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23 packages found
Pastel QR Code Scanner & Reader is a component built to scan PSL QR codes using a webcam.
🌸 Soothing pastel theme preset for UnoCSS!
Deterministically turn any string into a soft pastel color. 🟣
A mix of the Tokyo Night and One Candy Dark themes with a personal touch.
A Node.js client library for interacting with the Pastel blockchain.
Bring your color, eat your pastel.
All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist
A comfortable soft color pallet that supports automatically switching variants based on the active macOS appearance.
Cool Hyper theme with pastel and blue cocktail
A luminous warm and calm color palette.
Bring your terminal to life with fiery colors, styles, and animations!
- ruby-devil
- overpaint
- overpaint.js
- pastel
- pastel.js
- color
- color.js
- colors
- colors.js
- colored
- colored.js
- colorize
- colorize.js
- paint
- View more
Start projects with the most common tasks of my workflow, using Gulp
Hyper theme with sick colors
Sick colors palette
Generate a pastel color based on a string value
Official Codecademy syntax theme.
This dark but soft theme was inspired by an old t-shirt from the 90's.
Hyper theme with bright pastel colors.
Dark pastel theme for Brackets. Based on the Dark Soda and Monokai color schemes.
Hyper theme with pastel colors