
David A
  • simplifies requestAnimationFrame with AMD friendly callbacks

    published 0.1.0 9 years ago
  • The main CLI for the sensible framework

    published 1.1.20 2 years ago
  • SCSS/CSS starting-point for every project. Mixes smacss namespaced h5bp things with other stuff I use all the time. It includes all the nice things from H5BP nicely namespaced using SMACSS

    published 0.8.5 8 years ago
  • uses hightech javascript technology to discover your browsers scroll-bar width/height

    published 0.4.0 7 years ago
  • always know what element is in scroll range

    published 0.1.0 9 years ago
  • jade helper that outputs whatever textbased file as a string

    published 0.1.0 9 years ago
  • makes it easy to play around with 3d css

    published 0.5.1 8 years ago
  • jade helper that outputs whatever textbased file as a string

    published 0.2.1 9 years ago
  • sass SVG arrow generator

    published 1.0.1 9 years ago
  • requestanimationframe based watch

    published 0.5.2 9 years ago
  • Painless CSS sizes

    published 2.0.0 5 years ago
  • JS Class to transform an array of BEM strings into an object

    published 0.2.0 8 years ago
  • SASS/SCSS module settings

    published 1.2.0 8 years ago
  • SASS/SCSS module settings

    published 2.0.0 3 years ago
  • long list of color names

    published 10.25.1 6 days ago
  • simple JS class to manage color palettes

    published 0.20.2 4 months ago
  • returns the closest value / vector / vectorN from an array

    published 0.6.1 3 years ago
  • Textual color description

    published 0.12.0 2 years ago
  • Color ramp generator using curves within the HSV color model

    published 3.3.0 8 months ago
  • myMind color palettes

    published 2.1.0 a year ago
  • somewhat up to date list of wikipedia color names

    published 1.11.0 2 months ago
  • Color ramp generator using curves within the HSL color model

    published 0.15.0 15 hours ago
  • A collection of color name lists

    published 3.27.0 2 months ago
  • Digital conversion of Color Standards and Color Nomenclature, by Robert Ridgway (1850-1929) was published in Washignton, DC in 1912, it's part of the public domain in the USA. In August 31, 2020 was added to the Gutenberg Project.

    published 1.1.0 2 years ago
  • Rest API that returns a bunch of color names for a given color-value

    published 0.46.0 6 days ago
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