
  • produces ascii images/animations from 2D datasets [2d float arrays] - eg raw pixel data, histograms, signed distance functions etc - for use in CLI / terminal / console applications

    published 1.0.7852 2 years ago
  • give your computer a human name based on its mac address

    published 1.0.2311 a year ago
  • portable n-dimensional spatial database for JSON docs with vectors, combining mddf with leveldb

    published 0.0.27 2 years ago
  • Unofficial tool for interacting with Yahoo Japan's NGT Neighborhood Graph and Tree for Indexing High-dimensional Data

    published 0.0.583 2 years ago
  • n-dimensional spatial database for JSON docs with vectors, combining NGT vector search with leveldb

    published 0.0.113 2 years ago
  • shrink json objects with LZMA (7-zip) or Brotli compression + jsonpack

    published 0.0.124 2 years ago
  • similar to jsonfile, but with automatic jsonpack + lzma (7zip) compression+decompression

    published 0.0.113 2 years ago
  • get total download counts for a list of npm modules

    published 0.0.12 2 years ago
  • list of car / automobile makes and models 1992-2020

    published 0.0.142 2 years ago
  • information about 1 million species, common names for 80K species, icons and categories for species. animals, plants, bacteria, etc.

    published 0.0.12 2 years ago
  • frequencies of stemmed words based on norvig dataset

    published 0.0.123 2 years ago
  • measure the salience / importance of words in a text document -- based on the frequency of the words in the document, versus their frequency in English

    published 0.0.12 2 years ago
  • list of 10,000 companies based on mentions in LinkedIn (up to 2015)

    published 1.0.32 2 years ago
  • list of 182,447 words and phrases from OpenThesaurus

    published 1.0.3 2 years ago
  • convert/encode a float array as a hex string and back again.

    published 1.0.4 2 years ago
  • word2vec embeddings for the top 15,000 english words [300 dimensional]

    published 1.0.13 2 years ago
  • List of 40,000 brands based on amazon product listings

    published 1.0.32 2 years ago
  • return line segment representing the intersection between a pair of 3D triangles. based on Thomas Möller's algorithm.

    published 0.0.22 2 years ago
  • quickly get area of 3d triangle, using cross-product

    published 0.0.25 2 years ago
  • Signed distance function for arbitrary tetrahedron, suitable for marching cubes etc. Includes fast function to check if tetrahedron contains point.

    published 0.0.23 9 months ago
  • get barycentric coordinates for triangle and tetrahedron, convert to/from cartesian coordinates, interpolate vertex normals

    published 0.0.7 2 years ago
  • generate uniformly distributed random points in a 3d triangle

    published 0.0.13 2 years ago
  • request a list of urls, optionally load each result into jquery object

    published 0.0.2321 a year ago
  • recursively merge 3d axis-aligned bounding boxes / cuboids.

    published 0.0.13 9 months ago
  • Explore infinite 3d worlds from the comfort of your terminal

    published 0.0.154 a year ago
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