action-based authorization for both node.js and browser applications
published 0.2.1 3 years agoSimple framework for making an IRC bot that uses pre-built or custom plugins to add functionality.
published 0.1.1 9 years agoPlugin for irc-bot-framework that sends messages on a cron schedule
published 0.1.0 9 years agoSimple utility for retrieving language count data from, the most translated site on the internet.
published 0.1.0 9 years agoA very simple image / video gallery with a carousel of thumbnails.
published 0.9.3 9 years agoJS Code Standards for all SilverMine projects - eslint enforcement
published 1.4.0 7 years agoeslint plugins to support our JS Code Standards. See eslint-config-silvermine
published 1.2.0 7 years agoLibrary for monitoring throughput on DynamoDB tables and adjusting it for you based on real-time usage. Can be run as a Lambda function.
published 0.9.1 8 years agoPlugin for the SLS 1.x branch to allow for multiple response mappings.
published 1.0.0 8 years agoPlugin for the SLS 1.x branch that writes a file for dotenv usage.
published 1.0.2 6 years agoPlugin for the SLS 1.x branch to provide better support for SNS events to your Lambda functions
published 1.1.0 8 years agoLibrary for randomly selecting from a list of items using your own weighting for how frequently each item is chosen.
published 1.0.0 7 years agoSASS Code Standards for all SilverMine projects - sass-lint enforcement
published 1.0.1 7 years agoa simple event emitter mixin that is well-tested, solid, and dependency-free
published 1.0.0 7 years agovideo.js plugin for selecting a video quality or resolution
published 1.1.2 7 years agoPlugin for the SLS 1.x branch to provide support for Lambda@Edge (not currently supported by CloudFormation
published 2.1.0 6 years agoutility script for detecting and (optionally) fixing differences between multiple DynamoDB tables (in the same or different regions)
published 1.0.0 7 years agoAn HTML5 video player that supports HLS and DASH with a common API and skin.
published 7.19.0-1 2 years agoLibrary of model objects and utilities for implementing the game Rail Baron
published 1.0.0-rc5 7 years agoChai assertion library plugin to add `strictlyEqual` function and disable `equal`
published 1.1.1 4 months agovideo.js plugin for casting to chromecast
published 1.5.0 a year agovideo.js plugin for casting to airplay
published 1.3.0 a year agoUtility functions for working with AWS API Gateway
published 0.12.2 6 years agoutility script for detecting and (optionally) fixing differences between multiple DynamoDB tables (in the same or different regions)
published 1.3.1 3 years ago