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29 packages found
Run a series of gulp tasks in order.
A small and magical composer for all JavaScript asynchronous.
The fastest thunk/promise-based redis client, support all redis features.
Redux for Stencil.
- stencil
- stenciljs
- redux
- reduxjs
- stedux
- store
- global
- globalstore
- stecilstore
- stencilredux
- reduxstencil
- stencilstedux
- steduxstencil
- state
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A pithy and powerful web framework.
JSON-RPC 2.0 client/server over TCP net.
The fastest way to write Redux actions
Thunk-based task scheduler that executes synchrounous and/or asynchronous tasks under concurrency control.
Babel plugin for redux-smart-actions to reduce boilerplate even more
Read file with LRU caching, rely on thunks.
Wrap a readable/writable/duplex/transform stream to a thunk function.
Compose your control flow with absolute elegance. Support async/await, callbacks, thunks, generators, promises, observables, child processes and streams. Can power applications that need to have plugins. Useful for creating task, test and bench runners.
- async
- async-await
- asynchronous
- asyncify
- await
- cache
- callback
- cb
- co
- compose
- composition
- control
- controlflow
- elegance
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Thunk queue for uncertainty tasks evaluation.
A thunk/promise-based disque client.
a javascript document-oriented database base on redis.
A redux store alternative that generalizes and simplifies CRUD operations
Monkeypatch that lets you easily turn any async function or method into a thunk
A very small javascript benchmark tool!
control concurrency of gulp tasks.
Promisify sync, async or generator function, using [relike][]. Kind of promisify, but lower level. Full compatibility with [co][]4 and passing 100% of its tests.
- all
- async
- callback
- callbacks
- cb
- co
- common
- compatibility
- compatible
- control
- control-flow
- coro
- coroutine
- coroutines
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