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43 packages found
a specification for maplibre styles
Vue 3 plugin for maplibre-gl
The features of Maplibre GL and Vue3 JS
A Angular binding of maplibre-gl
A MapLibre GL plugin to provide search and autocomplete using the Stadia Maps Search Autocomplete API.
Maplibre (and Mapbox) with Vue 💚
Map tile server for JSON GL styles - vector and server side generated raster tiles
Map tile server for JSON GL styles - serving vector tiles
Integrate indoor= into your maplibre-gl.js map.
A MapLibre GL JS WebComponent
MapLibre Google Maps plugin
Map tile server for JSON GL styles - vector and server side generated raster tiles
Vue 3 plugin for maplibre-gl
This is a angular module that exports a maplibre-gl component that can handle UKIS layers. See @dlr-eoc/services-layers for supported types.
A Vue 3 Component Library for maplibre-gl
a specification for maplibre gl styles
Display terrain and structure shadows cast by the sun in a custom style layer
a specification for maplibre styles
Generate highway shields for maplibre-gl-js maps