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0.4.39 • Public • Published


An SDK for building hotel apps using Crqlar APIs and Expo.


yarn add @crqlar/expo-sdk


npm install @crqlar/expo-sdk


// Put this before App function in your App.tsx file
  publicKey: Constants.expoConfig?.extra?.publicKey,
  apiUrl: Constants.expoConfig?.extra?.apiUrl,
  wsUrl: Constants.expoConfig?.extra?.wsUrl,
  i18Config: {
    en: {
      translation: require('./assets/translations/en.json')
    de: {
      translation: require('./assets/translations/de.json')
  paperProps: {
    theme: {
      fonts: {
        regular: { fontFamily: 'Arial' }
  } as any,
  customComponents: {
    text: props => <CustomText {...props} />,
    input: (props, ref) => <CustomInput {...props} ref={ref}/>,
    button: (props, ref) => <CustomButton {...props} ref={ref}/>,

// With the SDK initialized, we can start using the app
export default function App() {
  const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
  const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
    "ExampleFont": require('./assets/fonts/ExampleFont.otf')
  const [initializationDone, setInitializationDone] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const init = async () => {
      CrqlarSDK.i18Config && (await initLocalization(CrqlarSDK.i18Config, 'en'));
  }, []);

  if (!fontsLoaded || !initializationDone) {
    return null

  return (
      <Navigation colorScheme={colorScheme}/>

Configuration properties:

Property Explanation
publicKey The public key provided to the SDK. It's used for API authentication and requests to the server.
apiUrl The base URL for all API calls. It's used by the SDK to connect to the server and perform operations.
wsUrl The URL for WebSocket communication. WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.
i18Config Internationalization (i18n) configuration object. This is used for localization of your application, providing translations for the languages you will use. The translations are fetched from *.json files.
paperProps The properties for the react-native-paper library, which is used for UI components in React Native. This particular configuration sets the theme's fonts.
regular, light, thin, medium, labelLarge, labelMedium, labelSmall Font configurations within the paperProps object. In this case, each is set to use the 'RotundaVariable-Regular' font family.
customComponents An object that defines custom React components. These components will replace the default components in the Paper library.
text, input, button These are custom components defined within customComponents. The text is a custom text component, input is a custom input component, and button is a custom button component. Each custom component takes props and, for the input and button components, a ref.

This table explains the high-level concepts of each property. For a more in-depth explanation, you would need to consult the CrqlarSDK documentation, as the specifics can vary based on implementation.


This is a brief explanation of most commonly used data models

Interface Name Description
RestaurantReservation Represents one restaurant reservation.
RestaurantTable Restaurant table information.
CustomerGovernmentID ID info, such as passport, licence, etc.
RoomRate Hotel reservation room rate, OTA.
CustomFormPredefinedValue Predefined value for custom form option.
ServiceReservation Represents one service (eg. spa) reservation.
ServiceSector Sector info - eg. spa, sports, rental.
ServiceValidityPeriod []TODO
AmountType Represent some value, such as price, with detailed info like before tax, after tax, validity, etc.
BaseModel Base model for all Crqlar types.
CheckInInvoiceItem One invoice line.
LocalizedEmailTemplate []TODO
Media Image or other media, with provider (storage) info.
LocalizedContent Content which contains language code and generic JSON content.
ProfileEmail Detailed email info.
Channel Chat message channel.
Customer Basic profile info such as name, gender, birthday...
ProfileAddress Detailed address info.
ReservationExtra Additional requests related to hotel reservation.
Total Represents amount with currency code.
RatePlan []TODO
Service A service which can be booked.
LocalizedText Content which contains language code and text value for that language.
Plan Weekly plan.
ProfilePreference Detailed profile preference with type and value.
BaseAuditableModel Extension of BaseMode which also contains date of modification.
PostCategory Category of app posts.
Resource Staff or facility related to Service and ServiceReservation.
RoomStay One hotel room stay with check-in/out dates, room rates, room id, etc.
Post App post.
GuestAuthClaims Auth response which contains token and user info.
AdditionalGuestRequest Info about additional guests; used during check in.
RestaurantSpecialEvent Marks that restaurant reservation is for some special event (eg. wedding, birthday)
Page Paging response holder with content.
Price []TODO
PlanItem One weekly planner item
ProfilePhone Detailed phone info.
ServiceCategory Category of Service
Availability Info about one availability slot for service or restaurant reservations
CorrespondenceMessage Chat message.
HotelReservation Holds all info about one hotel reservation.
Guest App user


Services are used for making CRQLAR API calls

Service File
AuthService Login, Registration, Push token and other auth related calls.
CorrespondenceMessageService Get conversations and send messages.
CheckInService Send check in requests, check status, list extras.
PostService Get posts list or post details.
PostCategoryService Get post categories or category details.
ProfileService Modify profile data.
CustomFormService Read or submit custom forms.
RestaurantService List restaurants or check availability.
RestaurantReservationService Make restaurant reservations and check status.
PlanService Get plan info and plan for specific date range.
ServiceCategoryService Get info about service categories.
ServiceReservationService Make service (eg. spa) reservations and check status.
ServicesService Get info about available services.
PushService Request permissions and subscribe for push notifications.
StompService Handle web socket communication.
CloudinaryService Upload files


[] Add component descriptions


[] Add a list of util functions


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library

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  • crqlar