
2.111.2 • Public • Published

HTML Editor

NPM version

An HTML Editor component used to author rich HTML fragments. It offers three authoring modes for different contexts.

Full HTML Editor

The Full editor surfaces the full range of authoring tools in a traditional WYSIWYG interface.

Best Practices

  • Use to clearly communicate rich text editing functionality
  • Use when we expect authors will want the full range of authoring tools, and there is sufficient space for a fully-featured experience
  • Use on pages where authoring text is one of the primary functions
  • Use when it is possible to give the editor sufficient presence and breathing room on the page
  • Don’t use when multiple editors appear in close proximity; consider Inline mode instead
  • Don’t shrink the Full editor down to fit in tight spaces, such as small sidebars
  • Don’t use when rich text formatting is unnecessary or certain formatting options are disallowed
<script type="module">
  import '@brightspace-ui/htmleditor/htmleditor.js';
<d2l-htmleditor label="Default" html="&lt;p&gt;Hello World!&lt;/p&gt;"></d2l-htmleditor>


                  Property                                             Type                           Description
attachments-only Boolean Whether or not to restrict file uploads to attachments and prevent saving to course/shared files.
auto-save Boolean Whether or not to prompt the user when navigating away from the page while the editor has unsaved content.
compact Boolean Whether or not to use compact styles when rendering editor contents.
disabled Boolean Whether the content is read-only.
files Array Read-only. An array of FileInfo objects for files added.
file-upload-for-all-users Boolean Whether or not to enable file uploads to course or shared files.
full-page Boolean Whether an HTML document or fragment is being authored.
full-page-font-color String, default: #202122 (ferrite) The body font color. Only applies when full-page is true.
full-page-font-family String, default: Browser default The body font. Only applies when full-page is true.
full-page-font-size String, default: Browser default The body font size. Only applies when full-page is true.
height String, default: 355px Initial height of the editor in px, rem, or %.
html String, default: empty string The HTML being authored.
initializationComplete Promise Read-only. Fulfilled when the editor has been fully initialized; pending otherwise.
isDirty Boolean Whether or not the editor is dirty. If auto-save is enabled, set isDirty to false when triggering workflows where you do not want the autosave prompt.
label String Label for the editor. Required unless labelled-by is specified (see below).
labelled-by String ID of a label to be applied to the editor. This label must not be empty.
label-hidden Boolean Hides the label visually.
max-height Number, default: null Maximum height the HTML editor is allowed to resize to. A null value is equivalent to no limit.
max-length Number, default: null Maximum length (measured by number of characters) of HTML contents, including HTML control characters. Enables validation on this criterion when set. A null value is equivalent to no limit.
mentions Boolean Whether or not to enable @mentions.
no-border Boolean Whether or not to render the border around the editor.
no-filter Boolean Whether or not to disable filtering for the content.
no-inline-vertical-margins Boolean Whether or not to remove vertical margins around editor content in inline/inline-limited mode.
no-live-validation Boolean Whether or not to disable live validation (on editor blur).
no-spellchecker Boolean Whether or not to disable spell checking.
paste-local-images Boolean Whether or not to enable local image pasting and drag-and-drop. See additional documentation.
required Boolean Whether or not the editor is a required field. Enables validation on this criterion when set.
source-editable Boolean Whether or not to enable the source code editor.
toolbar-horizontal-offset String, default: 0 Horizontal offset of the toolbar from the edge of the editor.
type String, default: full Whether to render the editor in full, inline, or inline-limited mode.
width String, default: 100% of bounding container Initial width of the editor.
word-count-in-footer Boolean Whether or not to display the current word/character counts in the editor footer.


             Event                                                  Properties Description
d2l-htmleditor-blur None Dispatched when focus is lost from the editor and its toolbar.
d2l-htmleditor-focus None Dispatched when the editor or its toolbar gains focus.
d2l-htmleditor-image-upload-complete None Dispatched when images finish uploading to the editor. If multiple images are being uploaded, the event will only be dispatched once all images are uploaded.
d2l-htmleditor-image-upload-start None Dispatched when images start uploading to the editor. If multiple images are being uploaded, the event will only be dispatched for the first image.
d2l-htmleditor-update None Dispatched as the internal TinyMCE editor is about to lose focus. The HTML editor internally persists its HTML at this time.


  • clear(): Clears editor contents and undo/redo levels
  • focus(): Places focus in the editor
  • toggleInlineEditing(editing): Returns a promise. Toggles the inline editor into or out of editing or readonly mode, depending on the specified editing boolean. Promise resolves on completion. Has no effect on the full editor or in fullscreen mode.

HTML Usage Details

Important: user-authored HTML must be trusted or properly sanitized!

HTML fragment:

<script type="module">
  import '@brightspace-ui/htmleditor/htmleditor.js';
<d2l-htmleditor html="&lt;p&gt;Hello World!&lt;/p&gt;" label="Editor with HTML"></d2l-htmleditor>

HTML document (including head & body):

<script type="module">
  import '@brightspace-ui/htmleditor/htmleditor.js';
<d2l-htmleditor html="&lt;p&gt;Hello World!&lt;/p&gt;" label="Full Page Editor with HTML" full-page></d2l-htmleditor>

Inline Variant

Used in contexts where reducing visual clutter is important. The Inline editor presents as a standard text field. Focusing on the input field summons a floating toolbar with the most important authoring controls, and a fullscreen button to open the Full editor experience.

Best Practices

  • Use where clutter is a concern, such as pages with multiple rich text fields
  • Use where rich text fields appear in cramped spaces, such as sidebars
  • Don’t use the Inline editor when you have a large space to fill
  • Don’t use the Inline editor in places where formatting options are limited, since users can still access the Full editor with the fullscreen button
  • Don’t use the Inline editor where rich text authoring is an primary function of the page, since the Full editor provides more affordances for advanced functionality
<script type="module">
  import '@brightspace-ui/htmleditor/htmleditor.js';
<d2l-htmleditor type="inline" label="Inline" height="150px" width="400px"></d2l-htmleditor>

Limited Inline Variant

Reserved for special use-cases where only basic formatting and insertion options are desired.

Best Practices

  • Use in contexts such as Activity Feed, where formatting options should be limited
  • Don’t use the Limited Inline editor in contexts that should offer the full range of formatting options
<script type="module">
  import '@brightspace-ui/htmleditor/htmleditor.js';
<d2l-htmleditor type="inline-limited" label="Inline Limited" height="150px" width="400px"></d2l-htmleditor>


Implementing local image pasting

Your application or component will need additional implementation work to support local image pasting. When the paste-local-images attribute is specified on the editor, copying/pasting or dragging/dropping images into the editor will prompt the editor to push those images to a temporary location on blur and then expose those files via the editor's files property. It's expected that your application or component will provide its own workflow to save those files somewhere more permanent.


The Brightspace editor has comprehensive screen reader and keyboard navigation support. You can move through toolbar items with the Arrow keys; use Tab and Shift + Tab to quickly switch between the toolbars and content area.

  • Use the Tab key to switch focus down to the content area, and Shift + Tab to shift back up to the toolbar
    • If a context toolbar is visible, it will be positioned between the main toolbar and content area
  • Use the Arrow keys to move between toolbar items
  • Use the Control + Arrow keys (⌘ + Arrow keys on Mac) to move between toolbar groups
  • Use the Return to select and toggle toolbar items, or open dropdown menus

Text Patterns

The following can be entered in the text editing area for quick formatting:

Pattern Formatting
:emoji keyword Open emoji autocomplete menu
*text* Italic text
**text** Bold text
- text Unordered list
1. text Ordered list


To install from NPM:

npm install @brightspace-ui/htmleditor

Developing, Testing and Contributing

After cloning the repo, run npm install to install dependencies, npm run build to generate imports required to consume tinyMCE from the CDN.

Updating TinyMCE

When a new version of TinyMCE has been published to the CDN, update the version export in tinymce-lib-version.js, then run npm run build to re-generate the exports for the new version. This is also done automatically on publish. Do not alter the generated imports yourself.

Running the demos

To start an es-dev-server that hosts the demo page and tests:

npm start


# eslint, stylelint, and langs
npm run lint

# eslint only
npm run lint:eslint


# lint and unit test
npm test

# lint only
npm run lint

# unit tests only
npm run test:headless

# debug or run a subset of local unit tests
# then navigate to `http://localhost:9876/debug.html`
npm run test:headless:watch

This repo uses @brightspace-ui/testing's vdiff command to perform visual regression testing:

# vdiff
npm run test:vdiff

# re-generate goldens
npm run test:vdiff:golden

Versioning and Releasing

This repo is configured to use semantic-release. Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to main.

To learn how to create major releases and release from maintenance branches, refer to the semantic-release GitHub Action documentation.

Dependencies (20)

Dev Dependencies (17)

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npm i @brightspace-ui/htmleditor

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  • dave.batiste
  • dlockhart
  • d2l-travis-deploy