Search results
158 packages found
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
JavaScript diagramming library
A low overhead circuit breaker for your routes
A flexible, modular REST client built for ease-of-use and resilience.
Parse Gerber/drill files into abstract syntax trees.
Plot @hpcreery/tracespace-parser ASTs into image trees.
zkSNARKs implementation in JavaScript
Render @hpcreery/tracespace-plotter image trees as SVGs.
The Sindri Labs JavaScript SDK and CLI tool.
- circom
- halo2
- gnark
- noir
- zk-snark
- zkp
- zero-knowledge
- zero-knowledge-proofs
- circuit
- groth16
- plonk
- off-chain
- cryptography
- crypto
Client library for circuit related functions which are used in UniRep protocol.
A circuitbreaker implementation for Node.js
Circuit breaker library plugin for Node, express and sequelize with running example code sql store procedure and inline query.
- circuit
- breaker
- express
- node
- server
- backend
- plugin
- nodemon
- sequelize
- tedious
- sql
- sql server
- sql store procedure
- sql server inline query
Command line tool for developing, publishing and installing tscircuit circuits
Module to discover, communicate, and and manage EM Nodes using the EM Local Communications Protocol (EMLCP) with both broadcast and unicast traffic.
zkSNARKs implementation in JavaScript
Circuits library for machine learning in circom
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
A implementation of circuit breaker pattern for simply purporses of resilience
zkSNARKs implementation in JavaScript