TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.1 • Public • Published

TypeScript Adapter for SFDX CLI

Provide TS interfaces to the SFDX CLI as functions instead of executing commands on the command line. This adapter imports SFDX plugins directly instead of using the full SFDX CLI Tool. This adapter imitates CLI calls to oclif commands instead of directly calling plugin functions/classes, since only the CLI API is officially supported.


The plugins used for the released adapter version are the same as in the mentioned sfdx-cli version.

Adapter version SFDX CLI version
v1.2.0 v7.147.1
v1.1.0 v7.142.1
v1.0.0 v7.142.1


You can install this by either using npm installer.


To get started, you'll need to install node v16 (LTS) or greater. While this can be done using an installer from nodejs.com or via an OS-specific package manager.

Install package

> npm install --global @ciguru/sfdx-ts-adapter


Import adapter

import SFDX from '@ciguru/sfdx-ts-adapter';

Supported Commands

> sfdx auth:accesstoken:store (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.auth.accessToken.store(alias, instanceUrl, accessToken);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
alias true --setalias
instanceUrl true --instanceurl
accessToken true N/A To be used as env.SFDX_ACCESS_TOKEN

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.auth.sfdxUrl.store(alias, sfdxUrlFile);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
alias true --setalias
sfdxUrlFile true --sfdxUrlFile

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx auth:store (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.auth.list();

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx auth:logout (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.auth.logout(targetUserName);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:apex:execute (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.apex.execute(targetUserName, apexCodeFile);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
apexCodeFile true --apexcodefile

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:apex:test:run (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.apex.test.run(targetUserName, outputDir, testLevel);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
outputDir true --outputdir
testLevel true --testlevel Specifies which tests to run, using one of these TestLevel enum values:
- RunSpecifiedTests—Only the tests that you specify are run (not supported yet)
- RunLocalTests—All tests in your org are run, except the ones that originate from installed managed packages
- RunAllTestsInOrg—All tests are in your org and in installed managed packages are run

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:data:bulk:delete (since v1.2.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.data.bulk.delete(


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername Username or alias for the target org
csvFile true --csvfile Path to the CSV file containing the ids of the records to delete
sObjectType true --sobjecttype sObject type of the records you’re deleting
allowNoMoreFailedBatches false N/A Mark the transaction as successful if the number of failed batches does not exceed the specified value (default 0)
allowNoMoreFailedRecords false N/A Mark the transaction as successful if the number of failed records does not exceed the specified value (default 0)

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.data.bulk.upsert(


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
csvFile true --csvfile
externalId true --externalid
sObjectType true --sobjecttype
allowNoMoreFailedBatches false N/A Mark the transaction as successful if the number of failed batches does not exceed the specified value (default 0)
allowNoMoreFailedRecords false N/A Mark the transaction as successful if the number of failed records does not exceed the specified value (default 0)

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:data:tree:import (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.data.tree.import(targetUserName, planFile);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
planFile true --plan

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:data:soql:query (since v1.2.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.data.soql.queryCsv(targetUserName, csvFile, query, replaceCsvHeader);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername Username or alias for the target org.
csvFile true N/A CSV file name to save output data
query true --query SOQL query to execute
replaceCsvHeader false N/A (Optional) The string value will be used to replace the CSV header row

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:mdapi:deploy (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.mdApi.deploy(targetUserName, testLevel, isCheckOnly, deployDir, deployZip);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
testLevel true --testlevel Values:
- NoTestRun
- RunLocalTests
- RunAllTestsInOrg
- RunSpecifiedTests - not supported yet
isCheckOnly true --checkonly
deployDir false --deploydir deployDir or deployZip is required. deployDir will be used if specified both parameters
deployZip false --zipfile deployDir or deployZip is required. deployDir will be used if specified both parameters

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.mdApi.deployReport(targetUserName, jobId, waitTimeout);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
jobId true --jobid
waitTimeout false --wait default: 30

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.mdApi.retrieve(targetUserName, retrieveTargetDir, manifestFile, packageNames);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
retrieveTargetDir true --retrievetargetdir
manifestFile true --unpackaged manifestFile or packageNames is required. manifestFile will be used if specified both parameters
packageNames true --packagenames manifestFile or packageNames is required. manifestFile will be used if specified both parameters

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:org:create (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.org.create.scratch(alias, isNoAncestors, definitionFile, devHubUserName, duration, overrideDefinition);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
alias true --setalias
isNoAncestors true --noancestors
definitionFile true --definitionfile
devHubUserName true --targetdevhubusername
duration true --durationdays
overrideDefinition.adminEmail false Command argument: adminEmail=

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:org:delete (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.org.delete(targetUsername, devHubUserName);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
devHubUserName true --targetdevhubusername

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:org:display (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.org.display(targetUsername);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:package:install (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.package.install(targetUserName, packageId);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
packageId true --package

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:source:convert (since v1.1.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.source.convert(outputDir, sourcePath);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
outputDir true --outputdir Output directory to store the Metadata API–formatted files in
sourcePath false --sourcepath Array of paths to the local source files to convert

Output Data

ToBe Described

> sfdx force:source:push (since v1.0.0)

Call function

await SFDX.force.source.push(targetUserName, isForceOverwrite);


Parameter Required SFDX Command attribute Comment
targetUserName true --targetusername
isForceOverwrite false --forceoverwrite

Output Data

ToBe Described

Dependencies (8)

Dev Dependencies (13)

Package Sidebar


npm i @ciguru/sfdx-ts-adapter

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  • andrey.zubov
  • ramukhamadeev
  • smetanink