version is compatible with react-native 0.60 and above.


  1. Installation

  2. Screenshots

  3. Getting started

  4. Properties

  5. Contribution


Run npm i react-native-form-fields--save

import {






  DropDown } from 'react-native-form-fields';


Getting started

Add react-native-form-fields to your JS file.


import {RadioButton} from 'react-native-form-fields'

const onChangeRadio = (selectedObj: any) => {

    console.log('Selected item = ', selectedObj.value)







Name Description Type Default
items Field Items Array Array [ {id: 1, value: 'Option 1'}, {id: 2, value: 'Option 2'}
size Field Size Number -
isVertical Fields' Direction Boolean false
selectedValue Selected Field Object -
onChange Change Radio callback Function -
containerStyle Field Container Style Object { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', marginRight: isVertical: '5%'
icon ContainerStyle Field Icon Container Style Object {justifyContent: 'center', shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, .2)', shadowOffset: { height: 1, width: 1 }, shadowOpacity: 1, shadowRadius: 1}
label ContainerStyle Field Label Container Style Object { justifyContent: 'center'}
labelStyle Field Label Style Object {fontSize: 20, paddingLeft: '2%',color: 'white'}
labelFontSize Field Label Font Size Number 20
labelColor Field Label Font Color String black
selectedIcon Selected Icon Object {size: 20, name: 'radio-button-checked',type: 'MaterialIcons',color:'black' }
unSelectedIcon Unselected Icon Object { size: 20, name:'radio-button-unchecked', type: 'MaterialIcons', color: 'black' }
selectedElement Selected Component React Native Component -
unSelectedElement Unselected Component React Native Component -


import {CheckBox} from 'react-native-form-fields'

<CheckBox label='Javascript' isMarked={true}/>


Name Description Type Default
isChecked Set Checkbox Checked Boolean false
containerBgColor Field Background Color Number -
containerFlexDirection Fields' Direction String row
containerStyle Field Container Style Object { flexDirection:'row',justifyContent: 'center',  marginRight: isVertical : '5%'}
icon ContainerStyle Field Icon Container Style Object {height: 20,justifyContent: 'flex-start',shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, .2)',shadowOffset:{ height: 1,width: 1 },shadowOpacity: 1,shadowRadius: 1}
label ContainerStyle Field Label Container Style Object { justifyContent:'flex-end'}
labelStyle Field Label Style Object { fontSize:16, color: 'black'}
label Field label String -
labelFontSize Field Label Font Size Number 16
labelColor Field Label Font Color String black
onChange Change checkbox callback Function -
checkedIcon Checked Icon Object { size: 20, name: 'check-box-outline', type: 'material-community',color:'black' }
unCheckedIcon Unchecked Icon Object { size:20, name: 'checkbox-blank-outline', type: 'material-community',color:'black' } 
checkedElement Checked Component React Native Component -
unCheckedElement Unchecked Component React Native Component -


import {DropDown} from 'react-native-form-fields'

const dropdownStyles = {

      select: {color: 'white'},

      modalViewBottom: {backgroundColor: 'pink'},

      placeholder: {backgroundColor: 'yellow'},

      modalViewMiddle: {backgroundColor: 'red'},


const onChangeDropdown = (value: any) => {

    console.log('selected value = ', value);






             {id: 'item1', label: 'Apple', value: 'Apple'},

             {id: 'item2', label: 'Ball', value: 'Ball'},

             {id: 'item3', label: 'Cat', value: 'Cat'}


     selectedItem={{id: 'item3', label: 'Cat', value: 'Cat'}}



Name Description Type Default
items Field Items Array Array -
useNativeAndroidPickerStyle Native Android Dropdown Boolean false
style Different styles Object -
modalProps Modal View Props (Only iOS) Props -
dropDownProps DropDown Props Props -
disabled DropDown disabled for selection Boolean false
textInputProps Field Text Input Props Props -
placeholderTextColor Dropdown Placeholder Text Color String #C7C7CD
placeholder Placeholder For DropDown Object -
selectText Default Text for Dropdown view String Select
hideSelectBar Render Dropdown Select Button Bar (iOS only) Boolean Select
onChange Change Picker callback Function -
selectedItem Selected item in the Dropdown list Object
itemTextColor Items Text Color String black
dropdownIcon DropDown Icon Object { size: 20, name: 'chevron-down', type: 'entypo', color: 'black' }
fieldIcon DropDown Icon Component React Component -


import {BasicTextField} from 'react-native-form-fields'

const onChangeText = (text: string) => {

    console.log('Field text = ',text);









Name Description Type Default
label Field Label String -
labelColor Field Label Color String black
labelStyle Field Label Style Object -
isRequired Display Asterisk Symbol Boolean false
asteriskTextStyle Asterisk Symbol Style Object { color: 'red', fontSize: 16 }
Value Field Value String -
onFocusBorderColor Field Border Color on focus String '#007AFE'
isError To Display error Boolean false
errorText Display Error Text String -
errorColor Error Text Color String red
errorTextStyle Error Text Style Object -
errorContainerStyle Error Container Style Object {justifyContent:'center', marginLeft: '1%' }
hintText Hint String -
hintTextStyle Hint Style Object { color: 'orange', fontSize: 16, marginLeft: '2%' }
isSecureEntry To Set Sensetive Text Stay Secure Boolean false
placeholder Field Placeholder String
keyboardType Keyboard Type String default
maxLength Max Length Of The Field Number null
isClearTextOnFocus To Clear The Text On Focus Boolean false
onChange Change Text callback Function -
text FieldBorderColor Field Border Color String black
textFieldStyle Object {color: 'black', paddingLeft: '2%', height: 40,fontSize: 20, paddingVertical: Platform.OS == 'android' ? 0 : null}
textFieldContainerStyle Object {borderColor:'black', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10}
headerStyle Object {alignText: 'center', flexDirection: 'row',flexWrap: 'wrap', marginVertical: '0.5%',paddingLeft: '1%'}
textInputProps Props for Text Input Props


import {IconTextField} from 'react-native-form-fields'

const onChangeText = (text: string) => {

    console.log('Field text = ',text);




   icon={{size: 20, name: 'female', type: 'font-awesome'}}


   errorText='add text'





Name Description Type Default
icon Field Icon String { size: 20,name: 'user', type: 'font-awesome'}
iconColor Field Icon Color String black
value Field Value String
borderColor Field Border Color Object black
isRequiredStyle Asterisk Symbol Style Object
defaultValue Default Value String
isError To Display error Boolean false
errorText Display Error Text String
errorColor Error Text Color String red
errorTextStyle Error Text Style Object { marginLeft: '5%', color: 'blue' }
isSecureEntry To Set Sensetive Text Stay Secure Boolean false
placeholder Field Placeholder String
placeholderTextColor Placeholder Text Color String grey
mainContainerStyle Main Container Style Object { borderWidth: 1, flexDirection: 'row',borderRadius: 20,alignItems: 'center', height: 40, padding: 8, width: '100%'}
iconContainerStyle Icon Container Style Object {width:'8%',marginRight: '2%', padding: 1 }
textFieldContainerStyle TextInput Container Style Object {width:'88%'}
textInputStyle TextInput Style Object {padding:2,color: 'black',...Platform.select({android: {height: 40}})}
onChange Change Text callback Function -

Custom Text Field

import {CustomTextField} from 'react-native-form-fields'


Customized TextField Features

Animated state transitions (normal, focused and errored)

Customizable font size, colors and animation duration

Disabled state

Outlined and filled fields

Masked input support

Multiline text input

Character counter

Prefix and suffix

Accessory views

Helper text

const onChangeText = (text: string) => {

    console.log('Field text = ',text);




   labelText='First Name'











Name Description Type Default
isMultiline Allow Multiple Lines Boolean false
defaultText Prefix or Suffix Text String -
defaultTextPosition Position Of The Default Text String left
value Field Value String -
editable Set Field Editable Boolean true
isRequired Display Asterisk Symbol Boolean false
animationDuration Animation Duration Number 20
isError To Display error Boolean false
errorText Display Error Text String -
errorColor Error Text Color String red
tintColor Field Color On Focus String 'rgb(0,100,234)'
rootColor Field Color When Not Focused String 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .87)'
textColor Text Color String 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .87)
clearTextOnFocus Clear The Text When Focused Boolean false
fontSize Font Size Of The Text Input When Not Focused Number 16
errorFontSize Error Text Font Size Number 12
activeFontSize Font Size Of The Text Input When Focused Number 12
autoCapitalize Capitalize Text,Sentences,Words,Charachters String 'none'
characterLimit Charachter Limit For The Text Field Number -
inputContainerOverrideStyle Set Input Container Style Object -
inputOverrideStyle Set Text Input Style Object -
onChange Change Text callback Function -
textInputProps Props for Text Input Props -


Any type of issues are welcome. Please add screenshots of the bug and code snippet. Also the quickest way to solve the bug is to reproduce it with one of the examples. We would also welcome Pull Requests.

git clone https://github.com/metasyssoftware/react-native-form-fields

npm install

npm run ios # or npm run android

Copyright and License


MetaSys Software Pvt. Ltd.


MIT Copyright 2020 MetaSys Software Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (1)

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npm i @metasys96/react-native-form-fields

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