Generates device mockups for a given URL using Puppeteer and Facebook Devices
published version 0.0.1, 7 years agoRotates an image by n degrees using node-canvas.
published version 1.0.1, 7 years agoDisplay browser specific content.
published version 1.0.1, 7 years agoember-route-orchestrate lets you orchestrate actions in a route.
published version 0.0.1, 7 years agoember-line-graph is a tiny(1.74kb gzipped), zero-dependency ember-addon to draw line-charts.
published version 1.2.0, 5 years agoThis is a command line utility that I use to generate resized images for various resolutions and to also get pixelated versions that I use for lazy loading with [ajanta](
published version 1.0.0, 7 years agoA fast Static Site Generator that generates optimised, performant websites.
published version 3.3.1, 2 years agoGenerates low-res blurred versions of images that can be used as placeholders while lazy-loading them
published version 1.0.0, 7 years agoLightweight pseudo-localisation for Node
published version 1.0.0, 6 years agogenerate a sitemap for a static website based on local files
published version 1.1.0, 5 years agoAn EmberJS addon to help identify accessibility violations
published version 4.0.0, 2 years agoGet the keys of an object at a depth 'n'
published version 1.0.0, 6 years ago[]( [](
published version 0.0.4, 5 years agoFingerprint assets in ember build
published version 0.0.6, 4 years agoBest way to use SVG images in Ember applications
published version 2.5.1, 2 years agoThis is a WIP project to parse transaction messages(email and SMS) from different banks and extract the relevant information from them.
published version 0.3.0, a year ago