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21 packages found
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Determine if an object is a Stream
upgrade streams1 to streams2 streams as a standalone module
Alias for Node.js built-in 'node:stream' module
Callback when a stream has closed
A Vite plugin for seamless access to file metadata and data streams, supporting modern Web API interfaces like Blob, File, and ArrayBuffer
- vite
- vite-plugin
- file
- file-stream
- file-metadata
- blob
- file-api
- readable-stream
- arraybuffer
- file-access
- webapi
- modern-web
- frontend
- web-development
Ducktype if something is a Node.js compatible stream
This package helps to convert any type to buffer and buffer to any type, with 0 dependencies. <br /> Why the package name is <mark>from-buffer-to</mark> ?<br /> **from buffer to any**<br /> **buffer to any**
- from
- buffer
- to
- string
- strings
- number
- numbers
- any
- uint8array
- array-buffer
- shared-array-buffer
- stream
- readable
- writable
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Transform all the data to a readable stream
- reads
- readable
- readable-stream
- stream
- readablestream
- buffer
- file
- createreadablestream
- streaming
- streams
- reading
- reader
- cows
- moo
An in-memory database that's designed for high-performance data storage and retrieval.
- in-memory-db
- sorted-list
- doubly-linked-list
- comparator
- key-value-store
- stream
- batch-operations
- javascript
- memory-db
- evented
- sub-database
- encoding
- readable-stream
- iterable
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Readable stream emitting test data
Stream lumps of data.
Get stats for your streams
Transform stream that takes in ogr2ogr GeoJSON and spits out features from a feature colelction.
Synchronize a function that returns a Node.js readable stream.
A native and modern node.js readable-stream to stringify objects at any sizes, without any third-party dependency, with a custom-deep-level option to improve performance if necessary
- json-stringify
- stream
- stringify
- serialize
- big-objects
- huge-objects
- large-objects
- read-stream
- readable-stream
- custom-deep-level
elasticsearch search results returned as readable stream
gt-buw-xmk has multiple applications to assist with backups and storage.
- gulpplugin
- parser
- option
- command
- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply
- vinyl-bufferstream
- readable-stream
- object-assign
- gulp-util
- clean-css
- livereload
- watch
- gruntplugin
- browser
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SSE as a ReadableStream
Listen for data events on a readable stream without triggering flowing mode
Switch between stream and readable-stream for v0.8