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is type shorthands for fliphub, hundreds of type checks, modular exports
- helpers
- utils
- typeof
- fliphub
- flipbox
- is
- is-bindable
- is-windows
- is-promise
- is-generator
- is-object
- is-function
- is-real
- is-set
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deep replace objects using property string, regex, fn match
sleepfor(1000); sleeping using while loops.
fluent timer with laps, microtime (polyfill) + parsing, multiple timers, shorthand diffs & specifications
resolve objects, arrays, strings, to app, monorepo, or custom scopes
file helpers for reading, writing, deleting, checking types & existence, extracting metadata, walking, globbing, and more.
core chaining library, heavily based on [webpack-chain](
convert anything to array if it is not already one
preconfigured nodejs util for inspecting, and customizing inspecting
fluent chaining for obj with dot-prop access
expose everything from an object to itself
the core of fliphub, an extensible hub api
fluent script building
convert arrays to objects (arr to obj)
the builder of builders
- flip
- fliphub
- flipbox
- builder
- app-builder
- build-tool
- build-system
- tool
- bundler
- fusebox
- fuse-box
- webpack
- neutrino
- rollup
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find the root path in monorepos
chainable cli creation, minimal, interactive, powerful.
- cli
- vorpal
- fluent
- interactive
- chain
- easy
- creation
- minimal
- nodejs
- fliphub
- flipbox
- webpack-chain
- flipchain
- chainable
extends power-assert, izz, fuse-box-test-runner, chai assert & should... not just sure... fosho. throws if not
the builder of builders