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1.3.5 • Public • Published

Game plan

  1. Single DEX swaps for REF and Jumbo

    • Study REF's router
    • Study the provider object returned by the wallet adapter.
    • Study Jupiter's SDK. Follow its naming conventions.
    • Write SDK: wrapper on a graphQL API
      1. /quote: Get a ranked list of possible routes
      2. /swap: Get serialized TX to swap
  2. Split routes (v2): Use NearWalletSelector.signAndSendTransactions. The wallet can sign multiple TXs directed to different contracts using https://github.com/ref-finance/ref-ui/blob/19d5bee1c40e0b98686965e19a590a7f3ea27ac0/src/utils/sender-wallet.ts#L163. Eg. for adding liquidity in REF, you first call ft_transfer_call() for each token, then call the add_liquidity function on REF.

  3. Multi leg swaps and Orderbook based swaps- todo

  4. Aurora based swaps- Copy code from REF's UI. This is an add-on for the aggregator.

DEX aggregator test setup

  1. Single DEX swap

    • Best route tests are not immediate priority. We can setup local pools and compare results.
    • No tests for returned TX structure.
  2. Multi leg swaps

    1. Deploy an instance of test-token for every token needed by pools.

    2. Deploy pools for every token pair

    3. Test cases:

      1. Ref- single and double swap
      2. Combination of Ref and Jumbo

      Stableswap has the same swap interface as regular pools, so we do not need separate tests. Mainnet stableswap pool ID is 1910.

    4. Have separate unit tests to find best route

Execution plan

  1. Call ft_transfer_call on the input token with v1.comet.near as the destination.
  2. The args are
    "receiver_id": "v1.comet.near",
    "amount" : "100000",
    "msg": {
        "referral_id": "vault.comet.near",
        "dexes": [
                "dex": "v2.ref-finance.near",
                "token_in": "wrap.near",

                // Do not decode
                "actions": [{
                    "pool_id": 0,
                    "token_in": "wrap.near",
                    "token_out": "dai.near",
                    "amount_in": "100000",
                    "min_amount_out": "5000",
                "dex": "spot.spin-fi.testnet",
                "token_in": "dai.near",

                // do not decode
                "actions": [{
                    "market_id": 1,
                    "drop": ["23"],
                    "place": [
                        "price": "2000000000000000000000000",
                        "quantity": "1000000000000000000000000",
                        "ttl": 604800,
                        "market_order": true,
                        "order_type": "Bid",
                        "client_order_id": 1
  1. v1.comet.near will get this message through ft_on_transfer.

  2. For each dex

    1. Read the dex and token_in.
    2. Call token_in::ft_transfer_call, with dex as the reciever_id. The message format should be
        "force": 0,
        "actions": {}, // decoded actions array
        "referral_id": "" // the passed reciever ID
  3. Keep a whitelist of allowed DEXes to prevent fund loss.

  4. Spin needs 3 calls

    1. Deposit input token with ft_transfer_call
    2. Place market orders with place_bid or place_ask. Market orders are executed immediately. Multi-market swaps can be atomically performed using batch_ops.
    3. Withdraw tokens with withdraw function

Gas research

  • 1 TGas = 10^12 gas

  • 3 pool swap on REF: 47 TGas

    • Tx to reciept conversion: 2 Tgas
    • Transfer wNEAR to Ref: 10 TGas
    • Ref swap: 22 TGas
    • Transfer output token to user: 5 TGas
    • Withdraw callback: 3 Tgas
    • Token transfer callback: 2 Tgas
  • Max gas per call: 300 TGas. This should be sufficient for 3 REF-like swaps.

  • swap() based method: takes 139 TGas.

  • Instant swap method: 121 TGas

    • 100 TGas if ft_balance_of and callback is removed
    • Instant swap without outbound transfer: 84

wNEAR -> USDT issue

  1. REF UI returns wrap.near -> DAI (6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f.factory.bridge.near) -> USDT

  2. SDK returns wrap.near -> USDC (a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.factory.bridge.near) -> USDT

    It's using uni v2 algorithm on the stable pool 1910.

Stableswap support

  • Rated pools
    1. Filter them in stableSmart, but include in hybrid smart.

Spin integration

  1. Read output amount with
near view spot.spin-fi.near dry_run_swap '{"swap":{"market_id":1,"price":"3267000"},"token":"near.near","amount":"1000000000000000000000000000"}'


  refund: '251170000000000000000000000',
  received: '2470760500',
  fee: '2470760'
- Only single hops are supported
- Save a JSON file of spin markets
- Dealing with refunds- if refund amount is large, the swap is not competitive and will be subsumed by another DEX. We can skip this field.
- Market 1 (NEAR/USDC) deals with NEAR, not wNEAR. We need wrapper logic before this pool can be supported.
- `price` field is for slippage. It's needed for swaps and dry runs.
  1. Read markets with
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view spot.spin-fi.near get_markets
    id: 2,
    ticker: 'USN/USDC',
    base: { id: 3, symbol: 'USN', decimal: 18, address: 'usn' },
    quote: {
      id: 2,
      symbol: 'USDC',
      decimal: 6,
      address: 'a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.factory.bridge.near'
    fees: {
      maker_fee: '200',
      taker_fee: '400',
      decimals: 6,
      is_rebate: true
    availability: { allow_place: true, allow_cancel: true },
    limits: {
      tick_size: '1000',
      step_size: '1000000000000000',
      min_base_quantity: '500000000000000000',
      max_base_quantity: '501000000000000000000',
      min_quote_quantity: '500000',
      max_quote_quantity: '501000000',
      max_bid_count: 20,
      max_ask_count: 20
  1. Read orderbooks with
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view spot.spin-fi.near get_orderbook '{ "market_id": 1, "limit": 4 }'
  ask_orders: [
    { price: '3290000', quantity: '461670000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '3300000', quantity: '24290000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '3700000', quantity: '5050000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '3750000', quantity: '5000000000000000000000000' }
  bid_orders: [
    { price: '3270000', quantity: '720890000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '3260000', quantity: '38220000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '3000000', quantity: '14000000000000000000000000' },
    { price: '2900000', quantity: '20000000000000000000000000' }
- bid = buy, ask = sell
- Quantity is in terms of base.
- Price: units of base currency (NEAR), per unit of quote currency with decimal places included (USDC)
  1. Swap TX

    1. Price field is for slippage
    2. Run ft_transfer_call() on the input token
  "receiver_id": "spot.spin-fi.near",
  "amount": "500000",
  "msg": "{\"market_id\":2,\"price\":\"1100000\"}"


  1. Tried to swap 100 Aurora for USDC.
    id: 3,
    ticker: 'AURORA/USDC',
    base: {
      id: 4,
      symbol: 'AURORA',
      decimal: 18,
      address: 'aaaaaa20d9e0e2461697782ef11675f668207961.factory.bridge.near'
    quote: {
      id: 2,
      symbol: 'USDC',
      decimal: 6,
      address: 'a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.factory.bridge.near'
    fees: {
      maker_fee: '500',
      taker_fee: '1000',
      decimals: 6,
      is_rebate: true
    availability: { allow_place: true, allow_cancel: true },
    limits: {
      tick_size: '10000',
      step_size: '10000000000000000',
      min_base_quantity: '100000000000000000',
      max_base_quantity: '300000000000000000000',
      min_quote_quantity: '500000',
      max_quote_quantity: '500000000',
      max_bid_count: 20,
      max_ask_count: 20

Tonic integration

  • Fetch markets: J5mggeEGCyXVUibvYTe9ydVBrELECRUu23VRk2TwC2is is USN/USDC market. USN is base, USDC quote.
curl https://data-api.mainnet.tonic.foundation/api/v1/markets

near view v1.orderbook.near list_markets '{ "from_index": 0, "limit": 10 }'
  • Swap using ft_transfer_call() on input token
    "receiver_id": "v1.orderbook.near",
    "amount" : "100000",
    "msg": {
        "type": "Swap",
        "market_id": "J5mggeEGCyXVUibvYTe9ydVBrELECRUu23VRk2TwC2is",
        "side": "Buy",
        "min_output_token": 0
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near call a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.factory.bridge.near ft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id": "v1.orderbook.near", "amount": "1000000", "msg": "{ \"type\": \"Swap\", \"market_id\": \"J5mggeEGCyXVUibvYTe9ydVBrELECRUu23VRk2TwC2is\", \"side\": \"Buy\", \"min_output_token\": \"0\" }"}' --deposit 0.000000000000000000000001 --accountId monkeyis.near --gas 300000000000000
  • Unlike Spin, Tonic always charges taker fee on the quote token.
  • The output amount is rounded as a multiple of lot size. Dust is lost to the exchange. { refund: '0', received: '1000000', fee: '400' }

Wrapped NEAR

  1. Wrap
near call wrap.near near_deposit --deposit 1 --accountId monkeyis.near
  1. Unwrap
near call wrap.near near_withdraw '{ "amount": "1000000000000000000000000" }' --accountId monkeyis.near --depositYocto 1
  1. TX structure

    • Input token is wNEAR: Batch near_deposit action with ft_transfer_call. Have a check to prepend the wrapping instruction.
    • Input token is NEAR on orderbooks: Have a check to call the alternate function.
    • Output token is NEAR, but swap gives out wNEAR: Append an unwrapping action.
  2. Nature of batch transactions

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  • secretshardul