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A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Node.js Circuit Breaker Pattern
Expose Brakes metrics as Prometheus data
A module for improving the reliability and fault-tolerance of your NestJS applications
- nestjs
- resilience
- fault-tolerance
- reliability
- retry
- timeout
- bulkhead
- circuit-breaker
- rate-limiting
- cache
- nest
- hystrix
A UI part of java hystrix dashboard for nodejs apps
The module provides express too-busy middleware that has a more reliable logic to detect busy state of the system
Provides a backpressure management hystrix command partially based on too-busy module logic and utilizing hystrix metrics accumulation and circuit breaking
Expose Hystrix stream as Prometheus data
Circuit Breaker: Decorators and tools that can easily apply the Circuit Breaker pattern.
A node module similar to hystrix
The handler provides hystrix functionality to trooba request/response pipeline
A node module similar to hystrix. Who caused riots - cut it!
The module provides a hystrix command middleware for express based applications. The module should be used together with [hystrix-too-busy]( module.
A fast circuit breaker for promise
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Expose Brakes metrics as Prometheus data
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Library for handling external service calls
Trooba based handler that provides more consistent too busy functionality based on hystrixjs and toobusy-js functionality
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks