
Tripolsky Petr
  • React+Redux+Types

    published 1.0.0 5 years ago
  • Накорми братишку-программиста!

    published 7.7.777 3 years ago
  • A React form builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on ma

    published 1.5.6 3 years ago
  • A React form builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on ma

    published 2.5.843 16 hours ago
  • Self-hosted context-free Switch routing component for History.js library (React). The library was created to transfer navigation responsibility from a view into Mobx state container (MVC). Also can be used separately as a self-hosted router

    published 1.0.8 5 months ago
  • published 0.0.1 2 years ago
  • The most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + TypeScript + Mobx. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative style

    published 2.2.198 a year ago
  • A Ethereum starter kit for rapid development of the proof of concept solidity app

    published 1.1.16 a year ago
  • The most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + AppWrite. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative style

    published 1.0.14 a year ago
  • The most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + Firebase. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative style

    published 1.0.0 a year ago
  • The PWA launcher for react-declarative

    published 1.0.5 15 hours ago