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A performant and standard (Bluebird) library that registers a node-style callback on a promise
Essential utils for promises
- callback
- cancel
- cancellable
- cancelable
- cancellation
- cancelation
- token
- CancelToken
- compose
- delay
- event
- fromCallback
- fromEvent
- fromEvents
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A performant and standard (Bluebird) library that registers a node-style callback on a promise
Convert promised code to use node style callbacks
Call a Node-style callback with the resolution value or rejection cause of a Promise without the common pitfalls.
Create functions that both return promises and accept node-style callbacks
Use bluebird's ascallback (aka nodeify) to convert promises to node style callbacks.
A backport of `util.callbackify` for Node.js 6.0 and up.
- async
- callback
- callbackify
- cb
- convert
- depromisify
- dethenify
- errback
- nodeback
- nodeify
- promise-to-callback
- promise
- promisify
- then
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Use Node.js modules with React Native by injecting global symbols
A very lightweight way to nodefiy a promise.
nodeify from then/Promise, all by itself
promisen.js creates promise-returning functions. ready for ES6 Promise.
PhantomJS shim.
randombytes nodeify for react-native, react-native-randombytes wrapper
Nodeify a promise-returning function
Callbackify a promise function. The logical reverse of `thenify`.
Convert an async or promise returning function to a callback accepting function
Use bluebird's nodeify to convert promises to node style callbacks.
Compose a Node errback using an error and success handler
Convert promised code to use node style callbacks