
  • Provide basic enumerators

    published 3.26.0 3 months ago

    published 1.47.0 4 months ago
  • provide secure login link to web services

    published 2.24.0 3 months ago
  • Provided interface to mysql and neo4j databases

    published 1.49.0 4 months ago
  • TOTEM web skinner

    published 1.63.0 4 months ago
  • Provides basic, customizable and extensible web service

    published 3.15.0 4 months ago
  • Extended mathjs

    published 3.13.0 3 months ago
  • matrix manipulator

    published 2.28.0 3 months ago
  • read and natural-language-parse documents of all kinds

    published 2.6.0 2 years ago
  • Cloud compute for python, js, cv, matlab, R, etc engines

    published 2.18.0 a year ago
  • Does everything but eat. Built on TOTEM.

    published 3.12.0 4 months ago
  • Generate or learn various random processes.

    published 2.8.0 4 months ago
  • **CHIP** surface of a planet. Returned chips contain animage chip and various meta (solar etc) information.

    published 1.10.0 2 years ago
  • Totem Earth provides a 2D-3D earth engine to programmically embed animated 3D objects. Built on TOTEM.

    published 1.6.0 a year ago
  • Totem agent

    published 1.14.0 3 months ago