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Add a JS or CSS assets to a generated HTML file
Node module to show resources informations of exe and dll files
Package for reading and writing PE code signatures (but not creating them)
Find the architecture EXE and DLL files are built for.
DLL(doubly linked list) library for javascript projects
Double Lazy Load for Images, Videos and Background Images.
Command-line tool for editing Windows Resource data in executable binaries
Library for extracting GUIDs from PE and PDB files without loading the entire file into memory
Binaries and headers for OpenGL-dependent addons
Binaries and headers for FreeImage-dependent compilation
Simplifies run build DllReferencePlugin & DllPlugin for your webpack project
Binaries and headers for LabSound-dependent compilation
This package is DLL bundle of verndors only;
Qt Gui dynamic libraries for dependent Node.js addons
Provides Windows, processes and other methods that Node calls directly
front end electron dll extends
Qt Core dynamic libraries for Node.js addons
A easy Node.js voicemeeter remote
Binaries and headers for QmlUi-dependent compilation
a generator for a super vue project