
  • OYDID resolver for did-resolve

    published 0.2.1 7 months ago
  • [SOyA (**S**emantic **O**verla**y** **A**rchitecture)](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/en/soya/) provides a framework to manage layers of semantic description for a dataset enabling well-defined annotation, validation, transformation, and human-readable displa

    published 0.5.31 2 months ago
  • [SOyA (**S**emantic **O**verla**y** **A**rchitecture)](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/en/soya/) provides a framework to manage layers of semantic description for a dataset enabling well-defined annotation, validation, transformation, and human-readable displa

    published 0.16.33 2 months ago
  • accessing Semantic Containers

    published 0.0.2 a year ago
  • OYDID provides a self-sustained environment for managing decentralised identifiers (DIDs). The did:oyd method links the identifier cryptographically to the DID Document and through also cryptographically linked provenance information in a public log it en

    published 0.0.9 2 months ago