
3.12.0 • Public • Published


Provides methods to clock, fetch, enumerate, stream, get, and regulate data. Also makes connections to required services: mysql, neo4j, txmail, rxmail.


npm install @totemorg/enums	


npm run start


npm run	startdbs				# Start database servers
npm run start ?					# Show start options
npm run verminor				# Roll minor version
npm run vermajor				# Roll major version
npm run redoc					# Regen documentation


const { Copy, Each, Extend, Stream, Fetch, ... } = require("@totemorg/enums");

// or

import { Copy, Each, Extend, Stream, Fetch, ... } from "@totemorg/enums";

Program Reference

Open / Close ## Modules

Provides enumeration methods, clock, fetch, regulate, stream, fetch and get data. This module documented in accordance with jsdoc. Connections to MySQL and Neo4J databases.


Create a clock object with specified trace switch, every interval, on-off times, and start date. See the clock tick method for more information.


Provides enumeration methods, clock, fetch, regulate, stream, fetch and get data. This module documented in accordance with jsdoc. Connections to MySQL and Neo4J databases.

Requires: module:os, module:cluster, module:fs, module:http, module:https, module:vm, module:cp, module:crypto, module:stream, module:mysql, module:neo4j-driver, module:nodemailer, module:nodemailer-smtp-transport


Dump message to the console.

Kind: static constant of ENUMS

Param Type Description
...args Object Data to dump


Regulate callbacks to cb(t,ctx) on events defined by a trigger spec:



	subspec = NUMBER | NUMBER [s|m|h|d|y] | dd-mm-yr

The context ctx can define:

	ctx.queue = "task queue" to share job status
	ctx.batch = NUMBER of records returned in callback cb(t,recs)
	ctx.client = "client name" to chage this request
	ctx.source = "sql table" record source
	ctx.fields = "field, ..." source fields
	ctx.priority = NUMBER of seconds to monitor signoff-status if required by client

Kind: static method of ENUMS

ENUMS.Assert(test, err)

Assert a test.

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
test Number Test to assert
err String Error message to throw if test not asserted


Provide a Neo4J connector to the callback.

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
cb function Callback cb(connector)


Provide a MySQL connector to the callback.

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
cb function Callback cb(connector)

ENUMS.Start(host, cbs)

Start a unit test using an optional $(cmd,ctx) command processor or a CB() callback provided in the ctx context.
Inspect a KEY variable, file, or notebook or function with ?KEY.

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
host String Name of hosting module
cbs Object hash containing CB() callback or $(cmd,ctx) command processor

ENUMS.Copy(src, tar, deep) ⇒ Object

Copy source hash src to target hash tar. If the copy is shallow (deep = false), a Copy({...}, {}) is equivalent to new Object({...}). In a deep copy, (e.g. deep = "."), src keys are treated as keys into the target thusly:

		A: value,			// sets target[A] = value

		"A.B.C": value, 	// sets target[A][B][C] = value

		"A.B.C.": {			// appends X,Y to target[A][B][C]
			X:value, Y:value, ...

		OBJECT: [ 			// prototype OBJECT (Array,String,Date,Object) = method X,Y, ...
			function X() {}, 
			function Y() {}, 
		... ]


Kind: static method of ENUMS
Returns: Object - target hash

Param Type Description
src Object source hash
tar Object target hash
deep String copy key

ENUMS.Each(A, cb)

Enumerate Object A over its keys with callback cb(key,val).

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
A Object source object
cb function callback (key,val)

ENUMS.Fetch(ref, [cb], [cb])

Fetch (GET || PUT || POST || DELETE) information at a specified ref url


by using a `data` callback || Array || Object || null where PROTOCOL is

	http(s) 	=	http (https) protocol
	curl(s) 	=	curl (curls uses certs/fetch.pfx to authenticate)
	wget(s)		=	wget (wgets uses certs/fetch.pfx to authenticate)
	mask 		=	http access via rotated proxies
	file		=	file or folder path can include wild cards
	lexnex 		=	Lexis-Nexis oauth access to documents
	mysql		=	mysql database
	neo4j		= 	neo4j database

When a file path is "/"-terminated, a folder index is returned.  File paths 
may also contain wild-* cards.  

Optional FLAGS

	batch 	= NUMBER of records to fetch 
	offset	= NUMBER of records to offset fetch
	select	="FIELD, ..." to fetch
	keys	= [...] header keys in csv source
	comma	= "delim" for csv source
	newline = "delim" for csv source

Kind: static method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
ref String source URL
[cb] string | array | function | null callback or data
[cb] function optional callback when first cb is data


Fetch( ref, text => {			// get request



Fetch( ref, [ ... ], stat => { 	// post request with data hash list



Fetch( ref, { ... }, stat => { 	// put request with data hash



Fetch( ref, null, stat => {		// delete request 

Fetch quick SITEREFs


ACCT teliy40602@plexfirm.com / ACLEDsnivel1
API https://developer.acleddata.com/rehd/cms/views/acled_api/documents/API-User-Guide.pdf
SITE https://developer.acleddata.com/
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a real-time data and and crisis analysis and mapping project on political violence and protest across the world. ACLED's mission is to produce dis-aggregated, locally informed data and analysis globally in real time. An ACLED REST API enables users to retrieve data about actors, actor type, country, region and get data in JSON, XML, CSV or text. Filter data by date, area, pagination, etc.

Animetrics FIMS
Aimed at the law enforcement, security and military intelligence industries, Animetrics' FaceR Identity Management Solution (FIMS) allows organizations to bring mobile security and video surveillance facial-biometrics applications into the field for use in real time. FIMS Cloud is used to centralize and access a user's cloud based photographic stores using facial recognition. FIMS Cloud organizes, searches and centralizes access to photographic stores using 1:many web service based verification engine. Access to the service is provided via a RESTful API. Public documentation is not available.

Navlost WXT Weather Tesseract
The WXT Weather Service provides atmospheric weather information through a REST architecture, HTTP requests, and JSON formats. It integrates METAR/TAF information, sun, and moon calculations, targeting aviation and energy applications. Advanced features include: -Upper atmosphere information (e.g., research, aviation, rocketry, military) -Automated, push-type notification of arbitrary weather-related events (alert service) -Calculation of arbitrary results derived from weather forecast information via a server-side scripting language. The default response type is application/json, although other formats may be supported. At the present time, there is partial support for comma-separated value (CSV) responses.

Kind: inner constant of ENUMS


Max files to Fetch when indexing a folder

Kind: inner constant of ENUMS


Fetch wget/curl maxRetry

Kind: inner constant of ENUMS


Fetching certs

Kind: inner constant of ENUMS

ENUMS~Trace(msg, ...args)

Trace log message and args.

Kind: inner method of ENUMS

Param Type Description
msg String Tracing message
...args Object Tracing arguments



Extend protototypes of a constructor.

Kind: inner method of Array

Array~stream(fetch, cb)

Serialize an Array to the callback cb(rec,info) or cb(null,stack) at end given a sync/async fetcher( rec, res ).

Kind: inner method of Array

Param Type Description
fetch function Callback to fetch the data sent to the cb
cb function Callback to process the fetched data.


Serialize a list:

		function fetcher( rec, info => { 

		[ rec, ...].serial( fetcher, (rec, fails) => {
			if ( rec ) 
				// rec = record being serialized
				// done. fails = number of failed fetches



### Serialize a string:

		function fetcher( rec, ex => {
			// regexp arguments rec.arg0, rec.arg1, rec.arg2, ...
			// rec.ID = record number being processed
			return "replaced string";

		"string to search".serial( fetcher, regex, "placeholder key", str => { 
			// str = final string with all replacements made


Array~any(cb) ⇒

Kind: inner method of Array
Returns: this

Param Type Description
cb function Callback(arg,idx)

Array~all(cb) ⇒

Kind: inner method of Array
Returns: this

Param Type Description
cb function Callback(arg,idx)

Array~get(index, ctx) ⇒ Object

Index an array using a indexor:

	string of the form "to=from & to=eval & to & ... & !where=eval"
	hash of the form {to: from, ...}
	callback of the form (idx,array) => { ... }

The "!where" clause returns only records having a nonzero eval.

Kind: inner method of Array
Returns: Object - Indexed data

Param Type Description
index String | Object | function Indexer
ctx Object Context of functions etc


	{ u: [ 11 ], v: [ 0.9129452507276277 ] }



	{ x: [ 1, 10 ] }



	{ mydata: [ 2, 20 ], x: [ 1, 10 ] }



	{ mydata: [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 10, 20 ] ] }



	{ mydata: [ 2, 11 ] }



	{ x: [ 1, 10 ], y: [ 2, 20 ] }



	[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 10, y: 20 } ]



	{ u: [ undefined, undefined ] }



	{ '0': [ 1, 10 ], '1': [ 2, 20 ] }	



Kind: inner method of String


Kind: inner method of String

String~tag(el, at) ⇒ String

Tag url with specified attributes.

Kind: inner method of String
Returns: String - tagged results

Param Type Description
el String tag html element or one of "?&/:="
at String tag attributes = {key: val, ...}


Parse "$.KEY" || "$[INDEX]" expressions given $ hash.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
$ Object source hash


Run JS against string in specified context.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
ctx Object context hash


Return an EMAC "...${...}..." string using supplied context.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
query Object context hash


Parse string into json or set to default value/callback if invalid json.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
def function | Object default object or callback that returns default

String~parsePath(query, index, flags, where) ⇒ Array

Parse a "PATH?PARM&PARM&..." url into the specified query, index, flags, or keys hash as directed by the PARM = ASKEY := REL || REL || _FLAG = VALUE where REL = X OP X || X, X = KEY || KEY$[IDX] || KEY$.KEY and returns [path,file,type].

Kind: inner method of String
Returns: Array - [path,table,type,area,url]

Param Type Description
query Object hash of query keys
index Object hash of sql-ized indexing keys
flags Object hash of flag keys
where Object hash of sql-ized conditional keys

String~chunkFile(path, opts, {Function))

Chunk stream at path by splitting into newline-terminated records. Callback cb(record) until the limit is reached (until eof when !limit) with cb(null) at end.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
path String source file
opts Object {newline,limit} options
{Function) cb Callback(record)

String~parseFile(path, opts, cb)

Parse a csv/txt/json stream at the specified path dependings on if the keys is

	[] then record keys are determined by the first header record; 
	[ 'key', 'key', ... ] then header keys were preset; 
	null then raw text records are returned; 
	function then use to parse records.  

The file is chunked using the (newline,limit) chinkFile parameters.  
Callsback cb(record) for each record with cb(null) at end.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
path String source file
opts Object {keys,comma,newline,limit} options
cb function Callback(record

String~streamFile(path, opts, cb)

Stream file at path containing comma delimited values. The file is split using the (keys,comma) file splitting parameters, and chunked using the (newline,comma) file chunking parameters. Callsback cb( [record,...] ) with the record batch or cb( null ) at end.

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
path String source file
opts Object {keys,comma,newline,limit,batch} options
cb function Callback( [record,...]

String~trace(msg, req, res)

Trace message to console with optional request to place into syslogs

Kind: inner method of String

Param Type Description
msg String message to trace
req Object request { sql, query, client, action, table }
res function response callback(msg)


Serialize this String to the callback(results) given a sync/asyn fetcher(rec,res) where rec = {ID, arg0, arg1, ...} contains args produced by regex. Provide a unique placeholder key to back-substitute results.

Kind: inner method of String

		.serial( (rec,cb) => cb("$"), /junk([^;]*);/g, "@tag", msg => console.log(msg) )




Fetch using supplied url.

Kind: inner method of String


Create a clock object with specified trace switch, every interval, on-off times, and start date. See the clock tick method for more information.

Param Type Description
trace Boolean tracking switch
every String | Float tick interval
on Float on-time or 0 implies infinity
off Float off-time or 0
start Date start date

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