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Kontent.ai rich text resolver

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This package provides you with tools to transform rich text element value from Kontent.ai into a JSON tree and optionally to portable text standard.


Install the package via npm

npm i @kontent-ai/rich-text-resolver


Module provides two functions to parse rich text HTML into a simplified JSON tree: browserParse for client-side resolution and nodeParse for server-side use with Node.js. Their use is identical, the only difference is the underlying parsing logic.

Parsed output can then be passed to a transformToPortableText function, which converts the JSON tree into portable text blocks.

Full specification of portable text format can be found in the corresponding repository.

💡 The intermediate JSON structure can be manipulated before rendering into Portable text or used altogether independently. See JSON transformer docs for further information.

Portable text resolution

Portable text supports majority of popular languages and frameworks.

Resolution is described in each corresponding repository. You can also find example resolution below.

Custom portable text blocks

Besides default blocks for common elements, Portable text supports custom blocks, which can represent other entities. Each custom block should extend ArbitraryTypedObject to ensure _key and _type properties are present. Key should be a unique identifier (e.g. guid), while type should indicate what the block represents. Value of _type property is used for subsequent override and resolution purposes. This package comes with built-in custom block definitions for representing Kontent.ai-specific objects:

Component/linked item




💡 For image resolution, you may use resolveImage helper function. You can provide it either with a custom resolution method or use provided default implementations for HTML and Vue, toHTMLImageDefault and toVueImageDefault respectively.

Item link




💡 For table resolution, you may use resolveTable helper function. You can provide it either with a custom resolution method or use default implementation from a resolution package of your choice (such as toHTML or toPlainText)


Modifying portable text nodes

Package exports a traversePortableText method, which accepts a PortableTextObject and a callback function. The method recursively traverses all subnodes and optionally modifies them with the provided callback:

    const input = `<figure data-asset-id="guid" data-image-id="guid"><img src="https://asseturl.xyz" data-asset-id="guid" data-image-id="guid" alt=""></figure>`;

    // Adds height parameter to asset reference and changes _type.  
    const processBlocks = (block: PortableTextObject) => {
      if (block._type === "image") {
        const modifiedReference = {
          height: 300
        return {
          asset: modifiedReference,
          _type: "modifiedImage"

      // logic for modifying other object types...

    const portableText = transformToPortableText(input);
    const modifiedPortableText = portableText.map(block => traversePortableText(block, processBlocks));

Plain HTML resolution

HTML resolution using @portabletext/to-html package.

import { escapeHTML, PortableTextOptions, toHTML } from "@portabletext/to-html";
import {
} from "@kontent-ai/rich-text-resolver";

const richTextValue = "<rich text html>";
const linkedItems = ["<array of linked items>"]; // e.g. from SDK
const parsedTree = browserParse(richTextValue);
const portableText = transformToPortableText(parsedTree);

const portableTextComponents: PortableTextOptions = {
  components: {
    types: {
      image: ({ value }: PortableTextTypeComponentOptions<PortableTextImage>) => {
        // helper method for resolving images
        return resolveImage(value, toHTMLImageDefault); 
      component: ({ value }: PortableTextTypeComponentOptions<PortableTextComponent>) => {
        const linkedItem = linkedItems.find(
          (item) => item.system.codename === value.component._ref
        switch (linkedItem?.system.type) {
          case "component_type_codename": {
            return `<p>resolved value of text_element: ${linkedItem?.elements.text_element.value}</p>`;
          default: {
            return `Resolver for type ${linkedItem?.system.type} not implemented.`;
      table: ({ value }: PortableTextTypeComponentOptions<PortableTextTable> => {
        // helper method for resolving tables
        const tableHtml = resolveTable(value, toHTML);
        return tableHtml;
    marks: {
      internalLink: ({ children, value }: PortableTextMarkComponentOptions<PortableTextInternalLink>) => {
        return `<a href="https://website.com/${value.reference._ref}">${children}</a>`;
      link: ({ children, value }: PortableTextMarkComponentOptions<PortableTextExternalLink>) => {
        return `<a href=${value?.href!} data-new-window=${value["data-new-window"]}>${children}</a>`;

const resolvedHtml = toHTML(portableText, portableTextComponents);

React resolution

React, using @portabletext/react package.

import { PortableText, PortableTextReactComponents } from "@portabletext/react";

// assumes richTextElement from SDK

const portableTextComponents: Partial<PortableTextReactComponents> = {
  types: {
    component: ({ value }: PortableTextTypeComponentProps<PortableTextComponent>) => {
      const item = richTextElement.linkedItems.find(item => item.system.codename === value.component._ref);
      return <div>{item?.elements.text_element.value}</div>;
    table: ({ value }: PortableTextTypeComponentProps<PortableTextTable>) => {
      const tableString = resolveTable(value, toPlainText);
      return <>{tableString}</>;
  marks: {
    link: ({ value, children }: PortableTextMarkComponentProps<PortableTextExternalLink>) => {
      return (
        <a href={value?.href} rel={value?.rel} title={value?.title} data-new-window={value?.['data-new-window']}>
    internalLink: ({ value, children }: PortableTextMarkComponentProps<PortableTextInternalLink>) => {
      const item = richTextElement.linkedItems.find(item => item.system.id === value?.reference._ref);
      return (
        <a href={"https://website.xyz/" + item?.system.codename}>

const MyComponent = ({ props }) => {
  // https://github.com/portabletext/react-portabletext#customizing-components

  const parsedTree = browserParse(props.element.value); // or nodeParse for SSR
  const portableText = transformToPortableText(parsedTree);

  return (
    <PortableText value={portableText} components={portableTextComponents} />


For Gatsby.js, it is necessary to ignore the RichText browser module by customizing webpack configuration in order to utilize the package.

// gatsby-node.js

// https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/debugging-html-builds/#fixing-third-party-modules
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ stage, loaders, actions }) => {
  if (stage === "build-html" || stage === "develop-html") {
      module: {
        rules: [
            test: /rich-text-browser-parser/,
            use: loaders.null(),

Vue resolution

Using @portabletext/vue package

<script setup>
import {
} from "@portabletext/vue";
import {
  resolveTableVue as resolveTable,
  resolveImageVue as resolveImage,
} from "@kontent-ai/rich-text-resolver";

const components: PortableTextComponents = {
  types: {
    image: ({ value }: PortableTextComponentProps<PortableTextImage>) =>
      resolveImage(value, h, toVueImageDefault),
    table: ({ value }: PortableTextComponentProps<PortableTextTable>) =>
      resolveTable(value, h, toPlainText),
  // marks etc.

  <PortableText :value="props.value" :components="components" />

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (25)

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npm i @kontent-ai/rich-text-resolver

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  • pokornyd
  • jiri-lojda
  • ivannk
  • enngage