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40 packages found
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Theme monokai for CodeMirror.
Theme monokai-dimmed for CodeMirror.
Monokai Colors with Classic Console Neue font
The most hackable theme for your favorite terminal Hyper
- 80rave
- apex
- base16-green-screen
- base16-ocean-dark
- base16-ocean-light
- color scheme
- dracula
- gruvbox-dark-hard
- gruvbox-dark-medium
- gruvbox-dark-soft
- gruvbox-light-hard
- gruvbox-light-medium
- gruvbox-light-soft
- hackable
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hyperterm theme based on altered monokai colour scheme
The most hackable theme for your favorite terminal Hyper
- 80rave
- apex
- base16-green-screen
- base16-ocean-dark
- base16-ocean-light
- color scheme
- dracula
- gruvbox-dark-hard
- gruvbox-dark-medium
- gruvbox-dark-soft
- gruvbox-light-hard
- gruvbox-light-medium
- gruvbox-light-soft
- hackable
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Scott's custom theme for Hyperterm
Monokai theme for hyper terminal. Extended
my personal scheme: inspired by monokai, tailwind, & the color 🥑"felix"
Monokai-Cobalt theme for Hyper terminal
The most hackable theme for your favorite terminal Hyper
- 80rave
- apex
- base16-green-screen
- base16-ocean-dark
- base16-ocean-light
- color scheme
- dracula
- gruvbox-dark-hard
- gruvbox-dark-medium
- gruvbox-dark-soft
- gruvbox-light-hard
- gruvbox-light-medium
- gruvbox-light-soft
- hackable
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a monokai theme for hyper term with vibrancy
a monokai theme for Hyperterm for WSL
A remastered of the Monokai theme for Hyper
A monokai theme for hyper.
A theme for Hyper that combines Firewatch and Monokai
bright version of the monokai theme for hyper.js
Monokai color theme for HyperTerm.
Seti-Monokai theme for Hyper terminal