
  • An express middleware for automatic in-memory rest routes. Useful for rapid prototyping

    published 0.0.3 10 years ago
  • A simple promise retry implementation that will retry a promise X times before rejecting.

    published 0.1.0 10 years ago
  • Ember Animated Outlet (for mobile) is a plug'n'play module to support animated route transitions in Ember.js

    published 2.0.0 10 years ago
  • Simple authentication for cordova apps made with ember-cli-corodva

    published 0.1.0 10 years ago
  • The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.

    published 0.1.0 10 years ago
  • A simple library that makes saving fixtures with nock and mocha easy.

    published 0.2.0 10 years ago
  • Easily manage gh-pages of your ember-cli addon

    published 0.2.2 5 years ago
  • A test framework agnostic vcr implementation that uses nock.

    published 0.1.5 8 years ago
  • Wrapper around nock-vcr-recorder to simplify creating vcr cassettes in mocha.

    published 0.3.2 9 years ago
  • An Node.js client for interacting with Drupal 7 Services

    published 0.1.4 9 years ago
  • Ember-cli adaptation of the popular photoswipe js library

    published 1.2.0 8 years ago
  • A tool for creating hybrid apps using a combination of ember-cli and cordova

    published 0.1.0-beta-2 8 years ago
  • A Highcharts, HighStock and HighMaps component for ember cli extended with a solid gauge

    published 0.1.42 9 years ago
  • Convert html files to react components

    published 0.15.1 8 years ago
  • react super components

    published 1.6.5 8 years ago
  • HTML text input that auto-formats to a number as you type

    published 0.0.5 8 years ago
  • HTML text input that auto-inserts a decimal place and commas as you type

    published 0.0.2 8 years ago
  • Poetic meteor-react-webflow project generator.

    published 1.4.9 8 years ago
  • A simple promise based client to interact with the anedote api

    published 0.0.2 8 years ago
  • Poetic's ESlint config based on Airbnb's

    published 1.1.0 8 years ago
  • A javascript wrapper with a promise api for using the cordova native calendar plugin

    published 0.5.1 8 years ago
  • A simple React component capable of building HTML forms out of a JSON schema.

    published 0.43.12 7 years ago
  • Bring your own backend! A client side only cms that speaks graphQL.

    published 1.26.0 6 years ago
  • Authentication using JSON web tokens, Mongo DB, and Twilio SMS

    published 2.4.2 7 years ago
  • Made to work with Epson and Star thermal printers

    published 1.1.3 7 years ago
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