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A web component for drawing patterns with CSS
Smart contract set to build an ERC721 token with generated art in SettleMint
color palette generator mico-lib
A component for easily using p5 sketches in Svelte. Allows using Svelte's reactivity system in p5.
An auditory creation tool that turns your images into sounds.
- image
- audio
- image-to-music
- generative
- music
- auditory-creation
- sound-generator
- rgb-to-frequency
- image-processing
- creative-coding
- pixel-art
- sound-art
- frequency-mapping
- audiovisual
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Color ramp generator using curves within the HSL color model
An easy-to-use library to generate random images from a set of layers
Smart contract set to build an ERC721 token with generated art in SettleMint
Color ramp generator using curves within the HSV color model
RPD is a minimal framework for building Node-Based User Interfaces, powered by Reactive Programming
- functional-reactive-programming
- reactive-programming
- node-user-interface
- dataflow-programming
- flow-based-programming
- generative-art
- graphics-programming
- pure-data
- reactive
- nodes
- streams
- reactive-streams
- user-interface
- visualisation
🌈🎨 Generative Art is the idea realized as genetic code of artificial events, as construction of dynamic complex systems able to generate endless variations. This is also a nuxt-module (@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch) - [three.js, tensorflow.js and gsap a
- nuxt-module
- vuejs
- nuxtjs
- nuxt
- modules
- art
- canvas
- gsap
- threejs
- three-js
- 3d-art
- visual-design
- creative
- creative-coding
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GLSL noise visualizer library.
Core watercolor polygon distortion library
Core package of Hiro SDK.
CLI for bootstrapping and publishing Hiro artworks.
Camunda Cloud Kit for Generative Arts
Renders input code as a P5.js sketch
Renders input code using Khan Academy's custom Processing.js environment.
Wasm bindings for Strandify