

  • SCION Workbench enables the creation of Angular web applications that require a flexible layout to arrange content side-by-side or stacked, all personalizable by the user via drag & drop.

    published 18.0.0-beta.3 a month ago
  • Dispatches mouse events between the application window and another cross-origin window.

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • Allows observing changes to host element's size.

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • Provides a viewport component with scrollbars that sit on top of the viewport client.

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • SCION Workbench Application Platform is an extension of SCION Workbench to integrate content from multiple web applications in a coherent way, thus enabling a micro frontend architecture for allowing different front-end frameworks to co-exist and independ

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • SCION Workbench Application Platform is an extension of SCION Workbench to integrate content from multiple web applications in a coherent way, thus enabling a micro frontend architecture for allowing different front-end frameworks to co-exist and independ

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • SCION Workbench Application Platform is an extension of SCION Workbench to integrate content from multiple web applications in a coherent way, thus enabling a micro frontend architecture for allowing different front-end frameworks to co-exist and independ

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • SCION Workbench Application Platform is an extension of SCION Workbench to integrate content from multiple web applications in a coherent way, thus enabling a micro frontend architecture for allowing different front-end frameworks to co-exist and independ

    published 0.0.0-beta.35 4 years ago
  • SCION Microfrontend Platform enables you to successfully implement a framework-agnostic microfrontend architecture using iframes. It provides you fundamental APIs for microfrontends to communicate with each other across origins and facilitates embedding m

    published 1.3.0 2 months ago
  • Provides a collection of framework-agnostic utilities designed primarily for use in SCION libraries such as `@scion/workbench` and `@scion/microfrontend-platform`. This library is written in plain TypeScript and has no dependency on any other library.

    published 1.4.1 a year ago
  • SCION Toolkit INTERNAL is a collection of UI components and utilities designed exclusively for use in SCION applications. DO NOT USE THIS MODULE IN YOUR PROJECT AS IT IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE STABLE AND MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

    published 13.0.0-beta.2 2 years ago
  • SCION Workbench Client provides core API for a web app to interact with SCION Workbench and other microfrontends. It is a pure TypeScript library based on the framework-agnostic `@scion/microfrontend-platform` library and can be used with any web stack.

    published 1.0.0-beta.24 a month ago
  • Provides a collection of Angular components and directives primarily for use in SCION libraries such as `@scion/workbench` and `@scion/microfrontend-platform`. This library is not a comprehensive component library as its focus is on SCION requirements.

    published 18.0.0 2 months ago
  • Provides a collection of Angular components designed exclusively for use in SCION library projects. Note that this module is private to SCION and not public API. DO NOT USE THIS MODULE IN YOUR PROJECT AS IT IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE STABLE AND MAY CHANGE WI

    published 18.0.0 2 months ago