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Runtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers
Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter
- typescript
- express
- sequelize
- mongoose
- typeorm
- knex
- prisma
- graphql
- typegoose
- mikro-orm
- routing-controllers
- node-postgres
- logger
- swagger
- View more
Generate Prisma DTOs with seamless class-validator and class-transformer integration for TypeScript applications.
- prisma
- prisma-client
- prisma-schema
- prisma-generator
- prisma-dto
- class-validator
- class-transformer
- typescript
- jsonschema
- openapi
- decorators
- routing-controllers
Custom OpenAPI decorators and utilities for routing-controllers
- class-validator
- class-transformer
- typescript
- jsonschema
- openapi
- decorators
- routing-controllers
- express
- routing-controller-openapi
Biblioteca feita com o express para criar um servidor de forma mais simples e rápida, com suporte a decorators e controllers.
- express
- api
- typescript
- controllers
- decorators
- routing-controllers
- routing
- rest
- restful
- restful-api
- rest-api
- http
- http-server
Runtime Swagger v2 / OpenAPI v2 specification generation for routing-controllers
Runtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers
Runtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers
Buildtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers.
routing-controllers generate openapi file
Mount [routing-controllers]( package as an egg middleware.
bind swagger doc in routing-controller in egg.js.
A high-performance Node.js web framework.
Yunfly. A high-performance Node.js web framework.
适用于 routing-controllers 的自定义注解拦截功能
Routing controller plugin for Tsoa
A simple plugin for routing-controller which allows to inject param from multiple sources.
- routing-controllers
- routing controllers
- routing-controllers-extenstions
- routing controllers extenstions
- typescript
- express
Quick and Easy Generate Project Starter
- typescript
- express
- prisma
- routing-controllers
- node-postgres
- logger
- swagger
- jest
- nodemon
- pm2
- eslint
- prettier
- docker
- docker-compose
Runtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers-extended